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Best Route Southeast South Southwest is the Louisville and Nashville Railroad i SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PROSPECTIVE SETTLERS. Pull information cheerfully furnished upon application to IACKS0H SM1TH, DiT. Pass. Ait., Cincinnati, 0. C. P. ATMOEE, öen'l Pass. Ait., Louisrtlle, Ky. ..TJÍE.. ELDREDGE "B" A strictly high-grade Family Sevring Machine, imssesiíiiig all modern improvements. GuaranteedEqüalto the Best Prices Tery reasonable. Obtain them from yonr local dealer and multe coinparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURIHQ CO, BELVIDERE, 1LL. SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY THEM LIKE EM AND TELL Sos. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in thcir family work, and are still using the original machines we fnrnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other han needies. With proper care they never wear out, and seldorn need repair. We have built sewing machines for rnore than forty years and have constantly unproved them. We l.uild our machines on honor, and they are recogntzed everywhere as the most accurately fitted and finely fintshed sewing machines in the vvorld. Our latest, the " No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In competition with the feeding ma hines of the world, it received the Grand Prize at the Taris Expositíon of 1889, as the best, otlier machines receivina; only complimentary medals of gold, silver and bronze. The Grand Prize was what all sought lor, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied territory WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. 185 4187 WAfcASH mvE.. Chicago mUKÊ WIICOX COMPOUND MM RfIWABE OF COÏNTEBFK1T. ■B The iiiiy nafr and always re Hable Heiier ■H lr 1, adíes. Accept no orthless and daniH RiTiins iniltations. favo money aml Ruanl 5H heallh liy lakliis notlilmt luit the i.nlyjgenuM iiie and origina. V ilci.x ('impnn Tansy B l'ills. In int'tn] tM)xs hearing sliiold tradu gJK mark, pricii f2.00, all drugKlsts. Sincl 4 ets. ior "WotiiiursSare luartl, t-curply malled. WII.COX Kl'KriFtC O.. 328 Soulli KIBbtli SCrel, IMiila., I. I EWiS' 38 % LYE JEP (tatented) U Thtroiig-etandparetT.y9 ■fA lj"llke other lt beln ■A Ui flus pnwiliT and nacktid In a can ■i w wlth removablo lid, the contenlii ■v are always ready ror use. WiU MB make the bet ]rfnmftd Hard Scp lu 20 minute wllhuul bolllnir. MIÊÊÊ !■ '"-t forcleanslug wajta flfn l'llf, dlslni.rtlng slnks, closetiL V ] wahlQg bottles, palnts, trooe, etcT aifefc PKNUA. SALT H'FO CO. ■■BR Beu. Agts., riülu., l', B U SI NE SS CABI) & r K. WILLIAMS. "Attorney at L:iu, tillan, OTIch. , v ii ;n d fov outside parties.All legal business given prompt attentkm. W. S. MOOBE, DENTIST! WorK onetn all loims of modem eten tistry. u ai il Biidge work atpic.nUy. SdÜSfiiCliOU GaHraukcil . (ü. OF M. GBADUATE.)26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arbr WM. W. M1CMOLS, Dental Parlois ! OVER 8AVINGS BANK Ol'FOSITE COI' UT HOUSE 8t VAHE. AR TH CE J RITSO&, Contractor and Bulder! Estlmates furnislied on all kinds of Architec ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choce Meats Cor. Waslilngton-st., and Fiftli-ave. Our aim is to pleafe our oustomers by always baud'iug tbe verv Cboicest Meats ihatthe maiket afforJ. F. W. BLAKE DENTIST Over Brmvn's Drug1 Store, S. W. Corner, Main and Huron-sts., Ánn Arbor, Mich. Shoe Repairing ! None better in the city. All work promptly done. Modérate prices. Ooen all tlia year around. I solicit ashar oL your patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY, East Liberty, Neir StatP. Oil and Gasoiine Brought to Yjur Door Without bothe ing to cruer everytime you are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at 8. W. Corner of E. YashinetoaaiKl 8 Fi:ih-ave. and ltave your order and I will üeep you supplied at lowest raies. II. KOODALE. ATTENTÏON! LAOIES AND GENTLEMEN ! When you vant anythlng in the line of To nso Ha l Wo rk You are iuvlted tocall upon KELLY & JOHNSON, 13 li. AN. STREET, O'ir wnrU Is first-class. Sitisfaction Guaranteed JOHN BAUMQARDNER, Dealer in American and Imported QRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work X SPEdALTï Corner of Detroit aud Catserlne pti. ANN' ARBOR, JIIC'H. Argus Book Bindery . + BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Manufacture on ahori notice. Collection and Pocket Wallets, Medical, Surgical and Opera Sk ss ?asei . Made and Elepaired. Wealsomakea specialty oí repairinjr, cleaning and rebindingold booksof every descriptiun. W. H. BUTLER, 16 IÍ. Hm-ou-M., AND A1IKOIC, SOCil, Sicretary and Treasurer Nat, Savbigê at a Loa Associut in, MONEY TO LOAN. RINSEYirsËABOLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and oansellat low tiu-uros. Or frequent larga invoices oí Teas is a sure si-n we give baryains in Quality and Prices. We roast our own eoffees e vc ry week ahvays fi-esh a id good. Our bakerv turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and ('vacke 3. Caü and see us.


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