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The Sure Cure is Dr. Greene's Nervura. Weak Kidneys, Weak Nerves, and Poor Blöod Always Accompany Rheumatism. They Can Á11 Be Cured by Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. DEI'VTY MARSHAL, A. B. WOOD. With rheumatisin. come weak kiclneys, weak nerves, poor blood. Wea kidneys moan death. because they lead to serious kidney diseases, which always kill. The syraptoms are wcak back, )ain in the back, bloating, muddy water, tircd and languid feeling, gas in the stomach, loss of appetite, coatod tongue, bad taste in the rnouth, headache, dimness f visión, drynees of skin, and nervousness. Just so surely as you have those symptoms, your kidnoys are out of order, and you necd the onesure cure, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy . Tr.y a bottlo and sec how ijuickly thoae symptoms will vanish. It cures rhcumatism, a most dangerous complaint for it leads to fatal heart diseaso. Mr. Xatban G. Batchelder, of Hardwk-k, Vt., writes: "A year ago I was badly bloated, and it was said I was going todie withdropsy. I commenced taking Dr. Greenu's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. At that time I was a sight to behold. My usual weijfht was 135 lbs. , but I then weighed 15 lbs. troin bloating. I also had rhcutnatism so that I coukl not got into asleighor wagon, and was bent over badly. My stomach was sobad that I could notdigest my food. and it pained me a good doal. It had been in this condition for sevon years before I bcgan to take Dr. Greene's medicine, but I since taking it I can eat as liearty meal as anybody. I have not been out for eight winters until this winter, but this winter 1 have been out eonstantly, and took care of my horse and drhei, frequently. A f ter 1 got out, many of my friends did not know me I was so changcd and lookcd so well. "For years 1 only ate ono sl'ce of bread in on ilay. und drank one or two cups of tea, which was all I could eat, and I sulTered sometimos frotn that. "I was abcut as bad a used up man as ever lived for a !ong time, and 1 expectedtodle anythae; but thanks to Dr. Greene's wonderful medicine, I am greatly improvod. "Now all my bloat is gone, and I am as well of tliat as ever. My rhcumatism Ib practlcally gone, and my stomach is sound and digests my food perfectly, und I slop Boandly. The doctor who treated me did me no good, and he said J would not live six months I was in sucli bad order. Other doctors said it was the most remarkable case they had ever known, to have me come up the way I did. My case is widoly known. "I can reeommend Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy as the best medicine 1 erer savv or hoard of. and I will cheerfully answorany inquirios about my case, but for soven years 1 Could not write my name I was so, trembly." Mr. II. K. Kimball, drugg-ist of Hafdwiek. says: " I knew of Mr. Nat r.i;i li Bíitohelder's remarkable case, and the statement is true. "' lt cures quickly and permanently, rhuumatism, neuralgia.kidney and liver disease,and makes good blood and strong nerves. Everybody. both physicians and tbo people everywherc,acknowledgeDr. Greene"s Ncrvura bbood and nerve romcdy to be the greatest known cure for disoase. People who take it get well. Wliy waste timo in trying uncertain and untried remedies, wheD here is a physician's prescription, a discovery made by the greatest living specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr. Greono, of 35 West 14th, St., New Vork City. If you take this medicine you can consider yourself under Dr. Grecne's direct professional care, and you can consult him or write to him about your oase, freely without charge. This is a guaranteo tliat this remedy will cure, possessed by no other medicine in the world. Xothingin the household eontributes so much to our home comfort as the eook stovp. It is economy to have the "il.ijastio". T e Mtuwtic Sieel Range is the very best made tor the reason that it nteds but h;ilt' the fuel required in othcr stovcs and does the work qulokci aud better and gives an abundance of hot water for allj purposes. Oüe of tliose new workl famous Kanges is in op'iiation daily at our store baking bis'iiits and serving delicious joffee to all. Special induceuients to buyers wliile the Factory Salesmen are here. „Don 't fail to see this wonder in operation whrther you wish to buy or not. Eberbaoh Habdwabe Co.. 47 and Washington sts.


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