The City
A'ltiíionnl Local 0,1 rr( Four. Circuit eourt is now in session. Faculty concert this eve. at 8 o'clock. J. F. Schuh will do the plumbiu'g in A. J. Sawyer'e iiew residence. Martín Haller has a beautiful new team for his furniture uayon. John J. Fergueon is erecting a now houso for himself on Brooks-st. Nineteen applícants took the civil service examination last Saturday. N. J. Kyer is ereeüng another residence on E WUliam-Bt. near división. O. M. Martin was sopt busy during April attonding to twonty-three funerala. James S. Brokaw has boan granted an original pension through W. K. Child's ageney. Prof. Frank N. Colé has sold his residence on Waahtenaw-ave. to Mr Allen, of Toledo. A carload of Ohio Bandstone was reeived by John Baumgardner last Saturday itiorning. Geo. Clarken has liad ])lans made for another new houso on S. Uiviaio just south of tho one ereoted last fall. The old Bower homestead, on Millerave., bas been purchased by J. D' Ryan, Harry Üoufflass and Fred McOmber. The Ladies' Aid society of the firat M. E. church will give a social in the church parlors this evening at 6 o'clock. A horse belonging to A. H. Markham was badly injured by running into a barbed wire fence tast Saturday night. The Ann Arbor high school base ball nine was defeated by the Orchard Lako cadets Saturday. The score stood 13 to 10. An important mee ting in the interest of the proposed coffee room was held in the lecture room of the M. E. church last night. Next Sunday evening Dr. Cobern will deliver the second lecture in his course on "A Trip tbrough the Land of Philistia. " No more smoking during the meetings of the common council, unless by special resolution granting the privelege after 11 p. m. Fully two thousand people listened to tha splendid address by Chauncey M. DaPew at University Hall last Thursday aftcrnoon. The council meeting last Monday night was the longest the ncw council has held. A large araonnt of business waa 1 t-ansacted. Sunday evening, May 19, Bishop W. X. Xinde of Detroit will lecture in the Methodist church on "Observations in Eastern Asia.'' Prof. Stanley 's Wagner lecture which was to have been held last Thursday afternoon will be postponed until after the May Festival. Judge E. D. Kinne has suddenly appeared as an expert cyclist. He does not say where, when or how he learned to manage the wheel. The high school department of the Epworth League will meet in the M. E. church parlors tomorrow evening for the election of ofïicers. The clerks in the various shoe stores in the city are making an effort to induce the proprietors to close their places of bus iness at 6 p. m. The Chequamegon orchestra with ten pieces will furnish music for the Üniversity Comedy club tomorrow night at the opera house. W. W. Wedemeyer, school commissioner elect, has been invited to deliver an address at the Dexter High School commencement exorcises. ( wing to the iüness of Prof. Francia W. lvelsey the date of his Leotute on A Summer at Pompeii" has been ehanged to tomorrow night. Somebody has started the rumor that the street cara will be taken off entirely at au early day unless business picks up very considerably, and that soon. Gustavo A. Anderson, a lit student wbose homo was at Beaeon, Upper Peninsula, died last Saturday mornluR of bruin trouble caused from overstudy. Prof. Ernest D. Burton oftheDivinIty school of the University of Chicago is expected to preach in the First Baptist ohurch next Sunday morning-, May 12. __ l'ete Maneks, sometimos called Pete Saxton, was iined $2 and 86 costs for peeping in windows at night. In lieu of payment he will go to jail fifteen days. The following are the n.:w aubseribers to the telephone exchange, the Ano Arbor Savings Bank, 1(54, three ringband Mack & Schmid, No. 165, two rings. Ann Arbor is to have a real live circus. It ia announced for Priday and Saturday May 17 and 18. The posters state that it is Superb ! Stupendous ! ! Invincible ! ! ! Prof. P. K. dePont and Karl Hariiman wore in Detroit last Saturday to get the proporties necessary for the University Comedy club 's entertainment tomorrow evening. Hon. A. ,J. Sawyer has begun the erection of a fine new residenee adjoiuing his present home on Monroe-st. It will cost not less than $6,000.. Daniel J. Ross ha the contract. Herman Henning, who was at work on the brick building owned by G Frank Allmendinger, on S. Fifth-ave ' feil from a scaffold last Frklay and broke his right shoulder. The heavy rahrTuda7 af ternoon, and also that of Wednesday forenoon were a godsend to this parehed' community. Although of very short duration they were none the less welcome. The latest is that Whitmore Lake is not to be left out in the cold so far as railroads are coneerned. It would be a mistake to miss that lake and the Toledo road would find it out soon should it decide to do so. Frederick A. Munson, of 53 E. Univave., died at his home last Friday morning, of heart disease. He was over 70 years of age. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, Rev. C. M. Cobern officiating. The song recital to be given by Mrs. Kedzie and a chorus of college girls for the benefit of the woman's gymnasium is being prepared for by frequent rehearsals. The entertainment will probably ba given May 25. The following ofïicers were eleotcd last Sunday by the Young Men's Club of the Congregational church: President, W. H. Butler; vice-president, Win. Biggs; Secretary, John E. Travis: Treasurer, H. A. Williams. The Cour ier is authority for a rumor that Ann Arbor may soon have a sensa. tion similar to thai which The Evening News lately gave concerning a Bay City lady at Poutiac who though sane was confined at the asylum. "Medicine and the Bible" is the subject of the course of lectures being delivered by Dr. D. A. McLachlan bef ore the University Bible class of the M. E. church. Next Sunday at 12 m. he will deliver the second of these lectures. Judge Kinne has filed his decisión in the case of Ann Walker vs. the City of Ann Arbor and also in whatis known as the Biggs case against the Regents of the University, in each of which a new trial is asked. He refused to grant the same. At the meeting of the Political Equality club last Friday afternoon, Miss Emma E. Bower was elected a delégate to the llth annual convention of the Michigan Equal Suffrage Association being held in Saginaw yesterday and today. Prof. Otto Kirchner told the seniors laws M onday that the altornies, ,). M. Choate and Ex-Senator Edmunds, who argued ugainst theincome tax bill bcfore the (J. S. Supremo Court received a fee of 1300,000. Pretty good pay for a few weeks woi-k. Supt. of poor, Sipley, states that the entire losses frora lire the past year have been less than $5,000, the two heaviest losses being the residence of Prof. 3. C. Knowlton, and that of Mrs. Speechly on State-st., destroying Dr. Campbell's library. John W. Johnson, of No. 14 Wall-st., who has been coniined in the asylum at Pontiac for several years, died at that place Tuesday, nigbt. The remains will be brought here, and tho funeral held at St. Andrew's church this p. m. at 4 :30 o'clock. Jacob Knapp was run into by a T. & A. A. freight train last Saturday morning while running a wheel barrow on the railroad tracks. Several bones were broken. Though seriously injurcd he will survive. Mr. Knapp is somewhat deaf and did not hear the warning signal. The following officers have been elected by the Ann Arbor Typographical Union for the ensuing year: President, Georgo 11. Cooper; vice-president, Wm. J. Kirby; recording secretary, Chas. F. Dietas; financial secretary, Guy W. Stevenson; master at arms, Clyde C. Kerr. There was a smallpox seare in the city yesterday. So far as we can learn there is nothing in it. , The postoffice department has just made a ruling that all matter in imitation of typewritten work must be treated as first class matter, for the reason that in many cases it is impossible to distinguish between actual typewriting and printed matter made to imítate actual work upon a writing machine. Such a ruling is a confession of lack of perception on the part of postal officials at Washington that is simply amazing.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register