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Ami AfDor Town Caucus. The Republicana of the town of An Arbor will hold a caucus at the Conr House in the city of Ann Arbor, o Satui-day. Peb. 9, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m for the purpose of eleeting flve dele gates to attend the Republican count. convention to be held at the Cour Houso in the city of Ann Arbor, ot Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1895. Dated, Ann Arbor Jan. 26th, 1895. I. N. S. Poster, C. A. Pryor, John Kepplek. 'l'own Committee. GhHdrera Cryfor Pitchr's C-astoria. "BY THZIB WORKS TE SHALL KNOW THEM. KI HST NATioNiL EXCHANGE BANK Port Huron, Alicli,, Dec. 28, 184 WK. OAHOÖN, K.-n., Representing tne Midi., Mutual Life ïnsur anee Co. Detroit, Michigan. DearSir:- l beg te acknowledged the receiptoí 12000 In payment of an Endowment policy maturing on the 30th. of tliis montli willi jour Comliaiiy. Allow me to expresa iny thanks f oí your promptuess in sett leinuut. í consider tliis om' of tlrr hi-st Investments ever made by me and il convinces me that the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance C'oniijnnv Ís a welt manased, sound, conservatlve Company. Yours vciy truly, H. B. Ruim m. Cashier. Our Agent B. J. Conrad will give all deslrec Information regardlng the varloua contracta written, oryou can wrilc the Borne Office. O. K. Looker, L'res't. Jas. II.C'l'mmiss, Bec'j 98_ Notlee to Crrdltors. STATE OP MICHIGAN I COCNTy OF WASHTENAW i Notice is hereby giveD, that by an orner of the Prpbate Court for the County of Washtenaw, mado on the 25th day of January A. D. 1895, six months from that date were allovved tor creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Asahell , late of said County, deceased, and thai all creditors of said deceased are requlredto present their clair: s os; i 1 Proba' e Court, at the Probate Uftice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and alowance, on or before the 25th day of Tuly next, and that such claims will be leard before said Court, on the 25th day of April and on the 25ih day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. 25, A. D. 1855 J. WlLLAED BaBBITT, 52 Judge of Probate. IVlortgage sale Default having been made in the conlitions oí a certain Mortgage made by Samuel R. Gregory to John Mathews dated the 22nd day of May 18!)0 and reoorded in the oflice of the fiegi?er of Deeds f or Washtenaw County, and tate of Michigan, on the 22nd day of May, A. D., 1S90. in Liber 75 of ruortrages on page 150 on which mortgage here is claim ed to be due at the date of this the surn of one hundml md lifty-seven dollars and seven hunIreds (157.07) dollars, and an attorney 'ee of twenty-flve dollars provided for n said morfgage, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted o recover the moneys secured by said uortgage or part thereof. Now, there'ore, by virtue of the power of sale conained in said mortgage, and the statue nsuch case aiadeandprovided. Notice s hereby given that on Friday the 9th day of April, A. D. 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder. at the south front door of the court ïouse, in the city of Aim Arbor, Michgan, (thar being the place where thiCircuit Court for said County is holden) he premises described in said mortgage, or --o nuich thereof as may be necessary to pay the atnount due on aid mortgage witli seven per cent. inerest, and all legal custs, together wilh an attorney 'a fee of tweuty-flve do - ars convenated for thereiL, the preiiii es dei-cribed in said morigageas all ;he certain pieee and parcel of land situated in tho City of Ann Arbor in n the County of Washtenaw and State f .Michigan, and knovvn and described s follows: That certain tract or parcel of land bounded north by the north ïalf of lot nuinber twelve, in Bowers ddition, eat by Jot number eleven. iowers addition, south by John M. Maynards land, and west by the Epis opal church lot; situated in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw ind State of Michigan. )ared, January 24th, 18!5. John Matthi wa, Mortg:ij;t-i. 1'. M Kernan, 59 Attoraey. Cliaixeery Wotli ". CTTF UK Ml. tGAN I . O.oir.NTi ...i. : t.-N i .. . f "' li thu circa it court fortheCoun'y o.' Vaslitena in ehancery. ■nat'J i Lm ui ui, vs. Ida ICate i(hhu;i.i;i. 'of indant. Miit po lili.1;; for tiie circuit court for theCoun'.yof Was'itenaw m clianoery it the city of Ann Ai'hor ou tud 15th day ■ Dojeinbef A. !). 