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Fine Dressniakiiig:. Miss Emma Stebbins of No. T Thompson-st., is propared to do all kinds of dressmaking and fitting. All orders promptly executed. Best of references furnished. Would be glad to have a eall froui ladios wiahing work of this kind. (H) OUR 25 CENT ÜOLUMN, Adveitisemeuts, sucn as To Rent, For Sale and Wante, not exceediug three Unes, can be nserled three weeks for 35 cents. WANTED, ANTED-Youns man to advertise and sell our medicines in this town. A permanent positiun to travel given to rljrht. party, references reqnired, salary S5U.0O per month. Address with stamp. The Brown Medicine üo., Erie. Pa. 16 Rooms and Board at reasona ble rates may be found at Mr. T. Holmes, Whitmore Lake, Mich. WANTED- Job work, cleantng and taking care of lawns.cleanlngout cellars, cleaning carpets, and all kinds of manual work about house, yard or garden. Rates reasonable. Glve me a trial as I am sure I can piense you. Chas. G. Corhit, 6 L'hurch-st. (19) WANTED- Partles desiring to buy or sell real estáte will flnd it to their advantage to cali on Mary L. Hamllton, 16 S. Thayer-st., Ann Arbor. Ffouses and lots for sale or rent In desirable locality. Q7tf ANTED- Job work of all kinds. Special attention given to putting in cess pools, taking care of yards, cleaning cisterns, etc. Everythingdone in a neat and workman-like marnier. Best of references given. Rates reasonable. J. W. Shaw, 31 W. Huronst., West side door. 05tf ll'AMTlilt l'arty wishes to secure i ïoTiTi T T of Ï4.Ü00 for a term of years. Oan gi ve ürst mortgage on property worth fully S20.000 as security. Must have low rate of Interest. Address A. J-, Drawer D, Ann Arbor. 99 FOR SALE. I7OK SALE, or will trade for bicycle, a ' ridingpony. Will drive single or doublé. Also two-seated surrey will be sold clieap. E. M. G., fi2 S. State-st. H Ï1OK SALE - A gentleman who has been running a large boarding house while attending the University completes bis course this year and wishes to sell out his business. He oifers a bargain to the riglit person. Address L. E., Drawer D., and the party will cali. 16 TOR SALE - Víctor cushion tire bicycle, last year's pattern, $45.00. Room 1 íá Floor, Hamilton block. (lOtf) POR SALE - An almost new canopy top phaeton, built with Dexter spring-s aud in the latest style. Has been used Out a short time. A bargain. I. C. Handy, over Seabold's blacksmith shop opposite the Cook House. (lOtf) UOR SAliU - An almost new and complete -1 tennis sel will lie . -oíd at a big reduction. Cali and exumine it and get pnce at 22 S. Kifth-ave. ■ 16 PB SALE - At a bargain a lady's Monarch Bicycle of latest pattern. perfectly new, prlce Í100. Wlll sell for ííMJ, s5 down, balance on time, bargain. For particularsenquire of S. A. Moran, Register Office. il'j) "poli SAI.E:- When you begin your house - cleaning you will wam Borne oíd paper to put under your carpeta. We have several bundred Ibi. ol oíd newspapers, exchanges, etc. ,whlch we wlll sell at 2'c per t, 4 the usual price. Cali at the office oí The Register before it is all gone. 08 F7R SALE - Mrs. Perkin's farm, 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline, 7 miles southof Ann Arbor, known as the Kellogg farm. six aeres good bearing peach orchard, house, barn, stock and well water Ín abundance, school wjthln '2 mlle. Trice reasonable, terms easy, cali on premises ór 44 S. Ingallsst., Aun Arbor. j)4tf LOlt Finnegan & Richards are selX! ling bailed hay and atraw at Wholesale prlces. No. 9 Detroit St. tf FOR SALE- The undersigned will sell the splendid faraiof Hanson Bession(to close i lie estáte) laying on sectlon two townshlp of Nortbfleld, consísting of 311 acres of land for the suin of seven thousand dollars which is i han Sci per acre. Xow is i he time to get a bargain, flret come flrsi gerved. K. Tread will and II. s. BeasionB, Kxeeutors of Hanson Se.ssiou. Dated, Ann Arbor, Ucc. 26, 189a. 91tf FOK 120 Acres oí Land, six r miles trom city, or will exchange for city prop erty. Enquire at No. 3 E. Liberty-Bt. 3Hf (iARn FOK SA I.K:- The Bullock or Kverett r farm,3mtle8weRtof Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containitg 109 acres, house and barss, stock anrt well water in abundance. timber; school and churen wíthin a mile; laúd naturally tbc best; all seeded down. Price aud terms reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew E. Glbron.30 Maynardst., Ann Arboi, Midi. 70tf FOB SALE- Fullblooded Browif Leg"T horn eggs. The brown leghorns are the best layers. They are non-setters, and lay 200 egsrs a year. I will give a pedigree and )3egffs for hatching for fH. Cali at C. F. Weinmann, 7 Browast. and 12 Hill-st. (17) FOR RENT. ÏTOK RENT- Rooms in the Hamilton Block for liiiht housekeeping.all modern convenlencee Inclndlng steam heat. All rooms have recently been painted and papered. Enquire room 3, thlrd Hoor. 82tf Oü.l'i TO KENT UK F..R SAI.K- Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, real estáte agent 5 N. Main St. or at resideuce 86 E. William Bt., Ann Arbor. 99tf W. H. BUTLER, P.O.BLDGM ANN ARBOR, MUM. 80c retar y and Treasurer Nat. Savings and Loan Asso clatin, MONEY TO LOAN. perfume Sale Next Week, 1 .Tl A Y jsili to JCTNE 2d. 1 i All 25c Bottles, . . . 19c. i I All 50c Bottles, . . , 37c. ! { All 75c Bottles, . . . 59c. ! : All $1.00 Bottles, . . . 73c. ! i i This inclurles all bottled perj , i i fumes, toilet water and coi . i i togne; but uot bulk ex , i i trari. Wê have too tnany . i for this time of the year. t , i They are are all frexh goods- i never been in the windotv, , i CALKINS' PHARMACY. i i 34 South State-st. { s ' . I


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Ann Arbor Register