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The Argus Speaks Of Congressman

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■; orman 's latest speech. As thoug-h he made a speech in Congress before. -BENTON Hanehett, of Saginaw. will . candidate for United States senator i -ucceed John Patton Jr. John PatJe will also be a candidate to cceed himself. Th?: Detroit Tribune's roting contest 0) rongressman in tho second district - foilows; Second District - Fellows, 120; Brooks, 116, Jacobs, 52; Spalding, leal 38; O'Donnell, 37. Sm allpox has broken out in Detroit. The patieat is a colored woman and resides on The cholera Ijoat, Milton D. Ward, is prepared for the reception of the patiënt. Gov. Kich has appointed H. A. ;tnt, of Monroe, paymaster of the stat o cavy. with the rank of major. Mr. Conant was consul to Naples in 1880, - secretary of state for two terms. The Democratie State convention 1 be held at Grand Rapids, June Washtenaw will present the name of Frank Howard for the office of State Treasurer. Mr. Howard is a _rood citizen and an able financier - bui is i a Republican year. Editor Rowley, of the Lansing State ■Journal, declares íhat the meeting oí the Demoerat state central committee was characterized by the most shame less ursurpation of autocratie power that ever disgraced the annals of the party iïi.this state. Whoop la! A"N'N Arbor Democrats figure it ou' .about like this. Oampau cails the state convention jai'ly, iefore the populists cali their ata te oonvention. !-hmocratic state convention nomi emetes Pingree. Populists' state convention indorse 'Pingree and the fight is on. The editor and the publisher of the Democrat are wornen. They have repeatedly said so in its columns. They both are able journalists and women of more than ordinary business ability. They never said so - we say so. Now, here is what we wanted to say when we etarted out. The Grass Lake News man persists in addressing the editor of the Democrat Mister, which is, as the dictionary informs us, incorrect. We have now had ou r say. Next! Tbe heavy frost of Sunday night did a great deal of damage to crops anc fruit of all kinds in nearly all parts o the state. Many fields of potatoes corn and clover are ruined. The berr erop, strawberries, vegetables, etc. potato plants, early corn, cetery, aspar agus, cabbages, sweet corn, beans, etc. are entirely destroyed in many sections Old inhabitants say that it was th most severe frost that has visited Mich iganin over twenty-five years. The carrier service of this city is very poor one. We should have thre extra carriers, and if Postmaster Beake does his duty he will see that three me are appointed. Gorman, who claims to have more influence with the adminis Araition and in congress than anybody might lend his "inflooence. " This city should have at least three more carriers Let's have them. A Democratie admin istration is slower than molasses i .-January, and should geta "move on. " 3ïON. John P. Lawrence is a graduat both the literary and law depart monts. He is a man of fine intellectua endowments and wouldimake avaluabl rnomber of the Board of Regents Bupposing the people of Ann Arbo .start a boom for him. He is too modes to ask for the position so let our citizen dothe asking for him. We understanc that Col. Dean is also a candidate. ] so, and it comes to an Ann Arbor man we may be sure of an excellent regent uiiKX a factory or an industry o: kind closes its doors, tho Democrat say: 1 1 ie McKinley bill did it. When a factory or an industry of any kind in '.and closes its doors, the Engliahflen say, the McKinley bill is the i I all. The London Standard of the 27th inst. says: ''Cravon & Craven, worsted spinners of Bradford have (ailed with liabilities "amounting to L200,000. The assets are unknown. .?ral large failures are expocted as the trade of the town has been half ■nined by tho McKinley bill." WE hear that a large edition of last week's Ypsilanti Sentinel, with its editorial ondorsemcnt of Breckinridge's candidacy for Congress, has been ordered for use in the Blue Grass carnpai'n. Such endorsements are rare enough to bring a high priee, if the law of Bupply and demand can have anything to do with it. - Y psilanti Commercial. Attorney General Ellis has deposited $5,218.05 with the Ionia bank, which is the amount of additional salary drawn by him since the supposed adoption of the amendment increasing his salary. He has addres-ed a letter o Auditor General Turner, vvith a opy of the certifícate of deposit and nemoranda of agreement, intimating lis willingness to have nis right to etain the same determined by a jury.


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Ann Arbor Register