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taw.uinaEre- i- - - rmm ZtE CCUv C&6LaXawd Lvmcuco_ and do it too in a way that hc will likc. Evcry man that wears collars and cufis shouíd kuow about the " Celluloid " Iiiterlined. A lincn collar or cuffcovered with waterproof " Celllloid." They are the only Iuterlined Collars aud Cuffs made. They are the top notch of comfort, neatness and econoniy. They will go through the day with you in good shape, no matter how hot or how busy you get. Yo can clean one yourself in a minute, without dependence on busy wives, unskillful hired girls or uncertain and distant lauudries. Simply wipe them off. Êvcry piece is ïnarkcd as follows : Elluloid Vou must insist upon goods se marked and take uothitig else if you expect satisfaction. If your dealer should not have them , we will send you a sample postpaid on receiptof price. Collars 25c. cach. Cuffs 50c. pair. Give size, and specify standp or turned-down collar as wanted. THECELLULOSDCOIVIPANY, 137-99 Broadway, NEW YOIIK. Wk THA08 MARX ombs AND Ög LLj! vv y POUTIYKÍ.Y CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Sleeplessness and all derangements of the Nervous System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. PiírHy Vcu'tabl ,;ïiiaraiitil f te IV0111 oplatesa 100 I11II sizi' !!■, 5üc U. 11. Bailev. Becetrlng Teller, Grand Rapu. Mich . Suvlngs Mank. ssys tae cannot -ay 00 11 1 ui t 1 ín favor of "Adironda." Wbeelers Qearl and Ñei ve Cure. l'or Sale Hy all Dmgglat. 1 [SE BARNES' INK JjL, S. BAD HES CO., M E. (I I OP m "NtSS & HEAD NOISES C.UREÜ, ■I ÊJt ■■ My Tubular i.'uslnim ln-lp hen all ■■ ■ else (Wis, a? glasws betp . ye. WlñaIpersheard Nopain. bvwM. K. II cox, 653 li'way llfew York, sulc depot. Send ftw uook auil proui FREE. WE HAVE ÑOACÉÑTS HnBh hut ship from our faetory at Tvfí whei for ezunlDatlon : 1 y A'S fnislH liotli way if not sutiv _- V_aBML-r faetory. ÏIX) styles of jmi Wm KK.X t'urriagt-s 90 styles of I m8WHhI Ilnriii'K Send4cts V JSIP-ACT 9 fo. 1 12 pase catalogue. No. I18JJ $35. W. )'.. lV:itl, Sn-'Y, tlkhMl, Iml. The Leading Conservalory of Amarioa---3 Casi. Faültun, Dirccior. i'SiTO Fou.idediu laüby -TTCÏR' VTUV QHiX--SendforProspectUi i (fjSO- -" givïne full iniormation. - - - Frank W. Hale, General Manager. Peknyroyl pills _vr - s. rlcliiuIftiHl Only Gcnulnc. A PyiL'-X safe, llwaya rt-liaLU. ladics ask 4t t' 4( &tlti IJrUKKlst tor'Chir.ticsttrs Kni'i'lt 'tY NtóSees""' '""■' "'■' and '■'■'' """""xYp lbv-fviS''osl'!i st:'lcJ wilh b'"L' rtkboa. TuliO N IJ IH'JíÜm oud imitïlloiu. Al l)ru„yii. ornead -lp. I !v in stam-js fur partleulari, t siiiooUU mt 15, B "llcli.'f fr I.UlII. ■■ r.lurTi ff Mui. lU.OOOT.-ui.iotiini. Wam; -rhlhitirt"htiilcuH'o.L-adl.ii. Nuuuri-, 3old 1)1 11 Loel IlriKfiau. X iiimau.. I . [HBPHmiARKER'S 2kpS "AIR BALSAM j NP F. 3C O f? MS, 2 % íiiic'VvToT ? y' JfQ.uick! ■il 1 There'slotsofsnapand 1 vim in tbls Hikkh' HyL- IIootbker. Tliere'slots I UidcC' I "f pleasure aud good I nint i)eath i ti it, too. A delROOTBEE" litious drink, a temperLL J anee drink, a home■tffffl made drink, a drink ■ that delights the old H HP and yotiof?. Be sure " aad get the geaulue HÏRES Hootbeer k ü ccut picktne mk 5 gtlloni. So 1 verjwliere. THE CHA8. E. HIRES COMPANY, PMILADELPHIA, PA. jMmllUUUUmlU'lU"""'""1"""""""""""""" About Knives. A cbeap Pocket-knife car be bougbtt al ■■.. ry Store, but it is not the kinfc you want. One dollar is the loweet price that m really good knife can be BOld for. This ïiloumn is placed in this paper to adveyï se the very Poeket-knife ever. -sok1. It is J. C. Tidmaksh's Sheffield. iteel Knife. Wever buy a knife only because i, looks well. Jf blades aro not the best Shetfield steel they will soon bend, no raattor how they will look. Still, yoo. want a fine-looking knife. The United States law provides ttaaA only samples to agenta and to the tiadewill be admittel free of duty. Yon can, therefore, see the advantage that. I have in sending s: nip .; to agent over those who