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WÜRSTER & KIRN Want yov to cali wbm iou art in neeil of a CARRIAGE OR BÜGGY ■ ' olhersort of a tthicle. Tl-tir vork M'litkB FOK ITSEliF. BEPAIBINO NEATLY DONE AT MODERATE RATES. . Horse Shoeing . ?1Y SXPEBIENCED HANDS, WV. (.( li AMKE ALL Olll OBR i 21, 23 and 25 N, 4th Ave., Ann Arbcr, Mich. ANDREW E. QIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. At. 10 E. Huron St. ANN AR BOK MIOH. ■ " JUST RECEIVED! A New fnvoic of 1 TOOTH i BRUSHES The are of Gowl Qualitij and cheap. Fully Warranted to stand the wear and tear. They are Beunties to look at, too. I B. & M. DRUQ STORE, 46 SOL'TH STATK ST. SGHALLERS BOOKSTORE 19 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 15,000 Rolls of the choicest selection of Wall Paper ! JUST RECEIVED. As this is our FIRST SEASON in the Wall Paper trade, our stock therefore consists of nothing but the 1 ATEST and NEWEST styles. First-Class White Blanks ii om Sc a Roll üp Window Sha'les made to order and hung in any part of the city. MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKSELLER STATIONER and WALL PAPER DEALER, E. Washington St.. Op. Hangsterter's THE BEST NURSER. A Few Testimoniáis. NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM- The nursiug bottle knowa as "The 7,' st, ' has been tried at the Asylum and is re commended most iX-armlv espeoially foi the facility with whioh t can be kep perfectly clean. NEW YORK LYLNC-1N ASYLUM- I have uaed the nursing bottle "Th Best," and find it superior to any I hav seen as having combinad all easentla qualities I therefove heartly recommenc it. E. E. '1ULL, M. D. NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGI AND HOSPITAL POR WOMEN am pleased with your Nurser "Th Jl'st," it does all you claim tor it. L. A. DELL. M. E. „T L]fansing "- v-tT. V.THE BEST Seethe"Air-Inlet!" (as Vteasüy ad j usted as a Cork: it J cannot leakor be pulled out ik by baby) Iets in air Back of Foxl ae fast as food is suoked out, and making i impos9ible for nipple to collapso ant thus prevetits wind colic. See how easi ly "THE BEST" is cleansed! A clean bottle prevenís bowel trouble At Drtjggist, 25c. ; i f jours declines to get it, aend us 30c. for one by mail post-peid. Our "Clingfast" Nipple, pure gum 50c. doz , post-paid. THE GOTHAM CO., 70 Warren St., New York CCHRAGE'S $1000,000.00 " Rlieumatic Cure Never Failed. Advice Free. Cured Qeo. Higga [Oro ii,, ,1 Isaac L'iii n f i Iltttter) of Lansing, Mich., after many doctin and il"' spring tt Mi. Gletnens failed. Cured John Gaywood, city engineer, of Marshall. Mich. Agenta If'diitt'tl in this county. Only a FE W mort 'jood ag ncies left. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.. 167 Dearborn St„ Chicago i . -_E-mJ-_UJ il mi i- ni " Fruit Growers and Small Farmers. Homes and Livingfor Thousands. Read what western papers and fruit raisers say about a special number of the Great Northern Bulletin, devoted to the fruit business in the Pacific Northwest : "Contains a multitude of interesting and valuable articles, notes and hints, presented by a close student and investigator." - Daily Spokesinan - Review, Spokane, Wash. "The best thing of the kind that has yet been published. The future of the fruit business is brought ou1 strongly without exaggeration." - Rurai Northwest, Portland, Ore. "The Fruit Bulletin isa storehouseol facts interesting to our growers. It is also calculated to show eastern people that the Pacific Northwest is 'stricth n it' as a producer of staple fruits." - J. 3. Holt, Manager Snake River Fruit