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AlilATllSE To Carry on an Almost Helpless Fighí. - At Last the Fight is Over. (From the Battle Creek Moon.y Our representative callerl at 26 Battle Creek Avenue, the residence of S. I Rol). bins,and in an interview with him broueht out the following facts: Mr. Robbin-, of his wife's experience in a manner that carnes conviction with his words Ho ?iSk "}.am S0Try my wife is not at home tfflS 1 . SL, but no one knows better tlian I how she has sufïered during past 3 or twenty years she has ïieen afflicted with the various forms of kidney com[ii.unt and an cnlargement of the liver olie was often conflned to her bed for more tlian two weeks at a time suffering untold agony. She has doctored constantly and l uiivc pam out in doctors bilis for her alone as much as $900.00, and then her relief was only such that she would be able to be around for a spell. Some time ago she feit the symptoms of another attack coming on, such as a pain in through the kidneys and back. I liardly know what induced me to get a box of Doan's Kidney Pilis, instead of sending for the familv physician; however, I got some and she commenced their use. It was a surprise to us both to see their action; the attack was warded off, and she continued takinothem with marked improvement each day of their use. She is better now than sho has been in years, the pain in the back and others in the kidneys have entirely gone Hardly a day goes by that we do not mention the great good Doan's Kidney Pilis have done her. I was always opposed to patent medicines, but confess that my wifes experience with Doan's Kidney Pilis has done much to change my opinïons. If it were not for those pilla she would not have been able to be out this afternoon. ■ Doan's Kidney Pilis for sale by all dealers- price, 50 cents. Mailed by FosterMilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tht U. S. Remember the name, Doan's and take no other. OWEN Qí ELEGTRSOp O L L i Tride Mark-Dr. A. Owen FOR MEN AND VOMEN The latest and only scientific and practical Electric Belt made, tur general use, produin2 agenuine current of Electricity, for the euro of disease, that can be readüy feit and regulated both in quantity and p jwer, and applied to any part of the body . It can be wora at any time during working hours or sleep, and WILL POStTIVELY CURE Hegengbal sebilkty ""1ÜÍP SUXUAJü WEAKNESS 'W..-KIONEY SISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied, is fast taking he place of drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatlc Uaney and Urinal Troublcs, and will effect cures )n eeemingly hopelesa cases where every otner known means has failed. Any sluggish, weak or diseased orean may y thia moans be roused to healthy activity beiore it is too late. Leadins medical men use and recommend the Owen Belt in their practico. OÜR LARGE ILLÜSTRATED CATALOGUE Containsfullest informatlon regarding the cure f acute, chronic and nervoua dlseases, prices, ndhow to order, in English, Germán, Swedish nd Norwegian languages, will bemailed, apon ppiication, to any address ior 6 cents poetage. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. MAIN OfTICB AND OSL.Y PACTOKT, he Owen Electric Belt Bldg., 201 to 211 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL. f he Largesí Electric Belt Establishment in the World MENTID1 TMIS PAPBR. PLÜMBING STEM AMD GAS FITTING SEWER CONNECTIONS Made promptly and at reasonablo ra tes. AM Work First = Class ! GIVE Mi: A TRIAL. JOHNO'BRIEN, 30 E. WASHINGTON ST. 25 HOUR SOLID YESTIBLE TRAIN - WITH - PULLMAN DRAWING-ROOM SLEEPER f CINCINNATI - 10 - JACKSONYILLE WITHOUT CHANGE -VIA THE - SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leaving Cincinnati at 8:30 a. m. Passengers are only ONE NIGHT OUT In roaching the principal, FLORIDA RESORTS. Train Cincinnati at.8:00p m ! carries unión Pullman SIepping car to JacksonviDe without change. W. A. Turk, C. A. Bensoter, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Ass't Gwi'J. Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. Knoxville, Tenn. THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RAPIOS AND WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE D. L. & N. DETROIT, UNSIN6 & NORTHERN. STATIONS. QOÏNG mt. Detroit....... Lv. 7 4. ïlopm' SOOpm Plymouth.... " 8 26 i 4X 6 Bpnth livon.. 8 48 2 (.7 7 04 llowell Juno. 9 14 J gg Howell " il 2it 2 36 '" - 86 Lanatag...... " lu ar 8 88 8 87 Orand Led?e. " 10 Ba 3 56 9 00 urunu napias " iz 4" p m o 20 10 45 {.oniil--;--. ■' UWiam 4 45pmlOOO HüWitrdcity..Ar. 1 35 p m 11 45 p n 8TJTION6. GOING EAST. Howard city.Lv. 5 50 a ni 4 00 n m ÏPmil;;, " 7 :'(l 186pm586 Grand Rapids " I ■ 5 25 Grand Ledge. ' ga 213 7 02 Lansing " i 54 725 "'■■ " v X: 3 69 8 25 Howell June. " 56 South Ly on..." 10 26 4 28 8 56 Plymoth " 10 57 4 47 9 20' I'f troit A r. 11 40 a m 5 311 p m 10 10 p m Oonneeuons at Grand Rapids with the Cltieatoanñ West Michigan Ry. for Petosky, Traverse City, Manistee. MuskegOD, Grand Haven, Benton Harbor, and St. Joseph T. A. A. t X. M. Agents Sell Tfiroiuh Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A., Grand Rapids. nCHIGAN CENTRAL. "The Niágara Fulls Bonte." VEÜx'RAL STANDARD XIX'ETKA1TVS AT A!VN ARBOK. 1 (tking Effect May 19, 1SS5. GOING EAST. üail & Esprese s 30p.m. N . Y. & Boston Special 5 00 Fast Eastern 10 13 Atlantic Ex 7 ' a.m Detroit Night Ex 5 40 Grand Rupids Ex 11 05 GOIXG WEST Mail & Express. 8 43 A. V Boston, H. T. 4 Ohlcago 7 30 Nortb SboreLtd 9 80 Fast Western Ex 2 03 p. M. Grand Epds & Kal Ex 5 57 Chicago Night Express 10 28 Pacific Ex 12 1", C.W. RI'GGLES. II, IV [1AYW, G. P .t T. A.. Chirapo. Ap't., nn Artor (CO RA CLEVELAND MÏÏ BUFFALO VIA C. A. It. LINE.' fommenclni' Tviiti op tiingof naviat on abocl Apri lsi . MairnificeTi 1 sterl steamer ■ süiic ol 'Olilo' and1 State ol.Newïoik," DAll.Y UU Til: SI NDAYiy.I.l ] Lv. Oleveland, 6:30 p. M. Lv. Bufff lo, 6:3Op._ Ar. Buffulo, 7:30 a. m. j Lv. ■ 1 veland 7 80a. x. CENTRAL STA'DiKD TIH1 Tak.1 rhe ' C. & B. Line" sttamc rS nd cnjoy rpfrevhniK nieht'a ii whin enn utelo Itii:'aiu, Masara I'iill. Tvrunlo, ' ork, ItoKioii. Albuiiy, l.('ii( Idands, or atj other Kast rii er Cuiamso polnt. Cheap ExGursícns Weekíy to Niágara Falls. üeLd 4 ccuts püstage lor tooiUt ;pampMet, W.F.Herman, T. V. NrwjtAN, Gen'l. I'ass. Atft. Ri-n.l.' Slauattr. ( levela;id. Oblo. 1I?cmMSJRADEMArks3 v copyrights.CA!V I OTÍTAIN A PATENT? For Rrompt answer and an bonest optnion. write t 1 l'NN iSc COi who have had nearly iifty years' experience In the patent business. Communie tlons strit'tly confMential. A f tnnrfbonk of Informalion conoerninR l'ntt'nts and how to obtain tbcm sont free. Also a coíalogue of mechanical and scientific hooks .spnt free. Patenta taken throuuh Munn & Co. reccfv Special noticeinthe 9ctentlflc Ainerirnïi, and tuus are brfxiL'ítt widely beforc tho puhücwfthout cost to tho inventor. This splendid paperv VFfiued weekly, eletidnily illustrated,has by fartbeiarpest circulation of any scientiflc work iti th& world. S3 a year. Sample cor.ies sent free. BuiidinR EditioD.monthly. ?2.50a year. SíHíiIe copies, ií5 cents. Every number contains beao hful piafes, in colora, and photoraplis of new houses. with plans, enablinír buildors ío show tne latpst dt'sitíns and secure contracta. Arirtress MUNN & cu., xew York, jüi Bhuadway. THE BEST LINE TO THE SOUTK 5 r THE DIRECT LINE TO Ni l Gincinnali and the South. 1 3 THROüGH TRAINS DAILY from DETRO 4 THR0U6H TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, TO DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUTff . The Best Line From MICHIGAN flND NORTHERN OHIO TO FLORIDA and all the Southern States. D. B. TRACY N. P. A.. Detroit. Mlch. JOHN BASTABLE. D. P. A .. Toledo. O. D. G. EDWARDS. G. P. A., Carew Bid.. Cimfnnatl,


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