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WURSTER & KIRN Wantyoi "■'' a CARRIAfiE OR BUGGY MMÍAKIC FOB ITNIÍL.F. BEPAIBINQ NEATLY DONE AT MODERATE RATES. . Horse Shoeing . BY EXT. vk auivTi:i; ai.i. oi k wohk 21, 23 and 25 N. 41h Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich, ANDREVV E. QIBSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. JS'o. JO L. H ti ron St. ANN AKISOU MICH. „ . A á JUST RECEIVED! .1 .y. . Imnie'e of 1 TOOTH I BRUSHES The are of Good Qnultij and cheap. Fuily Warranted lo the wear and tear. They aro liettutiex to look at, too. I B. & M. ■ DRUQ STORE, 46 SOCTH STATK ST. SGHALLER'S BOOKSTORE 19 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 15,000 Rolls of the choicest selection of Wall Paper ! JUST RECEIVED. As this Is our FIRST SEAS in the Wall Paper trade, our stock therefore consiste of nothing but the . ATEST anti NE WEST stylt First-Class White Blanks il om 5c a Roll üp Window Shadea made to order and b'ing In a;;y part of thu oity. MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKSELLER STATIONER and WALL PAPER DEALER, E. Washington St„ Op. Hangsterfer's THE BEST NURSËR. A Few Testimonial. NEW YOKK IX FA NT ASYI.l'M - The nursins bottle known as ' ' Th !' It,' ' has been tried at the Asyluni and is recommended most warmly especlally for the facility with which it can be kept perfectly olean. NEW YORK LYENG-IN ASYLUW I have uaed the nursing bottle "Tin Best," and Bnd t superior to any I bave seon aí havlng cotnbined all essential Quali irefore heartly raooni it. E. K. TÜLL, M. D. NEW YORK MEDICAL QOLLEGE AND HOSP] CAL EX)R WÖME am pleased with your Nureer "TIn Best," it does uil you claim for it. L. A. DELL. M. E. r p_s(i?CIean5Íng V'rr' V'thebest' i See tbc '■Air-lnlct !" (as WXi. easHy adjusted as a t'ork ; it 1 canuot leakor be pulled out T by V)aby) lots in air Back 'f l'ood as fast as 'food is suckedout, and makingit Lmpossibla for nipple tu coTlaps this prevents wind eolic. See how easily "THE BEST" is olean A clean bo! tic prevente bowel trouble. At Dbuggist, 25o.; ILyours declines to get it, send us 3üe. for one by mail, post-iaid. Our "Clin;fast"' Nipple, pure gum, 50c. doz . THE 80THA11. CO.,70 Warren St„ New York. CCHRAGE'S $1,000,000.00 ö Rheumalic Cure Nsver Failed. Advice feYee. ;n, Higgê ■ mul Imac ."'■ n r I '■'■ ) of Lans"?, .li.. oíer may doctors and tft priwsfs ai Mi. ( I mi IM ""'. Í 'i,v. ...);! f nywooA, cil'i i nyinet r, of MarshaU. Mieh. Agenta Wanted in this cowity. 1 1 a FE W mort good ctgt ncies ■' . Swanson illiaumatic Gure Co.. 167 Dearborn St„ Ciiicago Fruit Growers and Small Farmers. Homes and Livingfor Thousands. Bead -what western papers-and fruit raisere Bay aboul a special Dumber of real Northern Bulletin, de Le fruit business in the Pacific Northwest: "Containa a multitude of interestlng and valuable artieles. ni i inted by a close student and investigrator."- Daily Review, Spokanfe, Wash. "The best thingof the kind tha' yetbeen published. The future of the fruit business i I out strongly witiiou 'ation."- Rural Northwest, Porl i "The Fruit Bulletin isa storehouseof . j t ir growers. lt is also to show eastern people that the Pacific Northwest is 'strictly in it' as a producer ofstaple truits."- J.. B. Ho!t. Manager Soake iiiver Fruit I Association. Wawawai. Wash. 