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Sam Langsdorf spent Sunday in the city. Prof. Denison will spend the summer in Royalton, Vt. Wade Doty. of Detroit, attended commeneement last week. Rev. E. D. Kelly went to Watervliet Monday fura short visit. Prof. A. A. Stanley left last Thursday afternoon for Europo. Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Monday on business. C. V. Wagner and family have jone to Wequetonsing for the summer. Mrs. Fred. A. Howlett and family are at Cavanaujrh lake for the summor. Mrs. Daniel Hiscock is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. J. Reed, of Chicago. L. H. Clement left Monday on a business trip for the Ann Arbor Organ Co. Judge Kinne starled for Boston and the eastern seashore resorte yesterday. A. .T. Sawyer and family have gone to ( avanaugh Lake for their summer outing. Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry will spend two months in Colorado this s .Kamer. Mrs. Fred Belser and children have gone to Cavanaugh Lake for the sumnier. Miss Charlotte Picket, of S. Ingallsst. , is spending her vacation at Bay View. Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Drake have gone to Battle Creek to visit Mrs. Drake's mother. Rav. and Mrs. Ohlinger have gone to Milwaukee, Wis., to be absent for two months. D. F. Schairer and family will go to Base Lake lomorrow for a two weeit's outing'. Mrs. O. É. Jones and daughtor, Miss Edith Atkins, of Lansing, spent last week in the city. Mrs. S. Brown, of 83 E. Huron-st. has gone to Grand Rapids to visit her son, Dr. F. H. Brown. Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner is home from Grinnell, Iowa. She will spend the summer here. Miss Jennie Oakes will leave tomorrow for Passadena, Cal., and will remain there a year. Wm. P. Stephens, superintendent of the electric light works, leaves tomorrow for Denver Colo. Prof. E. A. Hayes, of the University of Minnesota, visited Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Martin last week. Prof. Julius O. Schlotterbeck left last Fi iday morning for the east. He will .sail July tí for Ëurope. tí. J. Ottaway has gone to Petoskey to take charge ol the Petoskey Dailey Resorter for tbe summer. Miss Satia Hyde, lit 87, vho has been teaching in Washington, D. C, is in the city visiting friends. Harry Montgomery has the entire charge of the S. C. A. Students' Handbook for the coming year. Atty. A. ,1. Waters, of Manchester, was over Monday, and witnessed the ball game, city versus county. J. A. Bendinger, a member of the Congregational church choir, has left for his home in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Jayccxand daughter. Miss Mar' , leave this week for Philadelphia,where they will make their future home. Mrs. H. S. Dean and daughter, Miss Lizzie, left for their cottage at Old Mission Monday to spend the summer. Aid. C. A. Maynard and family will visit the numerous lake resorts in this county during this and next week. Mrs. Schlotterbock and daughter, Miss Tillie, left for their home in Brushton, Pa., via Toledo, last ïhursday. Miss Evelyn Waples, of Cincinnati, O., Í3 visiting her parents -ludge and Mrs. Rufus Waples, of S. ïhayer-st. Mr. and Mrs. John I!. Allen, of Chicago, are vteiting Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Conrad for a few davs. Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Packard-st., was called to Whittaker Monday rnornintit )y the death of Mrs. Eugene Childs. Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Schairer will leave f, iv WVst Point. Neb., in a couple of reeks to visit their children living at that place. J. V. Sheeban has vented Dr. Breakey'a cottage at Old Miss ion on Traverse Bay and expects to spend part of the suimner there. l'rof. Harry Randall, son of Pros. Atty Randall, has been elected professor of physioe in the High School of Saginaw e. s. at a good salary. Rev. E. W. Moore, who has bees pastor of the Second Baptist church for the past year lias resigned his position and leaves tuis week for Denver, Colo. Justice Hooker. of tho supreme court, and his wife attended oommeneement exercises. Their soa Charles took his diploma in the medical department. D. VV. Springer, of the High School, is in Chattaneoga, Tenn., attending the National Convention -of the Epworth ie. He will 'o from there u Denver. Mrs. Suker, the s llrssi.' and Dinx Dunster, Viva and Mary DuiTy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Root, Bert Dean and Karl Harriman left last Friday for Devil's Lake. A. W. Gasser, wí n with the Ferguson Road ('art Co. for )ast eigei .i'ai i-vrod his connoction with that flrm last Saturday night. He will soon open up a shop of his own. Mr. and Mrs Fred Wedemeyer, of Chelsea, were in the city last Thursday attending commencement and visiting friends. Mr. Wedemeyer's brother W, V. Wedemeyer graduated in the law dc'iai'tment. B J Conrad and wife, of Ann Ar b n-, .j. R Allen i.d wife, of Chicago, 1 . , an l M. D. Weeks, wife and son leav. t day for Mackinac and Les Chencaux Islands for two or three weeks outing.


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Ann Arbor Register