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Among Our Neighbors

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Hon. E. P. Allen will be one of the speakers at the Lincoln Club banquet, at Pontiac, February 1 2. D. L. Quick has sent to Mrs. Starkweather a check for $50 as a contribution to the soldiers' monument. P. W. Glanfleld of this city has secured the contract for the new Bethlehem church at A.nn Arbor. Thursday last was a pleasant day for Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Perkins.beingtheir fortieth wedding1 anniversary, and not the least enjoyable feature was the informal reception they gave self-invited friends who bore eongratulations. Manchester Enterprise. A Jackson man proposes starting a dimo museum in Lansing. Horc's a chance for Donovau of Bay to make a little money on the side. - Adrián Times. Perhapa he is the only man in the wholo outfit that anybody would give a dime to see. A. T. Waters of this village and Prof. Thompson of Ann Arbor are rejoicing over a victory won inthe-supreme court in the case of Wm. Campbell administrator of the estáte oE Wm. Turner, vs. Barbara Smith administratrix of the estate of Jacob Frederiek. It was tried in the Jackson circuit last June and decitision rendered for plaintiff f rom which the defendantappealed. but the supreme court aftirmed the decree of the circuit court. Chelsea Heeald. Friends to the number of fifty spent a very pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stapish last Friday. One of the bost argumente you can offer for tho merits of goods is that you have sufficient confldence in them to make you willing to advertise tbcm. Although Michigan has been a famous wheat región for sixty years, such a thing as a failure never having occured, yet owing to the low prfce of that cereal as vvell as the maintenance of the fertility of the soil, it is esseatial for our farmers to turn their attontion to raisinsr more cattle and hogs, and to change to long wooled sheep. Chelsea Standard. Bom, Mouday, January 7th, to Mr. and Airs. frank Ward, of Lima, a son. Whafs the matter with that oanning factory scheme? Have the promotera dropped it. The factory should be a go, üs it would be a great help to Chelsea and the surrounding country. Tho Congrégationfcl church will be dedicated Thursday, January 31. Servicees will be held in the morning at 10:30, and in the evening at 7:30. The sermón in. the morning will be by Rev. J. W. B'radshaw, of Anu Arbor. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present. Whilo a freight train was passing through this place last Saturday a wheel under one of the cars broke anc let the ear settle to one side. The cargo was eorn, and the great vveighi oaused the side of the car to burst out and the cora was sown about a fooi deep, for a numbei" of rods along che track, before the train could be stopped. Saline Oüserver. Fred Wright and family, of Denver, Col., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Whoelock. Mr. W. is a son of Rev. Geo. P. Wright who is well known here. The name of Washington Gardner, now Secretary of State, is being favorably brought to the front as a candidate to succeed Senator elect Burro ws in the representativo branch of Congress. Mr. Gardner is an able man anc would flll the position well could he be elected. Dexter Leader. A story that iilustrates the -eheapness of horses is told conoerning1 a recent occurrenee in Webster. A man and little gii'l stoopped at a farm houso anc asked for shelter for the nig-bt. They were driving te Detroit. The hospita farmer took thern in, his good wifc made them eomfortable and he pu their horse in the stable. In the mom ing whon they went to get the horse it was dead. The traveler at onee be gan to bemoan his fate. Cheer up, ' said the larmer. l'I know of a neighbor who I am sure will give you a horse as he has more than he wants." Thej took a trip to the neighbor's and, upoi explaining their mission, he offered to give them not one but two horses. Tin traveler, orerwhelmed by his generosi ty, protested that he only wanted one '■Ah, yes, " said the donor, "but yoi can't have oue unless you take them both." This he did and was soon on his way rejoicing, driving one horso and leading the other.


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