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Tlic lii'niiiiir;i!li' hlcn-o A AlloilIn these United States of America at least, and it is highly probable that throughoutthe enth-e world, the official record for the safety and welfare of its passengere made and maintained by the Chicago & Alton Kailroad cannot be surpassed if indeed it can be equalled. Over its completely roek-ballasted, dustless roadway between Chieago and Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis and St. Louis and Kansas City, eigbteen magnificently appointed express trains are ron on uniformly fast time every day. But in spite of this heavy passengeg traflic the om'cial records show that from December 4. 1879 to December 4, 1890, eleven years, there was no passenger, who was in place as a passenger, killed on Chicago & Alton trains. Moreover there was not a passenger seriously injured, tothe extent of losing a limb, an eye or a member of any kind during that time. During the entire period of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, when it was not an uncommon thing tofind the usual passenger trafile of the road increased two, three and four-fokl. and special excursión trains trere vepy many, there was not an accident of any kind- a most remarkable record, Besides being America's most popular railroad, the Chicago Alton is the Pioneer Dining Car Line. the Pioneer Pulían Sleeping Car Lino and the Pioneer Palace Reclining C'hair Car Line. Be Bure tbatyour ticket reads over the Chicago & Alton Railroad, when its matchless and direct Unes eau form the whole, or even a pari of your journey. James Chaklton, General Passenger and Tickei Agent. 88 Chicago, III. oli-' lo 'rtüti r-, CJTXTE OT MICHIGAN „ OCOUjraï 01 W ASliTKNAlV. f Nul i I ii ■!■('! }- glven, t li at !iv ;i n OTÚeTOt the Probate Court tor theCounty oí Washtenaw, made on the I8th day of June, A.D.189fi, -i. montbs fron that date were allowed tor crcditoTs to presen! theirc]airas againsi the istate of Alfred C. Richards, late of s;iid ■ouniv. deceased, and that :ill credltora ol -:iid deoeásed are requlred to present thelr ■litifus fco said probate court, al the probate o Bce in the city of Ann Arbor, for examlnati -il and allowance, on orbefore the lot h d ty .i December next, and tb al bucé clalmswlíl lt' heard before s;iil i-ourt.on toe ï.'uh dy of September, and on the 18th day of December next,a1 ten o'clock in the forDOon of each f said d:t vs. iTSJ Katcd. Ann Arlior. Juno 13th. A. I). 181. ■1. Wir.LATil) BABBITT. f l'.-oliate notlce t i .iliii.i. OTATE OK MICHIGAN, i Ol'lUMVilF W'ASHTENAW, 1 ' Notioe Uhereby giren that by an order of the Probate Court forthe County of Washtenaw, made on the 27th day of May A. D. 1895, six months from that date were allowed for ereditors tü pre■sent their elaiui8 against the estáte of Daniel L. White, late of said County, deeeased, and that all craditon of said deceased are required to present their lainis to :ii( Probate Court, at the Probato Offloe in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowanoe, on or before the i'Tth day of Novemut next, and that such claims w i 1 1 be heard before said Court, on the 27th day of August and on the 27th ihiv of of November next, at ten o'elook on the forenooo "f eaoh of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, June27th, A. D. 1895. J. WlLLARD BABBITT, 72 Judgre of Probate. Clianoery Kale. In pursuance and by virtue of a dein e "f the 'ircuit ( 'ourt tor tbe I 'ounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, lii Chancery, made and enterred oi 28th day of March 1885, in a certain ■ause thorein pending, wherein Adam Bollinffer is complalnant and (iottlob ■lolliiiy'i' and Harmon s. I luimes are dautBi notice is bereby jiiven I sball -''il at public anctlon to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Buron Btreel entrance of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, stat.' oí Michigan (that being tbe buildIng in which tne Circuit Court for the ('ounty of Washtenaw is held) on Wednesday the "th day of August 1895 at ten o'clOOk in the forenoon of saiii day the following described property -ituatei! in the townshïp of Lima,County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to-wit : The soutli seventy aerea of the half of the Qorth-weat quarter of on number thirty-thi ■ eptIng and reserving ten aces in the Dorth-west corner thereof said ten acn s to be lald ott'in square foim with equal sides. Also al] tliat part of the south-west quartor of the south-east quarter of section number twenty-eight W which lies scuth-westerly of Mili Creek and northof eight aoresowned by Phillip Gruner, excepting and rei si.x acres tliereof. Dated, June 14th, Í895. Josefh F. WEBB, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. "j HEbestinvestmentf -- in real estáte is to keep buildings vvell painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell - many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap taints. To be sure ofgetting Strictly Pure White Lead, look at the brand ; any of these are safe : "Anchor," "Morley," "Eckstein," " Shipman,' " Armstrong & McKelvy,'1 " Southern," " Beymer-Bauman," " Eed Seal," " Davis-Chambers," "Collier," " Fahnestook." For Colors.- National Lead Co. 