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for Infante and Children. TH1RTY yeara' ohaervatlon of Catoria irith the patronage of millions of peraona, permit na to apeak of it without gneaaing It ia nnqneationa'bly th heat remedy for Infanta and Childrem the world ha ever known. It 1 harmleaa. Childron Ilke it. It glve them health. It will av thelr live. In it Mother have ■omethlng whloh la ahaolntely safe and praotioay perfect aa a child' medicine. Castoria destroyg Worm. Caatoria allaya Feverishne. Castoria preventa vomiting Soap Cnrd. Caatoria care DiarrhcBa and 'Wind Colla. j Caatorla relieve Teething Tronhle. Castoria onres Conatlpatlon and Flatnlenoy. Caatorla nentralires the effect of oarhonlo acid ga or poionon air Caatorla doe not contain morphine, opinm, or other narootio property, Caatorla afanllate the food, regnlatea the atomach and howel, giving healthy and natnral aleep. Caatoria la pat op In one-aije hottlea only. It i not old in hnlk. Pont alloy any one to ell yon anything elae on the plea or promlae that it ia " Jnat a good " and " xri.11 amwer every pnrpoae." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-gfanile XJr sÍT77. y} " l' OB 'rtf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.


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