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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. WANTliD, WANTED- A lady who experts to spend the winter in Florida would like a lady ■omlanion to share expenses. The lady has an oppnrtunity torent a small cottage al :i ow rat e in which one cao keep house ;ii smatl expense. A good opportunlty for Bomex.dy who wi-lics tospend the winter in the soiuli at a vety small expense. A.ddre8B "Y" ■;tle Thé Keiril er. WA NTKD- Three or four ünïürnished rooras for the coruing year. lioonis on groui.d tloor wit h oulside ent ranee ;i nd in t 11 centra) part of the city prierred. &ddress, E. w. care The Register. ti'.itf l'Oll BJUliB. TjlOK SALK CHE4P - Two aood new J; luilk COWS. -i M. Wuiht, llo miles wcsi t' city limita, on Jacksou ave. T4 VOIt SALÍ! Copies of the Acts r of Michiican forl8i, lsT, 1889, 1MH and 1883 For aaW. clieap at Tlie Kfglstor Offio. 7a i.'ok SALK -Copy of "Coin Collector' J Hand Book" for sale cheap al The Kegls ter office. __ ra 171O11 8AJLE- Newspapers in quantltle ' suitable for putting under carpets. Wil bê soW cheap at The Register office. 64if Ho Mis I'O KALK OK RENT- Bea Estáte boughtunduold. Firc Insuram In first-elass companles, Cali and consult m before decidios. I believs 1 can accommo Bate you. Mary L. Hamllton, room 11, Hum 11 ton Block. UTtf h'OR SiAli;- New Sufe. Wlll de sul d at barg&in. Enqulre of 8. A. Moran, Regis ter omce. ;ur FOK SALE - Mrs. Perkin'i" farn 80 aeree, a miles cast of Saline. T mik Bouth of Ann Ai-bor, known as the Kellog farm. Six acres nood bearing peacfa orcharcT house, barn, stock and wel) water in abundance, scliool withln y, mlle. Prioe reasonable, Icrms easy, cali on preiniscs ur 44 !. Ingallsst.., m) Arbor. 94tf bv t. t'tti. A i-.- 12U Acret ui Lanü. Mi miles Iroui city, or will exchange tor city prop Tty. guuuire at No. 8 K. Libertv-st. 8ltf 'JtAH "rÖK Ñ4Í.I.:- The Bullock or verett " fnrni, 3 miles west of Salem siatiun aud 11 miles from Ann Arbor, ii 109 acres, house and barus, stock an1 well wnter in abnndanc ' mber; scbool and chnrch within a mile; laiio natarally tbc best; all Reeded down Price and term reaeonable. (all on or addres: Andn-w K (iit.n,n S" MaynurJ st.. Ann Arboi, Mloh 46t( FOK K1ÍAT. ÏOK KENT - Suitabfe for r omers and boarders, as fioe e locatlon as tberele in Hii-j city, lnguire ut 47 S. DMsloit-st. 72 FOK KUNT- A house of 11 rooms, wlth bath me] ;ill modern conrenlences; orwlll rent part of same. Cali after Sp. m. No. 2 l'uller st. lir.lf HOUSB8 TO RUNT -Severa I Houseswlth modern Improvements, unfurnUhed rooms for smal 1 CamlUes, al reasonableprlces. Callón J.Q. A.Sesslons, Real Estáte Aeent, Office No. 5N. Maln-stN 2nd Hoor, Realdence ■1 K. Wllllam-st. atf ROÖ.fis liirllgbthousi I ndfurnlshed rooms. Apply 1o Kooni :(. tliird Hoor, ! Haniilion block, ilodurii conveniences, inoludliiKstOiiin beat I8tf ISJSWTCn ('ood rellable men t.i Bell WÜÍ1 I tU url'lmlre and Hardy Nur iwriii ■ kW sl,,.v s,,„.k Mll.h .,; trn1 trees, roses, sbrubs and ornamentáis, Ladtes make thls bustneu a success. Eay work, pleasant. Ughi and profltable. Outfit Frcc Xpply al once, witli references, and secure cfaoice of territorv. F. '. _Tiuy Conpaaji Nurserymon and Beedsmen, Rocbester.N. V. 89 1ÍICHI5ÁN M1HING SCHOOL &.BbT'Ö522ï: A llUIl grade Ui-Iir.k-nl Khool. Practical work. FIitmvc vstein SMTiiintTcotirst-s. (iivestleprt ( -i V "■ r, SI . mul PI:. I. Laboratories, shops, ralll, . u . .-i.'ll equppei. ' ,illo{íiies Iree. AddreK SacreUrjr Wu!iu M:aiui;Scljooi,Houghton,Mlcli


Old News
Ann Arbor Register