's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans. each cnn beiny sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead he desircd shade; they are in no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectlypure colors in the handiesi form to tint Strictly Pure White I.ead. A Eood many thousand dollars have been sayed property-owners by havingour book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card and get boih Tree. NATIONAL LEAD CO. Chicago Branch, State and Fifteenth Streets, Chicago. Or call en Stark & Gartee who carry a f uil line of the above lead and tinting colors. also oil, glass and all pointers supplies. 28 E. Washington, Arm Arbo , IVlich. I ', S. - If you want your house painted r'.trht give hem a cali. 'lur iji' Sale. Default baving been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage hcretofore executed and given by Sarah E. Calvert to Jessie t'. Hunt, dated the 18thday of July 1887, and reeorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Washtenaw County, Michigan, Jnly 23, 1887, in Liber 72 of mortgages on paire 20!, which said mortgage was, on the 18th day of July 1889, duly assijrned by said Jessie P. ilunt to Leonhard Gruner, which said assignment was reeorded, in said Register Office on the lOth day of April 189o in Liber 12th of assignments of mortgages on page 156 upon which said tnortgage there is claimed to be duo at the date of this notice, for principal interest and attorney's fee as provided for in said mortu;il' the sum of six hundred and ninety and sixty-one and one-hundreds dollars. I hat by said default, the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operatlve, and no proceedings at law having been insituted to recover the debt seoured by said mortgage. Notice is hereby given that said noortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premisea at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at thesoutherly front door of the (Jourt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County and State, on Saturday the lüth day 'f fuly A. D. 1895, at ten o"oleek in the torenoon of that day, to satify the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage and all legal costs. said mortgaged premisea are described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the City of Ann Arbor in t!;e County of Wasntenav. and State of Michigan and desribed as follows, to-uit: Commencing at a poini in the vreet line oí Mann street eight rods north of the north-wesi corner of .Mann and Huron Btreets, running thence north on gaid west line !' Mano street forty-three an 1 one-third rods, thence west at righi angles with said line and parallel with Huron tstreet about eighteen 18-23 roda to a line which is.-ix rods east of the west line of section twenty-nine, thence south parelled with Mann street fortythree and one one-third rods, thenee east to the place of beginninsi, exceptini a piece of land throe rods wide off the north end and running west of Mann street for a mail. According to the reeorded plat of said city of Ann Arbor, County and State aforesaid. Dated, Ann Arbor, the 12th day of April, 1895. Leonhard Gruner. Assignee of said AJortgage. F. Pistorius, Attorney tor Assignee. 72 mortgae Sa e. Default having been made in the condition of a mortgage executed by Williara ConlBOn to Marinda L. White, bearlng date July 14th, A. D. 1883, and recorded in tho office of the Register of Dr. iis for Washtenaw County, Michigan, July ltJth. A. D. 1883 In uber57 of tnortgages on page 463, by which defanlt tho power oí sale contaiued ia said mortgage became operative, and qo Buit or proceeding In law or equity having been Instituted to recover the debt seoured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of geven hundred and eleven dollars ($711) being now claimed to be due on said mortgage, QOtlce is, then eby eiven thal said mortgage 11 ba forecloeed by a Bale of toe mortgaged premisea theroin described, orsome partthereot. to-wit: All of the (ollowing described land situated in the townsnip of Lyndon, in Washtenaw coanty and state of Michij-au, viz: The Northwest quarter (N. W. 1-4) of the Southeaet quarter (S. E 1-4) and the Northeast quarter (N. E. 1-4) of the Southeast quart 1-4) and aixtythree 63 acres off of the South part of the NortheMt fractioaal quarter (N. E. 11. 1-4) all on sectlon No. Bfteen (15,) in township Na one (1) South ín rangre fïo. three (3) Easi and containlng one hundrod and forty-three acres of land more or lees, exceptlnfr and reserving there fi-om the South RLxty-three acres of the Northeast quarter (N. E. 1-4) of sectioa Nö. fifteen (15) in township No. one(l) South In range No. three (3) Kast, itbeiny Baid township of Lyndon, excepting the South ix acres of Baid Jast men: land, intendlng hereby toexcept from said first desoribed lands fiftysi-v.'ii acres of land more or lesa horetofore COnveyed to Daniel Scriptor, at public vendue on Friday, the V-Üi day of .lul.v mxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoi n, at theeast front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, that beine thj place of holding the circuit court in said county. Dated, April 17th, A. D. 1895. Marinda L. White, X. W. (HEEVEB, Mortgatfee. Attornev. (72J


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Ann Arbor Register