'Most artistically printed and contalnsmore horticultural matter relating to the northwest than we havo ever bofore seen in one publication. " - Paeiiic ! Farmer, Portland, Ore. "I am delighted with the Bulletin. I do not think I ever saw anythiny more eomprehensive on the fruit business. My belief that the country out hereis the best part of the Union for homei seekers is strongur than ever." - H. H. ' Spalding. Treasurer State Board of Hortieulture, Almota, VVash "Should be in the hands of every I frnit raiser in the Paeiiic Northwest. Shows in an interesting way just whet our country olTers to fruit growere and men who believe in small farms well tilled. " - Northwest Horticnlturist, Tacoma, Wash. "ïhere is not a topic likely to be of interest or value to the inquirer that is overlooked. A most complete and attractive compendium of the horticultural intercsts of the West."- Daily Oregonian, Portland, Ore. This valuable publication will be sen to any address, together with '-Factb About a Great Country," containinst large map. for four cents in postale, b' p. I. Whitxey, G. P. & T, A-, Grea Northorn Railway, St. Paul, Minn. Wlm you to forti t' :■ the su niMi'T. please bea r in mlnd tha1 loe Chicago i and West Mlchlscan railway service to Bay View, Pe o - k ■ ■ y Charlevoix and Tra ersc City is the moei com- and besi arranged tb b j ear of ; oy slnce i hr '■M-iMiic Line" WaS cnllipl' t. ,!. 1 the M, C 8,3. eoiinect mi Grand !'::- ]i(ls wlth the following trains on öie West ■ I s' ; i 1 1 i ' 1 s Turn "■■ wlth parli r I ïï U arrive at Traverse city al ! :■.' j, m. Boute for ! ny ports leave Tra evaè "i y at ntll y 2:ip ni Thls trata arrlvc-s UHIl I :" retoskey and B;ij lew :w 4::;n . m. Our Afternoon Flyer TRAINS leaves Grand Eapidi at Ï.CO I iiniiiu p m wlth parlorcars, ard al TraversO cltyt Tn I:CO i. in., (li irlevolx B:.r0 Petoskey 8:55 and Bay Vli w 1 7:Ml . ui. h ;i great I rain, onabunDTiirnu a i"'1'-" tn reach ii- filln I HrKli dentlnatlon in time for bui - nuil I iiliiii r JuW tnethlngforiantlles withchlldren.ThedA}nrpnnTP llgh rldoalongthe beautiHlMJH I ÍS ful bys and laken North of iiuuuiiiu. Tl..iv,.,.sl (.i1yis ., dellghtful feiitureof thetripi.f ih'8 train. The Nlglit Truln Ir.-tvcs at 11 o'clock. willi sleepen :ml arrivés at Travene city at 4 a. ir., Charlrvnix Ba, Petoskey at 7:00, and Buy 7:ln . m. Any K. C. K. R. agent can (el seata In parlor cars or i.. itiiin slettpera reaerved liy teleuraphing t .1. s. Hawklne, aieni C. & w. M. ; .. liiiitxl Raplds. Wehave flrsi class, coüvenlent serrlce and ask your patrón age. GlO. DkIIavfs-, G P. A. Grand Rapids, ülch. plexion only Nature O VW can give. She gives a new,i7' clear ind soft one to those who s" g$ íM' use Dr. Hebra's Viola Cream. It is"not ]jk a paint or powder to cover defects. It v[A guts ri of thcm by Naiure's own Wl1 cess oft renewing the vitality of the skin ; J banïshin all roughness, rtdness, frcckles, moles, pimples, blackheads, sunburn and tan. It dots this sureiy and harmlessly, because naturally, lts use means both skinbeauty and skin-health. Viola Skin-Soap hastens the process, because it is a pure and dhcate snap. It should be used in connection with the Cream. It should be used m the nursery, too. Ordinary soaps are not VA , % v's skin' Viola Cream, 50 cents. Viola bkm-Soap, 25 cents. Sold by druggists or sent bv mail. Send to Ü. C. DITTNEH CO., TOLEDO, O. n J ü. OF M. SHAVING PARLORS ANO 11 A Ijl ItOOUS Ladies' Arlistic Hair Dressing and Bath Rooms Cl' STA! [ÍS. 30 8, 8taü st.. x,,,i i„ Sheehan'ts. 'llt. A MUS. J. H. TKOJtNOWSKI


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