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T. A. A. and N. TI. Ry, Bulletin. For the following meetings rates of one and one-third faro will bo made: Camp meeting at Hackley Park, July 19th to August 24th. Tickets to be sold July 18th to 21st inclusive. July 25th, 26th and 28, August 2d to 4th inclusive. August 7th and 9th, August 13th and 14th, August 20th and 21st. Limited to return to August ?5th 1894. Oanip meeting at Haslett Park, July 25th to August 30th. Tickets to be sold each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, limited to return to September 17, 18i)4. For the Bay View and Chautauqua Assembly at Bay View July lOth to August lfth. Tickets to be sold July 9th and 18th, good going on these days only. Limited to return until August löth. For Sells Rros'. Circus at Toledo. May 19th. Tickets to be sold May 19th limited to return May 20th. (16) W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. Seniors sitting at Morgan & Gibson's will have a picture furnished free for the class picture. (12) Farm Rentera May Recome Farm Ouners if they move to Nebraska before the price of land climbs out of sight. Write to J. Francis, G. P. & T. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. for a free pamphlet. It tells you all about everything you nced to know. (15) Whtm Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. CAN YOU WRITE? If you can we will give you a FOUNTAIN PEST FREE Carried in the pocket. Always ready for iise. The holder is of hard rubber perfectly formed and flnished. The Feed is of the most approved pattern, (the same usedinapen costing $2.00,) insuring an even flow and no leakage. The Point will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen is filled with the best ink and tried before sent out. ÍÍOW FOR I'IIE PLAN. Pend U3 25 cents in 1c anl 2c stamps or silver, for a half yearV Hiibscrip ion to Virginia, a beautifu ly illustrated, 24 page monthly inag;i.iii", with excellent information for tl.u offli-e, parlor, hedroom, dining-room, kitchen, farm and garden, with just wit and humor enough to drive away the blues. Don't put it off but write io-day and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. Address VlKGINIA PUBLISHING Co., 1-üclini'iiii1. Va. í'luiuiiij lotice. State of Mich igan- Snit pending in the Circuit Court for Waahtenaw. County in Chancery, wherein Mary A. Simonson is eompiainant nnd Jay F. Simonson is defendant, Batisfactorj proof appearing in this Court by affidavit on file that defendant is not a resident of this state, but is a resident of the State of Missouri, it is ordered that the defendant appear and answer the bilí of eomplaint filed in this cause within four months froin the date of this order. Datjd, May löth, 1894. E. 1). Kin-xk. Circuit Judgo. RANDALL & CORBIN, Solieitors for Complainant. Attest: Arthur Broun Register. 18 Want Money ? or a Home? Want Work? or a Farm ? nfj Want to open up a store in a UU growing town? Want to raise live stock? Want to know how -_- to buy improved farras in a well settled región without Vnil payinpeash? Particulars and I U U puolieations sent f ree by F. I. WHlTNEy, ,__ . Paul, Minn EDMUNDS & KRAUS, House Painters and Decorators WIIOI.KS.U.K AM) KKTAII. DEAUEB8 IN Strictly Pure Ready Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, Putty, Window Glass, Etc, Etc. OFFICE AND STORE : HO. 18 N. 4th AYE. AKLIMiTON lii.ix K. gEstimatos on work cheerfully given THE SIMPLEX PRINTER, A NEW INVENTION For duplieatinr copies of writings and drawings. Simple, Cheap and Effective. IMtOKMI BlOHill 50,00)0 ISHHS. Fi-om an original, on an olidinary paper with any pon, 100 copies ain be made. 50 nopfeè uf manuscript produrud in 15 minutes. Stnd foi' circulara and samples of woi-k.' Vgfxts Waxïi;i . LAWTON & CO., 20 renej si., v, ïork.


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