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The Ann Arbor Register, completed its20th year last week, and pulls out for its majority with great vigor, and 12 pages. It is three times as big as it was when bom, holds to the Republican doctrine of protection, scoops in its share of legal official patronage, has a quota of advertising that gives it robustness, and by being pretty independent in editorial utterances, and enterprising in new9 gathering, it commends itseif to the readers, and retains a good subscription list. It is one of our welcome exchanges and we congratúlate it upon its prosperety. May it continue to register success, and eventually admit the error of its pernicious political policy, and thus enter into the enjoyment of true journahsm. - Adrián Press. Thank you, neigbor. We always thought you knew a good thing whcn you saw it. _OUR_25 CENT COLUMN. WANTED. WANTED-A tenant to work my f arm on shares at Scio. George A. Peters. 60 WA,CIt4?P1os hy the Ann Arbor TT truit and Vinegar Co. ;otf W A N '' KD I'eople wtshing to have mvitaTT tlons to parties, receptlons, banqueta, etc., delivered by i-arrier can have same promptly and carefully attended to by a perfectly reliable person. Address, E. SV G Drawcr D. City, and party wiil cali. Reasouaplerates cliarged. Satisfactory references given. J 4;, FOR SAL.E. HOl'SES FOH SAJLE OK RENT-Ueal Estáte boughtand sold. Fire Insurance In first-classi-oiiipanies, Cali and consult me beíore decidlng. I believe I can accommodate ynu. Mary L. Hamllton, room 11, llamïlton Block. 07,f ÏiHR 4 houses; one for $1,000, one 1 for & 800-, Wlngallsst, SJ.fyjO; „w bHck house ïiAM; lot with cellar on H. Thayer Í1.20J. Inquirí: S. IJ. Allen, 90 E. Washington si. 47 Í'V.y?AI'lí OR KXCHANGK-A splenA did 40 acre farm in town of Lodi: Wlll be sold eheap or exchanged for house and lot in Ann Arbor. Enquire of W. Oslus. Box 1551 C1y tf FOH, fAM i mM Uumphreys HomoeoJL1 pathic Medecine Caso for family use will Jje sold at a bargain at John Moore's brug htore. It is something every family ought to have. Here is a bargain for the (fret purchaser who applies. It wlll be sold at a bilt discount 40tf F'OK SALK-Ni-w Safe. Will be sold at a , E"1ulreof A. Moran, Kegister Ónice. gj L"OK SALK - Having decided to remoVe I from Ann Arbor, I offer, for residence on the corner uf Monroe and l'ackard street. Term.s to suit the purchaser e per cent. interest on deferred payments. I also H M. Taber ' 'Ot 16' Tappau 1ark Addition W" SAI.E - Mrs. Ferkin's farnT T 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline, 7 miles south of Ann Arbor, knowu as th Kellogg farm. Six acres good bearing peach orchard house, barn, stock and well water in abundance, school withln % mile. Price reasonable terms easy cali on premises or 44 S. Ingallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf FiK iK-nnemin & Richards are selfe bNao!edDebtaoita9f StraW Ut WbO' the estatel laying on section two townshlp of Northfield consisting of 214 acres of land for the su mof seven thousand dollars whlch is let,s than ióá per acre. Now is the time to get a bargain, flrst come flrst served. E Treldw land H. S. Sesslons. Executors of Hansu,, Sesslon. Dated, Ann Arbor, I)i;c, 28, lm. 4at" 1" ' A1.K-1Z0 Acres of Land, 8ii T miles trom city, or will exchange forcity prop ertyEnquire at No. 3 E. Llberty-st. Slif rpAKM KOK HA I,K:-The Buïlock or Kverett T farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containitg 109 acres house and barys, stock and well watir in abundance.tlmber; school and church within a m?leland naturally the best; all seeded down Price andtermsreaspnable. Cali on or addres: Andrew E. uitwon. 30 Maynard st„ AnAjboi, Mich. 45tf FOR RENT. H r,KS TRÉïiT Svv'-r:" lí"scTwT{h modern lmprovements, unfurnlshed rooms forsmall temlUeg, at n asonableprt rvs ffiIOvJ--íessU"1M' BeaI Estáte Agím ??4" 2ad aoOT' Kesiií "R 7S r"r "K"1",outik''-'Plng and ftirnis),-1 Ham) t? ?'iS" i "ÍÍ -v ' K""" :i' Ulircl flo"r. Hamllton block. Modern convenk-nces, includlng steam heat. 18tf ri UliWARDrLot "L'ar trawberry " h.imwT' mT ily.' j!lnnary ■ ' i large ,'.'tt,.r -n w - 'lui'k, PO O one slde and etters Dr. W. ,,„ the other, brown ears Information leading to l, is discover; will se! tatíoSfTKSi f'"'" Ur W:'lktr' Salï"


Old News
Ann Arbor Register