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Jjfc. CLEEPY. PULL. ME 5} languid and moróse, is jPv(T. the way you feel when L _JO. your iver fails to do BÉV 'WÉk lts work properly; in S B N m _consequence you sufV fJY - fer from digestión, H4r' 'biliousness, and dysH M ft pepsia. You have a "don't Bt care" spirit and a "played out" feeling, and everything S Wê tires you. To set the liver in action, Jfl 11 purify and enrich the blood, l and to strengthen and vitalize H the whole system, take Dr. B Pieree's Golden Medical DisJ covery. Having a peculiar tonic effect upon the lining membrane of the stomach and bowels, it makes a lasting cure of all stomach, liver and bowel disorders. By increasing the blood supply, as well as enriching it, all the organs of the body are strengthened, and the nerves are fed on pure, rich blood. Neuralgia is the " cry of the starved nerves for food " ; nervous debility and exhaustion, sleeplessness and nervous prostration are in most instances the direct result of a starved condition of the blood. The true way to cure these aüments permanently is to take the "Golden Medical Discovery," which was discovered and prescribed by an eminent physician, Dr. R. V. Pierce, at present chief Consulting physician and specialist to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. If you want a medical opinión on your case, write him. It will cost you nothing. A Book of 136 pages on " Diseases of the Digestive Organs," will be mailed to any address on receipt of postage, six cents. It contains names, addresses and reproduced photographs of a vast number of people who have been cured of dyspepsia, "liver complaint," chronic diarrhea, and kindred ailments by the use of " Golden Medical Discovery." "LIVER COMPLAINT." Climax, KalamazooCo., Mich. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir-A few of my symptoms were heartburn and fullness afler eating; sometimes pain in mv bowels and bad taste in my mouth; soraetimes I was feverish, with hot flushes over skin. Afler taking your " Golden Medical Discovery" I wasrelieved ofall these symptoras and I feel perfectly well. Yours truly, EBERBACH DRUG CO, Manufacture the Follouïng Articles: C. P. Bahiny Powder, a pure Cream of Tarter Powder 28e lb. Red mul Yellow Cake Color lOoz 20c bot. Glicerine with Lavander for the hands and face 25c bot. Fragrant Balm for chapped hands and face 2c bot. Ifair Hi'Morer, keepsthe hair f rom falling out 75c bot. Wooni of Boses for the compexton 5 and 10c pkgs. Toiletine for the complexion 5 and 10c pkgs. Tootlt ït'ttsh ,-,(■ bot Tan and FrecMe flash -,(■ bot. Sweet dover Butter Color will not become rancid or ivo any taste to the butter 10, 13, 20, 2r, and rOc bot. Poulirtj Powder for ous poultry diseases 2.ïc pkg. THE EBERBACH DRUG & CHEMICAL COIY1PANY, lAV ARBOR, - MICH. wThTbütler; P. O.BLDG., ANN ARBOK, MICH. 8'.cretary and Treasurer Nat. Savings and Loan Associalin, MONEY TO LOAN. THE BEST NURSER. A Few Testimoniáis. NEW YORK INPANT ASYLÜM- The nursingbottle known as "The Best," has been tried at the Asylum and ia recommended most warmly especially for the facility with which it can be kept perfectly clean. NEW YORK LYING-IN ASYLUM- I have used the nursing bottle "The Best," and find it superior to any I have seen as having combinad all essential qualities I thereforeheartly reeommend it. E. E. TULL, M. D. NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL POU WOMEN- I am pleased with your Nurser "The Jlrft." it does all you claim for it. L. A. DELL, M. E. $SÜ B&.'fGnsin9w V LÍ ETHE BEST Wx - eSeethe "Air-Inlet!" (as V-L easily adjusted as a Cork; it nJ cannot leakor be pulled out f by baby) hits in air Hack of Foou as tast as Food Lb sucked out, and making it impossible for nipple to collapse and thus prevente wind colic. See how easily "THE BEST" is cleansed! A clean bottle prevents bowel trouble. AT Drugüist, 25c. ; if yours declines to get it, send us 30c. for one by mail, poet-paid. Our "Clingfast" Nipple, pure gum, 50c. doz , poat-paid. THE SOTHAM GO., 70 Warren St„ New York,


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