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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organlzed 1869, uudcr tlic General Banking la ol tlil State. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 Bues8 .V ft, Ouardians, Trustees, Lcuties and other persona willjind this Bank a Safe and Convenient tomofa DeposUs and do Business. Interest is aVowed at tfo rak of i PUR KM', on att8avings Deposite of 81.00 and upwards, uccordiwj to the rules of Uu i ,,. oid interest compounded senti-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Becured iiy nnlncnmbered rea) estáte and ol Iht good securltles. DIREG1OR8: CftrisMa Mack, W. D. Hmrimom, WïUiam Deubel, David Rirmy, Daniel ffíscocfc, Hr. o. Smiih and L. Qrutur. OFFICERS: Christian afacfc, Presid ': W. D. Earrim m, Roe-President; CVia ü. EBicocfc, ("ni'.v .1. J.Fritz, AssistarU Gasteer. MP0RT OF THE C0NDITI0N OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK I At Aun Arbor, Michigan, at the close of busIncEs, Dec;mber 19, 1894. RESOURCES. T.IABILITIES. Misand Discomits 8419,122 85 capital Stock paid in I SO.ono 00 ttucks, Boads. Mortgages, ...... Hurplus fund 150,000 00 etc 498,813 i- rndivided profits 22.8-.T 31 Overdrafts 1.S18 5 Dvidends unpaid 2'.8 BRnking houw 20,500 00 Fuiniture, Fixturea and Safety Deposit Vaults... 9 855 72 . DEPOSITS. iet Real Estáte 6,497 0 .rrent Expenses nd _ Taiespaid &o & Banks and Bankers l 1,125 M CA8H. Certificates of depoait .... 106.767 90 r1" sSrderslts::::: %%ui Btta from other banks and bankers 1,189 50 „,,,„.. 0se trom Washttnaw i,1íw.juo i Conuty 11.118 15 Nieklel and ?ïfnÏÏ: . !. 8 State of Mxch.g, County ok sa. güSk;:;;::;;;::::."": ;wo So i.cHA.E.HiscocK,c8hierof theabovename O. S and Naüonai Bank Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state Xotei 18.615 00-tl7:i.312 70 ment ,g true the begt of my knowledge an 1,133,906 15 belief. CH.VS. E. HISCOCK, Cashler. :obrect -Attest: Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, L. Grunf.r. Uirectors. fubtcrlbt i in ■' - oorn to btfor nu tUt nndiaiof 1 etmbtr, MM. MICHA EL . FIlfTX, Notary rullic.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register