Real Estate Transfers
The following is a list of the transfers af real estáte in this eounty for the week ending, June 8th, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract Company. office in Lawrence building, corner of 4th, and Ann sts. Ann Arbor,Mich. Clark Cornwell and wife to Edwai-d I. Thompson, Yysilanti. .$ 1000 Ypsilanti Paper Co. to Edward L Thompson, Ypsilanti 1 EL W. Geer to W. R. Geer, Ypsilanti. 1 John J. Hinckley to Benj. Miller, Ypsilanti 5000 N. D. to Mich. Chapter of Delts Upsilon Frat. Ann Arbor i G. F. Sta?ble et al to Kegina Steeble, Ann Arbor 1 Moses Seabolt to Francés Stofflet, Ann Arbor r Emelia G winner to Wm. A. Gwinner and wife, Ann Arbor 1 R. G. Barnes to Nettie E. Barnes, Ann Arbor 1 N. G. Butts to G. M. A. Jones, Ann Arbor 325 E. W. Hobbs to Alf red Davenport, York 3650 ftrmina A. Hoag, to H. S. Holmes, Chelsea 2500 Ackley & Bush to Frank Staffan, Chelsea 2140 Frank Staffan to Christopher Klein, Chelsea 2140 Wm. Lehr and wife to Chas. H. Knorpp, Manchester 2500 C. VV. Ridgewa; to Cain Vogelbacher, ISJanchester (j00 ralter Parker to Chas. A. Parker Saline 1000 Alice Barnes to R. G. Barnes, Ann Arbor and Superior 1
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Ypsilanti Paper Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Clark Cornwell
Edward I. Thompson
H. W. Geer
W. R. Geer
John J. Hinckley
Benjamin Miller
N. D. Corbin
G. F. Staebler
Regina Staebler
Moses Seabolt
Frances Stofflet
Emelia Gwinner
William A. Gwinner
R. G. Barnes
Nettie E. Barnes
N. G. Butts
G. M. A. Jones
E. W. Hobbs
Alfred Davenport
Ermina A. Hoag
H. S. Holmes
Frank Staffan
Christopher Klein
William Lehr
Charles H. Knorpp
C. W. Ridgway
Cain Vogelbacher
Walter Parker
Charles A. Parker
Alice Barnes