1804. u oau -' i ■ ■v"ir " : i '"' 8idu that tho h a Kitte (jtx)diiKiii is Dol i . : ■ i i . ):"; motion of M. ' avaiiHU tl s.i complainant, ii Is orduii d m' ti defendant Iihi Iv i oii i litjr appearance to fy hen ' : WMthin four nionths fi i i íUe c'j'o óf í'.iis order, and in e;.s ' he u ; : 'auc that she cause ai '. i to coia ilaiti ant's bill of compUtini h ! ■ öleu, ati'i a copy thereof to ' in fuu.plainant's solictor, withiü i .v.viiy t i.v. after service on herofn copy of nttid bil!, and notice of this o.'dor, aod i ui in default thoreof, sald bill be taken as confessed by said non-resident defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in The Ann Arbor Hegister, a newspapor prinfed, published and circulated in said county and such publieation be continued there at least once in each week, for six weeks in siicsession, or that he cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said non-resident defandant, at least twenty days before the time above preacrlbed for her appoaranco. .M..I. ('AVANAUGH, C'omplainants' Solicitor. E. D. Kixxk. 50 Circuit Judge. n Ofncra! cc '.wa! n CV: Vf% I,liiiirgni-.."fli;ïltS-l-' yj7v lïapl't ntbNh-r. Wuta]lib 'flAPtD a llie r'"1' pollhei áiíhi, luj. HfcV iVVV and cheerful wivrn. No BCKlded M1 I B flugeri.DOoiIeilli!íloi-cli!!itiJí. W. P. HABRI80N il JO., Clerk o. 11, l uluml)ul, Ck ( - Probate Order. CTATE OF MICHIGAN,) .„ "Cor.MTDi' Washtknavv. i ■ ■ taseaslon f the Brobate Cour! ; County Df Washtenaw, holden at i he Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, on Thuraday, the tentli day of January, in thi one thonsand elghi oundred and ninety-five. Present, J. Wlflard Babbltt, Judja of Probate. In tln matter of the estáte of William K. Bamllton, deceased. On re&ding and iüinu' the pwtition, dulv vciilicd. of Mary II. Hamllton, praylngthat shemay belicensed tosell the Keal I horeoi said deceased dled selzed. Therenpon it Igordered, that Tueaday, the 13th day of Februarj next.atteno'clocklnthe forenoon, te asBlsrned for the hearing of sald petition, and that beirsat law of sald deceased, and all other pereons luterested In sald estáte, are requlred to appear at i sionofsald Court,then to 6e bolden al the Probate Office, in theCity of Aun Arbor. in B&ldCounty, and show cause, if any the re be, why the prayer of said petltloner should not begranted: And it Is further ordered, that. sald petltloner elve notice tothe persons Interested in aald estáte, f the pendency of said petltlon, and the hearing thereoi, by causln'gacopy oithls order to be publlshed in Tuk An Audor Bboistkl a oewspaper prlnted and clrcnlatlngtn sald county three Buccessive weeks previous to sald day of hearing. . J. WILLIAKD BABBITT, A true Copy.l Judge of Probate. . noTY probate Eegtoter. 60 Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1„ Coünty of Washtenaw. ' É At a sesgioB of the Probate Court for the Opunty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday the llth day of January, in the ypar one ihousand elght hundred and ninety-five. Present, J. Williard Babbitt, Judgd of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Leonard D. Koster, Incompetent. On readlng and filing the petition, tluly veritiüed, of said Leonard 1). Kosier alleginK amün? other things that be lias recovered his mental competency and praying that John I'. Lawrence heretofore duly appointed hls gaurdlan may be discharged of his trust as such and the control and management of the estáte of petltloner turnedover to him tin; said petit ioner. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the llth day of Feuruary nezt, at ten o'elock n the forenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said Incompetent, and all other persons ntensteil in said estáte, are required to ap jear ;it a -r-sion of said court then to be bolden at the Probate Office, in the city of Mm Arbor, in said County, and show canse, if any be, why the prayer of the petii Ioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons tnterested in said estáte, of tlie pendency of said pet it ioner. and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tbJa order to be published in the A NB Arbok Ksgisxxb, a newspaper prlnted and clrculated in sald county three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. .1. WILLA1Í1) BABBITT, A true copy ) .Tudsje of Probate. W. ü. Düty, Probate Register. 