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A YETERAFS VERDICT, The War is Over. A Well-known Soldier, Correspondent and Journalist Makes a Disclosure. Indiana contributedher thousands of brave noldiers to the war, and no state bears a i ■rrecoKl in that respect than it does. In literatura it is rapidl acquiriiijr an enviable place. In war and literatura Soiomon Yewell, well known as a writer aa "Sol," has won an honorable posit ion. Durliili tho late war he was a member olCo. W Sd. N. Y. Cavalry and of the T3tli Indiana In. f.i'itry Volunteers. Regardine au important clrcurostitnco he writes as foliows: t;U of us old veterans here are using Dr. Milvs' Kestorativo Nerviue, Heart Cure and Nerve and Liver Pilis, all of tliem glving sptondid satlsfactloa. In fact, we have nevej remedies that compare with them. Ol ttie füls we must say tliey are the best fciaation of the qualities requirea ;n a prepration of their nature we nave ever kuown. We have none but words of praise for them. Tlicy are tlio outgrowth of a new principie in medicine, and tono up the system wonderfullv. We sa y to all, try these remedies1 - iolomon Yewell, Marión, Ind., Dec. 5, 1K8& These remedies are sold by all druffgiste on apo-itive zuarantee, or sont direct by the DrHIle Medical Ca, Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of prioe, 81 per bottle, six bottles Í5, express prepaid. They poslt i vely contaiu neithei apiates aor daugerous drugs. QARRlAGpJUNTING AND pEPAIRING. HONEST WORK mm HONEST MATERIAL MODERATE RATES -r The moei careful afoition glven to all jobs. --GIVE US A TRIAL. HANDY & O'MARA, Carrlage Painters. 3?0ver Seybold's Blackumith Shop, opponiXi Cooic House. THE STAR ilSTEAM LftUNDRYl COMPANY hwiteé Yow ]'itronage.=: OFFICE: 32 S. STATE ST. OKKS: 47, 49 and 51 Wut lli'ron-M, Telephoue $3. Bowdish & House. i LUMBER! OJiall kinds for all purposes at Lowest Prices AIso LATH and SH INGLES. " it nerd of awutUng in the Ui, e of iMinlier. l.uih and Bhlngtet culi i gnces and sa our stock. P. X. BODMER, liS'í Mil ill MAIN ST. ua .%rbor, Iliili. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY OR MAKE A G00D INYESTMENT BBSDBANCE IN THE OLD KELIABLE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE GO. taan 200 Surplus an 25 toh? cf Cc'. tor invHstment. Aro you ín dabt? Pi-ovide fov your . y aud creditoM ia ovent of jour F. S. GAIGE, Agent, no. r. wiLuno st. ank Aiinc::, .tï;cii.


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