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With Wolverines

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The trial of Mrs. Mary Iiughson at Muskegon, on the charge of poisoning her forme r husband - Nathan Douglass - in order to obtain pos.-e.ssion of liis property and life insurance, resulted in a verdict of not guilty. The jury was out only eight minutes. The case ajjainst UeuYge W. Knifi as an ucjomplice was nolle prossed. Nittlnin Fouglas w;is an o!l soklier and a farmer of Fruitport. He wus in moaerate circumatancesat tfle time oí his deatu. in imi OW n Ing a iann and other propertv. worth about si. ui. He oarried tü.oou lusuranoe In the Maccabees. ana his beneüciarj was Miga i umee WlUiams. his sister. It was elalmed by tiie prosticutiun tliat vits. Ilisson marrioct ijoukla anu Uien cin.ointiy with h in. poisoned nim by giving hún arsenio in his beer The motive wa i to ain the okl man property and life msurunee which had been trunsierred to his wiio by a wil] which King drafted. In less than live day lrom the date on which the will was ohanged, he was uead. Suspicious rumors led to the Rxliuuiing or the body. Prof V aughan examined tne stomath and testiüed that he founJ severa' grainsoi arsemc. enongb he sald, to cause deatn The mry. however. disutiieed witn tue enlire thcory oí the prosecution. Gen. Devlin Deail Gen. G. M. Devlin died at his residence at .Jaekson f rom Jirighfs disease, after an illness of nearly three weeks. He had bei;n in poor health, ho wever, for about a year. Gen. Devlin w:is born in Oregon, Wís., Aug i. 1840. and with his parents removed to Ohio at an early age. There he entered Oberlin codege. where he was pursuing his studies when the rebellion bioke out. Though but ÍS years oíd, he tenderen his services to his country and served through the war. Alter the war he returned to his studies at Oberun and graduated with honors. About ï years ut;o he removed to JacUson and established a coiiege tliat has grown to considerable proportions. ïhe nrst identiHeation of Gen. Uevlin with the military of the state was upon h s ttppolntment a.s adjulant of the First Regiment. M. ö. T., in 1881. This po.sition he held tor two ycars. He alde upon the staff of Uov. Aiger. and was uppointed Quartermastergeneral bv Uov. Luce, bokiiui; the omce until the acoegslon ot Gov. Wlnans. Aaln in wv ' he was reappolnted to the same posítlon by Gov. Kich. which o!Hce he held at the time of I his death. He was a prominent worker in the I G. A. K. , and was at one time commander oí Edward Pomeroy Post of Jaekson. Red Men Have Thelr Po Wow. Theannual session of the state coun-il of Improred Order of lied .Men was held at Kalamazoo. Nearly every tribe in the state wat. represen ïed. The followiug offieers were elected: Ureat prophet, Charles Stevenson, Eaton Bapids; great saehem, VVm. Verran. [snpemiojf; great senior sojamore, M. A. ICuig-ht, K&lamazoo; great junior sojaraore, Robert Whinnery, I Crand Kapids: great keeper of the records, F. CL Temple, (rand Rapids; great keeper of wampum, li. K. ' Jiraekett, Jr. , of Lansing. Two Killed by a Boller Explosión. The boiler in A. H. Crocker"s saw mili, near Byron Center, exploded entirely demolishing the mili and a briek barn acrosa the road. Martin Kkinner. ag-ed 35, married, and Arthur i Barney, aged 19, single, n-rre killed ■ stantly. Avery Crooker, aed 19, the ! proprietor'a son, was badly mang-led and cannot live. The boiler was new, and the canse of the explosión is Í kaown. lioth buil.liiig-s are a total loss. but the moaetary dainag-e does uoi, exeeed S'.'.üüü. The mili was a small attair. A Chapter of Ferions Acrldents. Harry Mack, a-ed 7, and Charlie Cullman, ageá 9, wera playlng on a logby the shore of L'Anse hay. A heavy wind carried them into leep water. Matt Smitli.. aged 86, attempted to rescue them by swimming-, but was taken with tramps and drowned. Cullman feil off the log and sank. Mack was rescued. Dnrinff the excitement Smith s nephew, ag-ed 0, was eaug-ht by a runaway team and dragxed a long1 distance. One leg was broken. Murder at the "Soo." The badly decomposed body of John Conti, who had been missing-, was ! covered bidden in a clump of bushes near the west end of the water power .anal at Sault Ste. Marie. It appears that the murder was the result of a drunken row whieh took place between "onti and a number of soldiers. Three soldiers were arrested on suspicion. They are Ceorg-e S. Thompson of Co. I)., liertrand Sinith and John alias "Jiully ■' Williams of Co. 1'.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register