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The Ann Arbor Saving's Bank has declared 5 per cent. semi-annual dividend. The regents have reconsidered their tormer action and will retain thecourse leading to the degree of B. L. The petition of Norman Carmeron, who was expelled from the law department, to the regents for a diploma was laid upon the table. The drouth is so severe up at Grase Lalte that the lake is so shallow the buil heails can't keep their horas uadec vater, and tliis News man is busy rvcry laj putting brass buttons on those íorns, so they can't hook him wben he joes flshiog noxt Adrain The Y. M. ('. A. Edueational oourse will lie enlarged next year. Ín addl tion t,o what was fiven Last year, a com píete COuree in business training will be added. This will include book-keepi;. business correspondenoa, commericial law, business arithmetic, spelling and penmanship. The Tennessee Concert and Literary Co. will j'ive au entertainment nrxt, Monday evening at the First Baptist church. They come very highly reoommonded. The company consists of five goloiflto who sing jubellee songs, and a young man tao is a wonder in mathematica, asoi-tofa Hffhtning calculator. X(iv that the season of the year has come for peo])le to take an outinjr and the Ann Arbor road is carrying somo pasaeogera itis. beginning to give them its usua] servio. Laat Friday oight one of its traint eot tanglcd up with a cow near Howell, still it got a train through to Ann Arbor only about four hüurs lato. Prof. Perry has just completed his 25th yearol service as superintendent of the Ann Arbor High School. The faot that it is the largest and the best school of its kind in the state, judging from the number and character of its graduates, is a great comi)limont tothe ifflelency of Trof. Perry as a successful ed usa tor. A woman, Mr8. Caroline Josephine Hartmann, surprised county derk Dansinsbur? last Priday by applying für naturalization papera She renounced her aUegiance toWilliam, Emperior of Germany, ánd took the oath of an American citizon. The purpose w&9 to enable her to secure property in her native land. Micha-! 11. .). Leighton, an es mechante living at Ypeilanti who has been a resident of that city for over fortv years, conimitted suicide Friday afternoon by shootins himself. He was alone at the time. It is supposed that the deed was caused by de-pondemy. he having been out of health for the last four years. The board of public works on Monday mght entercd into a contract with the Pitts ManufacturinjZ Co., of Buïïalo. N. Y., for a 15 ton road roller. It will be hero ready for work within a week. The talk of certain citizens getting out an injunction to sto the city from the parchase of a road roller will probably not materializo. Chas. Hiñes was up before Justice Pond on a complaint of Conrad Reuper for highway robbery committed on his person last Sunday night. Reuper claimed that Hines brutally knocked him down and maltreated him, and that he took $19 f rom his porson. Hines examination was set for July 3 at 9 a.m His bonds were fixed at $.'00. Superintendent of Public Instruetion, Pattengill, has sent out circulara announeing the teachers" institute for the county which is to be held July 29 to August 2nd inclusive. The branches taught will be arithmetic, grammar, geography, history, physioloiy, civil governraent, pedagoyy, reading and orthography. Full information may be obtained by addresaing W. vV. Wedemeyer, Ann Arbor, Mich. A few weeks ab two traveling directory fakirs struck the town and solicited our business men to pay 25 to 50 ote, apieoe for an advertisement in a so called "Business Directory." They induced over a hundred bus'ness men to take an advertisement. The whole thing is a rank traud. An advertisement in such a thing is not worth the trouble to write it. Tliere are enough a;ood mediums right hcre in Ann Arbor to reach ever person in town. A patent has just been granted Myron W. Clark of Parma, for a dust collector. Well, hail Columbia! If he's got anything that beats our desk for a dust collector we'll sue him for inf rinjrement. Patent dust collector! The idea. Ought to see the counters in some of the stores here where thoy don't advertise in the Press. Clark, your machine isn't in it. - Adrián Press. Well, well, over here the business men all advertise in The Kegister, and it has been so long since they havo seen any dust they have forgotten what it looks like. A.n editor and a banker, of Bslding, who wish their names to remain unknown went iishing recently to Muskrat Lako. While there, they eaught a strange monster with feathered wings and tail and fins on the side. It is undoubtedly an amphlbian and lived in an underground passage whioh is ajleged to exist somewherfi in the bottom of the lakc. The banker and editor faüed to find the exact location. When landed in the boat, the uncanny critter made a Hvely fight and it was with difficulty killed. The will be sent to Ann Arbor.- Detroit Tribune. A very pleasant musical event ocourred last Saturday morning at the home of Miss Bertha D. HUI, at whioh time a recital was given by her pupils. This was one of the most. enjoyable of the many pleasant recitals given this year in Ann Arbor. A remarkable clearness of phrasing and refinement of tone quality was to be noticed in the playin of even the youngest of the pupila. Nothing could Bpeak more cleariy than this fact for the excellence of the teaching these pupila have reoeived, as well as for tho Industry of the pupile themaelvee. Mi-s Hill is to be highly congratulated on tho excellence of her work. ft is of a quality only too I. ruis YV. Prettyman, father of Aid. H. G. Prettyman, diod very suddenly last Saturday night of heart disease. The deoeased ras 67 years of ag-e. He had reoently moved from his oíd home in Ohio to resido with his son. Funeral services vvure held at HO S. 12th st. at 3 p. ra. ïuesday. Rev. C. M. Cobern offioiated. The deceased leaves the following children: Horace (i. Prettyman, of Ann Afbor; Dr. C. W. PrettyI man, of Chicago, 111. ; T. J. Prettyman, of Topeka, Kans ; E. O. Prettyman, of Topeta, Kans. ; Dr. Frank Prettyman, of Siouz City, Iowa ; Emerson, Homer and Raymond Prettyman, of Stryker, Ohio; Mrs. Thos. Shaffer, of Stryker, Ohio; Mrs. J. S. Appleman, of Louisville, Ky. : Mr. Margaret Sufficoole. of Hazzletoo, Iowa ;1 Mrs. Geo. I!. Wiltiae, of Hicksvüle, Ohto Dr. Pred. s. Prettyman, of Brazil, South America. and a daughter living in Iowa.


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