'M Morti-ajje Sale. Default having been made in the conditions of a mortgage execute-l by Michael Hobison and Diana Kobison, liis wife to Adah Z. Treadwell bearing late Xovember 5, A. D. 1889. and recorded in the office of the Register of )eeds for Waslitenaw County, Michigan, November 5, A. D. 1889 in Liber 3 of Mortgages on page 33ti, by which lefault the power of sale contained in aid mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceediug in law or equity having been instituted to recover the iebt, secured by eaid mortgage or any sart thereof, and the sum of fourteen mndred and five dollars and fortyone cents ($1,405.41) being nowclaimed o be due on said mortgage, notice is herrfore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged premises therein described or some part thereof, to wit : All of the following described land ituated in the townshipof Ann Arbor, Uounty of Washtenaw and State of lichigan, viz: lieginning at the South Kast corner f the West half of the South East uarter of seetion No. one, in townhi] Xo. two, South, in Range No. six Cast: running thence North on the uarter line to the North East corner of said lot; thence West on the line sixy rods; thence South parallel with the ast line to the south line of said sec,ion and the Forest road thence East sixty rods on the line to the place r' lieginning containing sixty acres of land more or less. At public venüue on Friday, the 29th day of March next, at ten o'clock in ;he forenoon, at the East front door of he Court House in the city of Ann Vrbor, in said County of Washtenaw. bat being the place óf holding the Ciruit Court in said County. ■ Dated January 2, A, I). 18ÍI5. Adah Z. Treadweli., Mortgagee. NOAH W. CUEEVEU, Attorney. 57 mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the con itions of a certain mortgage made by iandolph K. Fellows and Kinily H., his ife. and Pyron V. Feliows and ïosetta H., his wife, to Warren Kim ble, V. H. Webb and Mrs. D. 1?. Morgan, as trustees of the First Universalist Church of Manchester, Michigan, and to their suecessors in office, dated December 24th, 1885, and reeorded in tho office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw, and Stato of Michigan o nhe 7th day of Jaouary, SV1. in Libe 66 of mortgages, on page 158, ou whichmortgage there is claixoed to be due a the date of this notice the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars and au attorney 's fee of twenty-five dollars, and no snit or proceedings at law having- been institutsd to recover the moneys secured by said mortgago oi1 any part theroof. cafore, by virtue of the power of - ! ■ ontained in said mortgage and itutes in such case made and proi'idetl, notice i.s hereby given that on l'uesday; the twelfth day of February. .V. IJ. 1805, at one o'clock in the aftertiooo, we shall sell at public auction, to Mi.; hijhest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the said County of Washtonaw is holden) the premises doseribed in said mortgage to pay the amount due on said mortgage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, tho premises being described in said mortgage as the undivided twotifths and the undivided two-thirds of one-fifth of all that certain pieee orpirccl of land situated in the township of Slniron, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: - The north east quarter of the south east qnarter of sectiou number thirty-two of said township. Dated, Nov.öth, 189a. Wakken Kimble, Sarah e. Jaynes, Emily 10. Fai;kkl, Trustees of said Churoh, Mortgagoes. A. J. .■::;. Attornoy ■ [ ' ' r s '. i 'i O 3 1 Al A I easll y cured by OrlNAL Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters. All druRKlsts ftuarantoe IJr. Miles' Paih Pnj,tostoT'ï9i"iacbe. '"Ore Cf rt i dos " Real Estáte For Sale, UTATE OK MtCHIGAN, I Ooir.sïY i ík Washtenaw. Ia the matter of the estáte of Claudias Mansñeld, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pet-suance of an order granted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of YVaahtenaw, on the 15th day of January, A. D. 1895, there will ba sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased on thu premises below descrlbed in. the township of Bridgewater in the County of Wasbtenavv, in said state, on Wednesday the sixth day of March A. D. 1895, at ten o'olook in the forenoon of tliat day (subject to all encumbranees by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased, the following described real estáte to wit : The north half of the south. east quárter and the north-east corner of the west half of the northeast quarterofsection tvventy-five (25) and the south half of the north-east quarter of the noi'th-east quarter of section twentyfour(24) all in township of Bridgewater in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. Dated, January 15th, 1895. George S. Hotrum, 53 Administrator c. t. a. