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Attacked By A Wild Boar

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TallahMsee, Fki., Juni' 25. - Near t)"terd&y Mrs, M atil Vjy a wild boar and fatally The hay erop is not over one-tenth of a erop about Kalamazoo, anrl brings SO a ton Kive loads on 20 acres is a fair sample of the erop. An eastbonnd freiht on the D. , L. & N., broke in twonear Sunfiel land one section cruste'd into a westbound train at the depot, smash ing two cars and damaging a lot of furniture. The count at Ionia prison has gone one above high-water mark. There are now ";: prisoners. An orchestra of five bas recentlj' been iuauurated to furnish musie for chapcl service. 3Prospec;,s are that ut least 200 students wil] attend the Bummer school at the University. The terra will o July 8 and continue slx weeks. Seventy-eight. conrsea will be offered. Bazel, tlie 4-year-old daughter of John Watkins, feil from an open window ut Eeed City to the sidewalk, Btriking npon her head. Although seriously hurt, the piiyt.iemns think she will recover. The common eouncil of Jackson decided in eall ;i special election on July 8 to vote on the proposition to bond the city for $50,000 to provide additional fire protectiou for large manufaetories in the suburbs. The two-year-old child of William Iiuinsey, at Owosso, was attaeked by a game rooster, which fastened Hs spurs in his temple, knocked hira down, tore liis face and would probably have killed him had not help arrived. l'ifteen Eastern eapitalists and lumber buyers at Menominee seveiul days looking over the stock of the largest concerns. They represent that this is the best market to procure large quantities of ñne grades in lumber. The [nter-Urban Street railway company has graded its line between Saginaw and Bay City, and has received 1,200 tons of rails. Bail-laying v.ill begin at once. A fine steel bridge will be built across the river seven miles from Saginaw. J. II. Johnson's elevator at Metamora, was destroyed by tire entailing a loss of $18,000. The entire town had a narrow escape. The laauranee was (3,500. M. N. Kelley had !)0() bushels of wheat stored in the building. Mr. Johnson will rebuild. One of the dry kilns at the Kousfield AVoodenware works burned at liay City, and for a time it looked as if the fire would sweep the entire southern portion of the city. A general alarm brought out every tire company in the city. The loss is al out $12,000. Robert fStephenson, employed at the saw mili of Col. A. T. Bliss, in Carrollton, was driving a team drawing a heavy load when he feil off, striking in such a nianner that the wheel passed over his head, it to a pulp. It is suppostd he fainted. The body of a well-dressed young man about 18 years of age was found at the side of the Michigan Central railroad, near Oxford. The head was crushed in a terrible manner. The body was identifiod as Eug-ene Wright, of Dayton, O., who was stealing a ride. St. .lohns citizens voted to help Mr. Steel, of the recently burned St. .lohns Manufacturing company, to rebuild the plant, by the village in the Slim of $55,000 to be expended in the purchase of the electric light plant and 17 acres of land for park purposes. The son of Farmer Quinlan, near Carsonvillo, luis evidently goneinsane. The community was teri-iblv excited over i wild man who wus running about the country in a naked condition. He carries a knife and a revolver. Young Quinlan is about 20 years old and very strong. Ernest, Gnstav and Louis l';mitz, tripleta, received tlieir final eitizenship papers in the county clerk's oilice at Detroit. They live in the same house, worked at the same trade. and have liever in their lives been separated for any length of time. The three were bom in Jiingen-on-the-Hhine, June 7, 1874. A mob of 100 indignant citizens assumbled iu front of the Central house at M il ford and requested Harry Meurice to paek his grip and leave town on the next train. !-aid Meurice is a showman of African hue whose eharacter, it is alleged, matches the complexion, and the mili pond awaited him had he refused their demand. The tri-state dental meeting which was held in the dental department of the Detroit College of Medicine, ineludes the dental associations of Indiana. Ohio and Michigan. Aside from the members of these taiee associations. however, there were a number of dentists froin Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky and Wiscoiibiu in attendance. Whüe Rome boys ere playing near lal nmet they suddenly came upon the dead body of John Lenzi, captain of the Polisö Hussars. Lenzi attended an Austrian picnic and had not been seen in town since. Nëar liis body was found a pun, while a wound in the abdomen tells the story of his death. lt inay be either accident, suicido or uiuvder. A customer at the hardware store of Mosher, Bissel te Mather, at West Bay City, went to draw himself soine gaaoline. He had a lighted cigar, and had do more than commenced his task tkan an explosión took place and he was blown ten feet.but was uninjured. The tire departmcnt came jnst in time to ayert a conflagration. The strangei1 s hair turned wliite and he lost his eiijar. Hor. Kich has appointt'd the .Mackinac Island park commissioners, as follows: Thomas W. Ferry. Grand Haven, two years; William M. Clark, Lansing, fonr years; Peter. White, Marquette, six years: (Jeorge T. Arnoll, Mackinac Island, eight years: Albert f,. tStephens, Detroit, ten years. Ex-United States Senator Ferry, one of the commissioners, was boru on the island, where his father was stationed as a missionary for inanv years. started in the stock barn of F. 1' TallmadgQ, the wdl-known horsemaii of Saginaw, and spread witta n-ieat rapility. There were 12 horses in the stalis, of which eiylit weru reseued. Tin four burned were the htaltion Panama, valuad at (5,000, haring i record oi l'unch. a trotting gelding, worth $450; Standard, brood mare. i00, and a trótting gelding for which Mr. Tallmactge had relused iuring the day. The barn and contents was insured iqr $1,000, The flames caught on barns adjoinipg, and ■lri-;i(l mitil iivi' others were epnititned with a total is uf $2,000. Miuominee paper milis ari rushed.


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Ann Arbor Register