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n Tri nnxr f ' J 1 ü. v L i tut iiiPiyppino 118 ïül Of READERS. Tbs! Pamiíy Journal May HouJ bs Read ü Breaklasf. STATE READERS 0EÜ6HTED ÜKITH THE FÁST NEWSPAPER TFAIÜ Mich'gan'á Favorit; Paper Enjoyng a New Era of IVospcrity. Tin anaounceuient in The Free Press of the ui'w special fast uewspaper traiu mis glndiy received by the business couiuiuuiry throughout a large Süctioa (.f the siate and by tbe public geuerally ai;d the results of the quick run lwe lully justitied all that was prouii&td. The beneiits iiu.t accrue to readers Uave Ik'imi niaiiy and the response from the state lias sbown ine vvisuoui ui me emerpriee, The people want cd tbelr statu newspaper to read at the breakfast tatole and The Fice l'ress reallzed this fact and bent every effort for the Improvement of tbc mail service, 80 that Uucle Sam could dellver the favorita home Journal al várlous placea at a t-easonable hour, where heretofore it had been imposslble to rcach its readers at a tiinely perlud of the day. To print a large ruorning uewspaper in the eastern part of the state and to deliver it in the extreme western portlon at breakt'nst time was no smnll task. vet The Free l'ress determined to accomplish it. Acconünly it urged the authorities at Washington to better the mail service, givlng cogent reasons, in behalf of lts constituents, for snch iiuproved service. The eo-operation of the authorities resulted in the deslred marnier and bow, ;:s the citizens are well aware, the Qewspaper flyer lias been pressed iut.i active service for The Free Press and the residente almos', all over the state ean have their paper at practlpHy the same hour as Detroitera 1' 'DiSch I'S. ) Po show how Free l'ress readers are benefited, a few eompaiiaona tro neery. Formerly by the :':-") special, The Free I'ress was delivered at Al1 ■!■ il a1 7:19 a. m.: now it is delivered 81 4:.'io. At Kalnmazoo, formerly at !.". a. m.: dow 5:50 a. ra. At I.ansinj;, formerly i;:4" a. m.; bow "i:5Ó a. m. At Ornnd !'-'::ii. formwlv 11:43 n. m.; Dow T:'JO h. m.. At Muskeson, formerly 2:10 p. m., now 8:50 a. in. All polnts on the Chicago & West Michigan Ualtroad ■ are touched. For esnuiplc formerly The Free P'ess did nol renoh Petoskey and Bav Vii'w nntll H:'_'."i p. m.: now 5:31 p. m. Pentwater, formerly 11:10 p. m., now ii:óo a. in., or a galu of uearly twelve lio;us And whiii o paper is left at the door at this se,'ison;ib!e hour! The latest news, ith an tidmirable telegrapblc service: mattei's of interest from every part of the state, gnthered by an indefatiRnble corpa of eorrespondentsj its gpoitlnjt news away ahead of any pnppr Ir tliis part of the country; nothIng lacklng in lts ninrine news; itscommercial reporta, relied on by farmer and nierchant: special snbjects treated by experts; local matters, fully elaboruted; foreign topics, presented in a bright, breezy wíj ; origina] humorous paragraphü and light sketchy articles, prepared by the Fice l'ress special wrlters for its llterary department, the old favoi-itc. ".I. Quad," Luke SJjarp and others; interestlng stories. exclusiveiy published in this jonrnal; a department for the little mies: the peolile's letter ]ix: dramatic, art and mtiSical subjects. serionsly and ably consldered, and a host ot other good tilines, too IMi'.'i Ti :::- to liieiition. but of a delectable quality and liberal quantlty iliat liave for years made this newspaiter the leading Journal in Michigan, and giren H a name nnd rejiutatlon that are world-wlde. I1 A word or two more as to the state tieu's serviré of The i're.' l'r(ss, always conceded ro be by far the best maintaiued by any newspaper in Detroit or Michigan. The news of one"s own state naturally is of lirst interest, and to serre it to the public in stich tlint. wliiie extended eilOUgb to cover all details, it is still sufficlently confor the business man who must read hls newspaper in the shortest posBible time, is a task little nnderStood by niest leaders. To do this it is necepsnry to maintaln a large staff of s]),,,ii correspondente, corerlng every seetion of the state, and ahvays mi the alert that the readers f the best newspaper In Michigan may never look for the report of any iniportant event wlthin the bordei's of the s':'te ,'ind be disappomted by not findlng It. To see that this feature of 1 he Free Press' superlority over all competitors is npprwiated, it is onl.v necessary to ask nny newspaper read''!■ in the state to name hls favorito paper for the chronicles of iMIcbigan oappenlnRs. With its new faeillties for reaching tts frlends in its own state. The Free l'ress begins a new era of prosperity, oading to the popularlty it has enJoyed for goner.itions. ' Clean, fresh nd breezy. it will continue to be the Paper of the reside and will gladden ' ousauds of hearts.


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