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I . County of Washtenaw. f sNotice Is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw.made on t he day of January, A. D.1885, six months from that. date were allowed for creditors to present thelr claims against the estáte ol Samuel i,. Lucas, late of said county, deceaaed, and that all creditors of said deceased are requlred to present thetr claims to said probate court, at the probate Office in the city oí Ana Arbor, for examinatiou and allowance, on or before the 8th day of July ne.xt, and that such claims will be heard before said court, on the 8th day of April, and on the 8th day of July liexl, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. (49J liated.Ann Arbor Jnnuary X. A. D.18U5. ,J. WILLARD ÜAltUITT.Judueof Probate. Order for Appearauce. State of Michigan. The twenty-second Judical Circuit in Chancery. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in Chancery at Ann Ann Arbor,on the31st day of December 1894, wherein, Augustus L. Webster, trustee, is complainant, and Scottie A. Wood and Mary E Phillips are defendants. In this cause it appearing frpm the return of the sheriff of said County of Washtenaw and from aftidavit on tile, that said defendants, Scottie A. Wood and Mary E. Phillips, are not residents sf said State of Michigan, but are residonts of other States in the United States. Therefore, on motion of Noah W. Cheever, solictor for complainant, it is ordered that said defendants, Scottie A. Wood aiul Mary E. Phillips, enter thoir appearance in said cause on or before four months from the date of this order, and that within twenty day the complainant cause this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a re .vspaper printed, published and circulating in said County, said publication to be continued once in each week for six weeks in succession. Dated, Dec. 31, 1894. K. D. KlNNIE, Circuit Judge. Noah W. Cheever, Solictor for Complainant. 50 JTIorlsnge Sale. Whereas, deiault having been made in the comlitions oía certain mortgage mail. and executed by Eliza A Crofoot of the city of Ann Arbor, County oí Washtenaw and state of Michigan to Sarah E. Sheeban of said city, county and state,dated the twenty-sixth day of July, one thousand eight hundied and eighty-eight and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds,forthe Couuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan', on the twenty-sixth day of J uly one thousand eight hundred and eightyeight, in Liber seventy-three of mort gages, on page two hundred and forty-iive on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifty-six cents, and an attorney feeof thirty-tiva dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof ; Now, therefore by virtue of the power of sale eontained in said mortgage, and the statue in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Saturday the thirtieth day of March A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfive, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the South front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is holden),the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be neeessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs tgether with an attorney's fee of thirtyfive dollars covenanted for therein, the premises; being described in said mortgage as all those certain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate in the Village of Saline in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows to-wit: Being the east part of lot number thre and southerly parts of lots number sixteen and seventeen in section number ten In the Village of Saline aforesaid, and more particularly described hs follows to-wit: Commeneing ata point in the north line of the Chicago road, so called, two chains westerly from the corner of said Chicago and Ann Arbor roads and running thence northerly and parallel with the said Ann Arbor road two chains and ninety-nine Iink3, thence westerly and paraliel with the said Chicago road twenty-nine feet and six inches to the east li'neof a lot owned by one Mason, thence northerly and parallel with the 3id Ann Arbor road two chains and ninety-nine links to the north line of said Chicago road. thence easterly along the line of said Chicago road twentynine feet and six inches to the place of beginning. Saving and excepting a right of way along the west line of said lands for certain persons who now lawfully may use and make use of the sanie. Dated, Januarv ?rd, IS'.tö. Sarah E. Sheehan, Mortgagee. Thos D. Kearney, Atty.for Mortgagee (57 ncTCPTIVCC Brlglitmenw.inrfdin UC I CV ■ I V CO cvL'rylocalltytooprrte undr iostrut-tlons. Civil and cvinifnal dvtPcttTtt Work. Locaüng debton. collectlng debts and runmerclal correapondenco. ForpartUularsaddrcat wltli Ump, Anerlcau Ilrl-tlvr Ar-ii-y, Indlanapolla, Iad


Old News
Ann Arbor Register