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for Infante and Children. THIRTT ytari' obervatton of Castoria with the patronage of milliona of peraon, permlt ns to speafc of it withont gneaing. It is nnqnetionahly the best remedy for Infanta and Children the world ha ever known. Tt ia hqrrole. Children lihe it. It give thein health. It will gave their live. In it Mother have aomothing whioh is absolntety aie and praotioally perfect a a child' mefiioine. Castoria doatroyg Worm. Cagtoria allays Feverishne. Castoria prevents vomitina Sonr Cnrd. Castoria cnre Piarrhcea and Wind Collo. Cagtoria relieve Teething Tronble. Castoria onrea Conatipation and Flatnlency. Castoria nentralizea the effect of oarbonio acid ga or poiaonon air. Castoria doea not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotio property. Castoria asaijnilates the food, regúlate the atomach and howfl, giving healthy and natural sloep. Cagtoria i pnt np in one-gige bottlea only. It ia not old in Irnlh. Don't allow aay one to ell yon anythtng clae on the plea or promino that it 1 "jnt a good " and "will anawer every pnrpoae." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-aimile HjP tT7 , .■? " faonverT gjgnatnre of COff-CÍkc wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Csstorla.


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Ann Arbor Register