Assouiation, Wawawai. Wash. '■Most artistically printed and conains more horticultura! matter relating o the northwest than we have ever beore seen in one publication. " - Pacific i'armer, Portland, Ore. "I am delighted with the Bulletin. ] lo not think I ever saw anythiny more omprohensive on the fruit business. My belief that the country out here ithe best part of the Union for homeseekers is stronger than ever.'' - H. H. Spalding, Treasurer State Board of Horticulture, Almota, Wash. "Should be in the hands of every frnit raiser in the Paolflc Northwest. Shows in an interosting way just wht our country offers to fruit rrowers and men wlio believo in small farms well tilled. " - Northwest Horticulturist, Ta :oma, Wash. 'Thereisnota topic likely to be of interest or value to the inquirer that is overlooked. A most complete and attractive compendium of the horticultural intorests of the West." - Daily Oregonian, Portland, Ore. This valuable publication will besent to any address, together with ' 'Facts About a Great Country," containing large map, for four cents in postage, by F. I. Whitnf.y, G. P. & T, A., Great Northern Railvvay, St. Paul, Minn. Wlien you go Arorth for the suramer, please bear in mind that the Chicago and West Michiff&n rjiilway service to Bay View. l'c o.skey Oharievoix and Traverse Oity ie ilie most complet rand host arranged this year of any sinoe the "Scenlc Une' waseompletocl. All traína of the M, C. K. K. conneot at Grand Rapids with the followlng liains on the West Michigan. Leave Grund Raplds TlAifl ;i' S:'15 a '"■■ witl' parlor I uU car. arrivo at Trarerae city at 1 :H p, m. Boatê for bay ports leave Traverse city ut rinll Y 2::lp. m. This train arrivés UMI L I at Petoskeyand Bay View at 4:30 p. m. THIIHP Our Afternoon Flyer I KAINa lea ves Grand Rapids at 1:00 uniiiw p m wi)h p.M.(). C,U.N and arrivés at Traverse city at T 4:B0 p. m.. Charlevolx :.;0, U Petoskey 6:55 and Bay View It is a sroat train, ena1 - linDTUCnXl 'i" :1 I"''1-'"! to reacb his [Hes with chlldren. The day DCPflOTP liïl" 'i(i'' the beautllLOUn I O. ful tay and lakes North of Traverse city Is a deliehtful feature of the trip of this train. Tlic Nlcbt Train leaves :it n o'dock. wlth pera and irrives at Traverse '-u v al 4 a. m.. Charlevolx (i::). Petoekey at 7:1X1, and Buy Vlewiat ":Í0 a. m. Any M. O, K. K. agent can gel Beata in parlor can nr bertbs la sleepen reserved bv telegraphing to J. B. Hawklne, agent C. & w. M. R'j „Grand Sápida We have fitst class, convenleni mtrlceand ask your patronage. Geo. DkHatbh, G P. A. Grand Rapids, Mich. plexion only Nature C5v_) X'tBp I can give. She gives a new, -Wjj clear and soft one to those who Í- it? use Dr. Hebra's Viola Cream. It ii'not Tk a paint or powder to cover defects. ü gets rid 0 them, by Nature's own cess of renewing the vitality of the skin ; V bamshin? all roughness, redness, freckles, moles, pimples, Blackheds, sunburn and tan. It does this surely and harmlessly, because naiurally. lts use means both skinbeauty and skin-hcalth. Viola Skin-Soap hastens the process, because it is a pure and delicate soap. It should be used in connection wuh the Creara. It should be used in the nursery, too. Ordinary soaps are not fit for a baby's skm. Viola Cream, 50 cents. Viola Skin-Soap, 25 cents. Sold by druggistsorsent bymail. Send to O. C. BITTNKIt CO., TOLEDO, O. . J ÍTOFwTsHAYIÑgTaRLORS M HAT1I KOOBU. Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rooms UP STAIRS. 50 S. State ,s'., x(zt to 8heekan'n. im. A MUS. J. H. TROJA-VOUSKl


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