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CoiXARS AND CüFFS that are waterproof. Never wilt and not effected by moisture. Clean, ncat and durable. When soiled simply wipe off with a wet cloth. The genuine are made by covering a linen collar or cuff on both sides with "celluloid" and as they are the only waterproof goods made with such an interlining, it follows that they are the only collars and cuffs thatwill stand the wear and give satisfaction. Everypiece is stamped as follows: If anything else is offered you it is an hnitation. Refusc auy but the gcnuine, and if your dealer does not have what you want send direct to us, en. closing amount and stating size and whether a stand-up or turned-dowa collar is wanted. Collars 25c. cach. Cufifs 50c. pair. The Celluloid Company, 42f-429 Broadway, Mew f 01. The American Hotel Under new maDagementand everything new. Pine table board at moderate rate by the week. ïake your meals here while your family is out of the city. Elegant Sunday dinners. Central Location. M. STABLER, Prop tataanaam TRA DE MARK enszmaz Wheeler's f VZ JIL ü. (JS gj ]3 Ij ■ J& JU min niiniM 11 L& yy POSITTVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Sleeplesênees and all derangementa of the Kervous Sytitetn. I Unexcelled for Restless Bables. Pureljr Vegetable, gnaranteed lree rom oplates. 100 fcili slze doses, 50c. Ml) Bailey. Receiving Teller, ü-rand Rapids, Keft.) Samngs Mank. say$ he eannot tav too uchtn favor of "Adironda," WheelerS ktart nd Serve Cure. For Sale by all Drnggma. FRANKLIN H0USÊ1 DETROIT MICH. It is Wfll bef ore leaving home, vrhether for business or pleasure, to decide upon a hotel and therebjr avoid confusión. When you vieit Detroit we would be pleased to have you stop at the old ''Franklln House," cor. Lamed and Bates Sta. , where you will have a goo l meal and a clean bed at moderate ratea. The house has been renovated f rom top to bottom, and is now in flrst-class cODditlon. Bespectfully, H. H. JAMES. Meal, 35c. Lodgings, SO. PerDay, 81.50. M ME-QRIM, lMá0SKvThat diatressing pain.usually MMíííiííiS) on ono s' of the hcad.known jHÍSef5KSas ! K HEAUACHE iWHs+TÖ (gfquxkly relicved and permaiirir "uently cured by TSÊt ST DR. WHITEHALL'S W - ME-GRIM-INE, NJB !a sa'e and sure cure for all aJhedacbes, neuralgias or 'lother puinful nervous attacks in any part of the bcdy. 8old by diBgiiists. Lumber! Lumber ! Lumber ! lt jou contémplate building cali at FE R DON Lumber Yard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And get your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES ! Give us a cali we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertioE. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. E. N. BILBIE, TEACBBR OF THE VI O LI N! Pupil of EMIL SAUBET, BERLÍN, GEKMANY. Rooms at the ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO.'S, 51 S. Main Street. HASKINS' LIYERY Feed and Boarding Stable, WgUfflBUUJIBlHM' Uarriages to let. Horses boarded at reasonable rate. Especial care taken to keep boarders in nood order. J COriE AND SEE U5t. Walker's Columbian Livery, 32 E. JEFFEKSON ST. HorsesBoarded, Hacks to Trains. Orders for Drives, Receptions, etc., etc., promptly attended to. Carriages to let at reasonable ra tes.- Good horses. E. C. MORRIS SAFE CO. (Incorporated.) Capital - $250,000. Successors to E. C. Mokkis & Co. 64 Sudbury St„ Boston, Mass. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. vBaílkRlife81 Bank VBlt, Bank al kindsOr8' " DeP8it Works ot The Best Safe in the World. íBOfiOO in tuse. Always. preserve their contente. Champion Keford In all IbeOrrstFIrcs Oneofthelargestand best equipped factorles In th,e country has just been erected ear Boston fltted with the latestand most Improved tools, whlch rei der facllitles for irmnufacturlng the best work at Se iZSamrff' uneualled "y SDy " cinïern tñ Ouralmlstogivethebest constrnction aod most lmprovemente for the least amount of money Estimates and speclflicatíons ftirnishwl upön ap. lpication. AUKKTH W4SÍED. HUMPHRBYS' Dr. Humphrey' Specifica are sclentlflcally and carefully prepare.! Remedie, nsed for yeara ta private practica and for over thlrty years by the people wlth entlre succesf. Every single Speclflo a special cure for the distase nainod. 1- Fever, Coegestlens, InflamniaUons. '!si5 -Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Collc -Í5 3- Tecthlntn CoUc, Crylng, Wakefulnee .25 4- Diarrbea, of Chlldren or Adulta 25 7-Conghg, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8- Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache. S„ 9- Headachc, Slck Headache, Vértigo.. .25 10- Dyspepsia. Blllousucss, Constlpatlon. .23 ll-Bappreased or Painfql Periods... .25 1Ü- Wfclte, Too Profuse Perlod 25 13- Croup, I.nrynitiiis, Hoarseneas 25 14-Salt Uhcuin, Eryslpelas, Eruptions. . .25 15- Rheumatism, Kheumatlc Palns 25 16- Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19- Catarrh, Influenia, Cold In the Bead .25 UO Whoopins Conirh .% 27-KldneF Dlseases '" 'Xi 28-Nervou Debility .'.1.00 30- Urinary Weakness 25 3-Sre Throat, Qulncy,UlceratedThroát.25 --J)( DR. HUMPHREYS1 pnin OC# I I NEW SPECIFIC FOR GRIP, 25C. PntuplnsmAU bottles of pleanant pellets, luutflt youi vsst pocket. 80M by DragRlfti, or Bent prentd on rtpt of prtc. .min1 Miroi, h pt.,, ■, ,n,,u TmM%_ nmriiRKTS, 111 ui mm sl, kkw tobk. SPBOIPICS.


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