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Schairer & Millen

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BREAK IN PRICES. FOR A GREAT MOYEMENT OF SUMMER MERCHANDISE. . . Silk Seiling for June 300 yards Fancy Printed China Silks,.Your Choice 19c a yard. 20 pieees Pretty Wash Silk, for Waists, Your Choice 35c a yard. 15 pieees 24 inch Swivel Wash Silks, Your Choice 37c a yard. 25 pieees Faney Silks, Your Choice for this sale at 50c a yard. 30 inch Black China Silks, abargain at 50 and 75e a yard. 22 inch Hlack Faille Silk, the 85c kind, new price 59c a yard. 24 inch Black Satin Dutchesse worth $1.00, new price 75c a yard. 26 inch Very Finest Satin Duchesse, Great Bargain at $1.25 a yard. 30 inch White India Wash Süks at 50 and 75c a yard. 5 pieees Black Brocade Satins $1 quality, new price 75c a yard. 24 ince Black Fisured India Silks $1 quality, new price 75c a yard. 24 inch Black Surah Silk, 85c quality, new price 59c a yard. 2? inch Black Surah Silk, a bargain at 50c a yard. Ladies : It is about time you were thinking about that Graduating Dress. You will find with us Lansdowns and Gloria Silks at $1 a yard. Pretty Dotted Swiss and French Dimities at 2oc a yard. French Organdies at 30c a yard. Cream all Wool Novelty Batiste at 65c a yard. Cream Wool Albatross at 35, 40 and 50c a yard. All Wool Cream, Pink and Light Blue Henriettas at 25c a yard. Silk Crepons at 35c a yard, and Crepe Silks 50c a yard. 200 yards Kai Kai Wash Silks, for this sale 29c a yard. May Trading in Wash Goods One Case Light Colored Chai lies at 3c a yard. I 50 pieees Plain Plaid and Check Ginghams all 5c a yard 25 pieees White Dotted Swiss Muslin at 9, 10 and 15c a ySrd. 1 1 One Case Fine Pretty Lawns, 10c quality, for this sale .e a yard. 10 pieees Black Plaid Dress Lawns the 12 kind, now 8c a yard. 15 pieees White Plaid and Check Muslins, all for 5c a yard. 60 pieees India Linen at 8, 10 and ]2c a yard. 20 pieees Fine Irish Lawns in New Colora at 10c a yard. Printed Dimities the very Latest Colorings at 124c a yard. 2 Cases Best Dress Prints, the 7c quality, all at 5c a yard. New Duck Suitings, Besi Quality and Styles at 124c a yard. Continued to Read The Low Prices Children's Short Sleeve Gauze Ve&ts all sizes at 10c each. j 15 dozen Ohildren's White Bonnets at 10c eaoh. 20 dozen Silk Windsor Ties at 10c each. 15 dozen Ladies' Pnre Silk Mitts, new price 19c a pair. 12 dozen Stockinet Dress Shields at 7c a pair. Good Quality Dress Stays 9c a set. One Case 50 Summer Corsets at 39c a pair. _ I 25 dozen Men's Heavy Fast Black Hose atlOca pair. 35 dozen Boy's Heavy Ribbed Past Black Doublé Knee Stockings, the l 25c quality at 15e a pair. 25 dozen Large Size Gingham Aprons at 12jc each. LadïëWrappers Never such a gathering. Never such pretty styles. One Lot Liarht Print W rappers at 49c. Ladies' Percale and IrishLawn Wrappers, the $1.25 kind, now roo 10 doen'New Print Wrappers in Blues, Grays, and Blacks, fulllarge sleeves, lined vvaist. New Price 98c each. Ladies' Fine Percale and Lawn Wrappers, choice styles at Sl.oO each. Fine French Satine Wrapptrs, trimmed around the y o e with Kutfles, fancy braid and ribbons at $2.50 each. Ladies' Washable Duek Suits. colors and styles, the ohoicest lignt and dark, Special Prieces for this sale $2.50, $3.00 and $d.oO. , - - - ' ' Parasols Handsome White Silk Coaching Parasols at $1.35. 22 inch White Silk Parasols with deep Ruftle at $1.7o each. 22 inch Black Sil k Parasols with deep Ruffle at $1.75 each. 100 Children's Parasols at 25, 35 and 50c each. ' LEADEARS OF LOW PRICES.


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