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Par oysters go to Headquarters. We have the iinest Bulk oysters in the city also cans,sholl oysters andclams, all we ask is a trial Elmer & Clark, 22 E Huron-st.. (OOtf) OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, sueh as To Rent, For Sale and Wants, not exceediug three lineB, can be inserted three weeks lor -. cents. WANTIil). Job work, cleaning and taking care of lawns, cleaning out cellar, cleaning cárpete, and all kinds of manual work about house, yard or garden. Batea rcasonable. Give me a trial as I am sure I can please you. Chas. G. Corbit, 6 Church-st. (19; WANTE- Parties desiring to buy or sell real estáte will Hnd It to their advantage to cali on Mary L. Hamilton, 15 S. Thayer-st., Ann Arbor. Houses and lots for sale or rent in dusirablo localily. OTtf ANTED-Jnl work of all kinds. Special attention given to putting in cess pools, taking care of yards, cleaning eisterns, etc. Everythlng done in a neat and workman-like marnier. Best of reforences given. Rates reasonable. J. W. Shaw, 31 W. Huron-!., Wol side door. 05tf WANTH1) Party wishes to secure a loan of $4,000 for a term of years. Can give flrst mortgage on property worth fully 120,000 as securlty. Must have low rato of interest. Addresa A. J., Prawer I), Ann Arbor. 99 FOK SALE. Í1OK SAL.E, or will trade for bicycle, a ridingpony. Will drive single or doublé. Also two-seated surrey will be soldchean. E. M. G., 53 ÍS. State-st. 14 IiOIt SAIiE - A gentleman who has been running a large bo&rdlng house while attendlngtne Dniverslty completes hlscourse this year and wishes to aell out hts business. He offers :i bargaln tothe right person. Address L. E., Drawer D., and the party will cali. IB L1 OK SAIjKi- Aly four year okl horst', 1 drives single or doublé, also phaetOE and spring wagon, both almost new. L. L. Janes, li-, Ui Kn-i I nivrrsity-ave, i: I7OR SALE:- A large double-bed-hair l matttess and woven uiie spring. No. (i Cornwell l'lace. i: FOR SALE - "Victor cushion tire bicyéle, last year's pattern, $15.00. lloom 1 3d Floor, Hamilton block. (lOtf) FOR SALE - An almost new canopy top phaeton, built with Dexter springs and in the latest style. Has been use'd but a short time. A bargain. I. C. Handy, over Seabold's blacksmith shop opposite the Cook House. (lOtf) POK SAIiE - An almost new and complete tennis set will be sold at a big reduction. Oall and examine it and get price at 32 S. Kift h-ave. 16 PK SA1.E-AI a bargain a lady's Monarch - Bicycle of latest pattern, perfectly new prlce 1100. Will sell for 180, 166 down, balance on time. A bargain. For particularsenquire of 8. A. Moran. Register Office. (13) pok 8AXJK- A perfectly new Victor Bicy-"- ele, Usted at $15(1- for sale at $95. A bargain that you do not meet every day The Wheel is perfectly new and must be sold soon. Address [)., Drawer D., Ann Arbor, and the owner will cali, [j;i] poli SAIiK:- WliiTi you begin your house cleaning you will want some old paper to put under your carpeta. We have several hundred lbs. of old newspapera, exchanges, etc.whlch we wUl sell ai tic var ft, y, thè usual prlce. Oall al t ho office of The Register before ïtisall goiie. 08 T1OK SAI.E - Mrs. I'erkin's farm, ' 80 acres, 2 miles easi, of Saline, 7 miles somhof Aun Arbor, known as the Kellogg farm. Six acres good hearing peach orchard bouse, barn, stock and well water in ftbundance, school within ' mile. Price reasonable termseasy.callonpremlsesorM s. [ngallsst.., Ann Arbor. 94tt LlOÏt SAtK-Flnncgan & Ricliards are selX Mug batled hay and straw at wholesale pnces. No. 9 Detroit St. tf FOIÍ SAI;E- The undersigned will sell the splendld farm of Sansón Sesslon (to close the íestatel laylngon section two township ot Morthfield, conaiating of ;.'M acres of land tor the sum ofseven thonsand dollars which iless than $83 per acre. Nowlsthe time to get a bargain. flrst come flrst served. E. Treadwilland 11 s. Besslons, Executorsof Hanson Besslon. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec: 26, 1898. ffltf L1" '" SA1.1S- 120 Acres of Land. sïx l miles (rom city, or will exchange for city p rop erty. Bnqmre at No. 3 E. LiberU-styiti LARM FK l.K:- The Bullook or Hverett l farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Aun Arbor, containirg 109 acres house and baras, stock and well water in abundante, timber; schooi and churchwithin a mileland naturally the best; all seeded down Price and terms reasonable. Cali on or Andrew E. Gib8on,30 Maynard-8t„ Ann Arboi, Mich. 70tf FOK SAÏE-Fullblooded Brown Leghorn eggs. The brown leghorns are the best layers. They are non-setteris, and lay 200 eggs a year. I will give a pedigree and 13 eggs for hatching for 91. Cali at C. F. Weinmann, 7 Brownst. and 12 Hill-st. (17) FOR KENT. L'OK,í,lílliTRooms intll! Hamilton Bloek for light housekeeping.all modern conveniences including steam heat. All rooms have recently been palnted and papered. Enquire room ;, third floor. 82tf HOlIstK-. TO REMT OK F..K HAI.KEiiquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, real estáte agent 5 N. Main St. or at residence 36 E. William f t Ann Arbor. 89lj W. H. BUTLER, P. Itl.lM... ANN ARBOR, MICH. Secretary and Treasurer Xat. Savinge and Loan Asso ciatin, MONEY TO LOAN. I perfume Selle Next Week, MAY 28lli to JUNE 2d. All 25c Bottles, . . . 19c. All 50c Bottles, . . . 37c. All 75c Bottles, . , . 59c. All $1.00 Bottles, . . . 73c. i This ihi-!tflfx all bot t led peri fuma, toilet water a and co, i loguen; hm nol bulk ex, i tractN. Wê have too ma; i Jar thix time of the year. i 'Ji' "' aré all frexh goods - l never been in the window. , CALKINS' PHARMACY. í E-J


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Ann Arbor Register