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What is this anyhow It is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Bost Filled and othcr watch cases C stamped with thistrade mark. MS' Ask your jeweier for pamphiet KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. LUICK BROS.' PLAINING MILLS ! All kinds of Lathe Work and Patten Making. Lumber, Lathe &Shingles At Lowest Harkit Pit WINDOW SASH AND BLINDS, And all kinï. of Dqota made to onhr. Cor. N. 5th Ave. and Kingsley St. CALL AND GET OOR RATES ! VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD ! VÍCTOR FLVEH, 8125. If you are going to ridc why not ride the best. Viciara an h st .' Cali and see them and you will be conrinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPOIUUM. 11 W. WAs-iio M'. ' Sa. s n N. B. We have a large line of secondhand wheels which lee are selling very cheap. ,te Bibbard's&heiiaatieOil ív)í! ' Hibbard's Sbcumatic 011, for VBTl 1"" in "mlM or joints, iBinslantanrVS . eous. Every Jruggist is authurized WffS0iJE to refund money to any purchastr Hbart'e üheumaüo áyrup ana Plasten. WiittfOT CHA& WaiGHT & CO:. Detroit, Mlchj t. Sí I Víjí ï S BI ï.a 0 m K [ JTCYCLES f King of the Road Absolutely the Best i All drop forgióg ánd English steel i! è tubing. Bearing strictly dust-proof, } Elegant designs and light weight. 2 (I Send Two-Ceat Stamn Monarch Cydc Co. ij 5 Uke and Halsted Sts. CHICAaO TU IC DiBCUla'"'1'T"-n'i'l-it)ni N Wc .sït iOM. -'■ ai.'. i J aicaíM BUSINESS CARD5. .■ 1 K. WILLIAMS, ur. Attorney al I.iiw. Milán, 'Ilrh. Money lonned for outside partiea. AU lesr&l b isiness given prompt attention. yLEX. W. HAMIliTON, Attorney at Law. Wül practia wi hnth State and ünüeá States Gmwís. Ojlin Boom, No. 11, Ld ftoor of th' ni bride block, tunar oj Hmvn and Fourth Stnets, Ánn Arbor, Mif.h. W. S. MOORE, DENTIST ! Work done in all forma of modern dentistry. Crown and Bridge work aspeeialty. Satitfae tion ( (U. of M. Gradúate.) 57 South Main St., - - Aun Arbor. J. F. HOELZLE, DKAI.ER IN Fresh, Salí and Smoked Meáis Sausages of all kluds. Foultry and Game in season. Cor,Washington-st. and 4th-ave..Ann Arbor. wn. w. nichols, Dental Parlors 1 OVEB SAVINOS BANK OPPOS1TE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor and Builder! Estimates furniehed on all kinds of Architecture. Rbsidence and 8hop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Oor. Washiiiii'Ktu-xt and Ftfihnv. Our aim is to please our customere by always handling the very Ctioicest Meats ihat the markei aSords TRUCK ANilTÖRAGÊ C. E. GODFBEY. Besidcnce and Office, 48 Ave., North. TELEPHONE S2. VISIT KOPFF'S NEW STORE, 13 EASX AHH STKEET, Por the finest Fruits, Candies, Peanuts, Cigars and Ice Cream Soda in the citi. We want your trade and will make the price accordingly. Olla, and m:i: i OIL AND GASOUNE BHOUGHT TO YOUR DOOR mthout bothering to order every time you are o-ut. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali itpon me at S. W. Corner of E. Washington and 8. 5th Ave., and Itave your order and I will keep you tupplied at lowest raten. XI. GOODALE. D. CRAWFORD, Draying of all Kinds ! Prompt attention given to all orders. Care taken in handling house-hold Furniture. Leave orders at the (Mee of The Ann Arbor Register. Oscar O. Sorg, DEALER IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils aud Glass. White Blanks 5c to 8c, Gilts8c to 15c HOUSE AND SIGN DECORATING A SPECIALTY ! 70 Sonlli Mitin St., . Ann Arbor G-O TO RATTI'S 5 East Huron Street, For all kinds of Fruits, Candies and Nuts. Best Landy in the city. Also Best Oysters in the raarket. RATTI, 5 East Hnron St, A PERITO Male and f eÜ L 1 1 I U male wanted every where. Household articles. Sells at sight. Proñts immense. No dull times with these goods. For catalogue and pAce list send to A. F. SILLMAN, 543 W. 6th St.. Cincinnati.-Qhio. General RepaFShop DO YOU WANT YOUR LAWN MOWER REPAIRED, GASOLINE STOVE CLEANED. SAW FILEO, SHEARS SHARPENED, Or anything in general repairintr. take it to A. G. SCHHID, 8 TV. Wathiugtou-Kt. Bates reasonable. Oood Work Guaranked.


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Ann Arbor Register