deal u. ueffield good. in America. I am an advertising agent' I ai: trusted with a certain amount tï 3X advertising these knives (tfi3 "a value ever seen in America at t Dollar each). Now, the kiitj Ls own best advertisement. Imagine a Pocket-knife (3i incib long) with the most beautifully-graioeè vory handle- genuine African viotts mand with two blades of the very toeak Shettield steel that will last a liletisoeand cut like a razor. The tips of th& handles are heavily plated with sterling silver. And then a very nice chamois leather case goes with eacb knife. Xow, .ould it not be easy work selling this knife at One Dollar each? I know it would, for it looks as if it were worth two dollars. And so it is if you compare it witVj the value offereö in the ordinary Store Is not this knife its own best ad tisement. You can make $4 per day seu theut! knives. This is a gunuine : struiytforward statement. ia ■ounting that you show it to oaijc twelve buyers every day. And vwtqg ■ne that seos it will say it is gooö' value for SI. Tbe knivefl are solsl te- you at f8 per dozen : you sell tbem aaeh. 1 determinad to use large sum o? a vertisinlg money entrusted to me jending1 out free samples to thoso wiisi in-ornii1 1" nr' as agentB for tlie sa!' I will senu you a iree sampí, you must sign the promise at the fooï. of thiscolumc, and make a de i - show that in asking for the kniie are acting in good faith. . The deposit that I ask of y i cents about half the wholesal the knife. and less than one-third w - ' you would have to pay for a lal'ï it, if you bought one Send the money by a PosíIí.! i one-cent stampa for -lli-t.. ut .ent stamp on the letter,, whi ■ must not weigh more than eue -ojslii ounce. The deposit of 44 cents will to credit, and will be dwcl f rom your fii'st order at the dowa cate:. I am an advertising agent, contraand publisher with one of tin Advertising businesses in thfl wevld abso lutely y uarantee to send, fif' naid and duty free, the knife di Iabove fr.e to anyone who Bigm promise belovv, and sends it with Ü, deposit as stated. ♦ # Let me advise you not to part wïir your sample, even if you should lose fc sale at $1 by refusing, as it will tal .. time to replttce it. I coulc1 not sen - you anotber even if you sent the fv. . After thv sample they can only be plied to you by the dozen as thev dutv on them to be paid. Any English Banker can give yM Information about my high standing write to the publisher of this paper who knowa that I do a large straightforward advertising bugii and that I do exaitly as I say. ' I have taken this pace in this pape:r for three years 1 Xnefirstone anawer- Ing this advertisement after this mimber of the paper has come out w i he likes, have his name printed in this space as agent for these knives. # The Editor of the Era writes, in his papa oi 29, 1894: "I have received a sampier knife from Mr. Sears, and am much pleased with it. He i the om of a verv large advertising '■■■v.-' In l.ondon. and is, 1 beltave, per'. responsible and straiirhtforward." Sign your name and address to following, cut it out and send it ■ I 'ostel ( rder or Btasapi te I and you will receive by return of the boautiful knife as described above. . F. W. SEARS, Adtebtisini ; Ackxt a n i i Contractor, Wholesale Kniftet.. Advertisini; Department, , 138 Pleet Stbebt, Uu Dear Sik, - I faithfuüy promiae os ainl bonour to show the Sample r. you have promiaed to send me to or more of my friends, thereby e a tutlng myself an agent. This wiL1 make me "in the trade" a.s iar a&Pocket-cutlery is ooocerned. Bof thi. ■ promise I am entitled to a sa"ap! your beautiful Dollar l'ockjt-knii ' with cbamois leather rase, to be be me post-paid and duty free. I also ë' close 44 cents Postal rder c stam whlch please hold for me unvil I box. i you an order at the dozen rate. Name. . . _ Address „ Addrtss all letU n to F. W. 5EARS, Wholesale Knite Adivertisement De?l. i 128 FLKKT ST., LONDON


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