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'ñJSgMLL__ È, muwHjx j PEN ? [lo,,, of ÈÊI ' : ' our ; vou shouid m : , m„h_ t}ink of Grade, Be. j the con" T Mable Pe„s rveniencePwi]llasta]ife_ i time. SomeJ B4PID PEN FACTOfiy, f Wasftjngion, D. C SALYER'S I Whípped Gream Baking Powder BEST IN THE WORLD. WE GUAR ANTEE Every Package! NONE BETTER! Use it once- you will ahva.ys use it. The Salyer Grocery Co., 32 EAST HURÓN ST. ■PHONl 122. OFTMüNTPARLÖRS 4ND HA TH KOO.TIS Ladies' Arfistic Kair Dressing and Batli Rooms UI' STA1B& 80 S. State 8t., Nlext to Sheehan's. wk. a mu, j. n. ritoj%ovsKi I - . FINE mmmmmtBS& Millinery A XI) Dressmaking-, New Importations of the latest shapea andstylesof FINE SPRING MILLINERY . . . . JUST RECEIVED! Iwo,,ld be pleased to have the ladieJ of Ann Arbor and vicinity cali and examine my styles. DBICSSM IKJXG! Cut by the Kellog-g Tailor System. Our head lady trimmer speaks Germán. missüarTbell, PROPRIKTOK. Opvra House Rlock. 1 ONLY $20 ONLY Big 4 Mileage AOCEPTED POS PA88AGE BY OC DIFFERENT TRANSPOR. OT Ul TATIO.N (WIIMMUS, Ju Besure and buya "Big BW' Ticket. v„u will sare time and money. PAINTERSlÑPAPERHAÑGERS WANTED ! FfiED BAMFOfiD & C0M , s-65 DETROIT, - mi, 1 1. (JROSSMANÍ CHLHK 5TOUES í) AND Wl Best ir) te yaxrlL acción &kfn ÍSTOVES 1 ' AXJJ . HARDWARE. io West Liberty Street. ÍCET Telephone Jí.=====___ E. V. HANGSTERFER Pure Úp Rirer ICE i Liberal Weight, Prices Moderate. Promptness in Deiivery. gmaFeícürsiís Missouri Pacific Ry. A XI) Iron Mounfain Roufe, TO THE West, South and South West. Latdx For Sale In Texas, and Pecas Valley N. M. Through Pullman Buffet And Tourist Sleepers To Texas and California, Daily From CMcago. WHITE TO H. D. ARMSTRONG, T. P. A., Mo. Pac. ly. JACKMHt, BtlCB. TRUCK AND STORAGE PARCEL DELIVERY. C. E. GODFREY. Betidma and Office, 43 Fourth-Ave., TBLEPBONB 82. Sèè GASOLINE TBACTÍOH ENGINE OPERATED FOR O NE-HALF THE EXPENSE OF STEAM TRACTION. !íeeds no wator hauler, no coal, wood or raw. Bo steam, smoke, sparks or ashes o ppssibility of flre or explosión. Needs Engineer or Pireman. Started in 5 nuteo. Just the thing for the Farm 'rite for catalogue. We also build all slzes of Stationary & Iortable Oasoline Enirlnes. THE VAN DUZEN GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINE CO , CINCirsllMATI, O.


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