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Best Route Southeast South Southwest is the Louisville and xNashville Railroad ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PROSPECTÏVE SETTLERS. Kuil information cheerfully furnished upon application to JAGKSOH SÏITH, DÍT. Pass. Ajl., CiBClIUiati, 0. C. P. atiüïe, Bbb'1 Pass. int., LoaisTiUe. ly. ELDRED6E "B" A trlctly hlgh-cradc FMnlly 8wing Afacfaine, poBftes.lng H modern lmprovementa. GüARANTEED EQÜAL TO THE BEST Prlc vry riinoiiibU. Obtaln them iroin jour local dcle and make compmriflons. ELDREDBE MANUFACTUR1NS GO. BELVIDERE. ILL. ffiLsoirs 11 SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY m LIKE em AND TELL ,.. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in theirfamily work, and are still using the original machines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other ihan needies. With proper care they never wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have constantly cmproved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recognized everywhere as the most accurately fitted and nnely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In competition with the leading machines of the world, it receiyed the Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best, other machines receiving only complinientary medals of gold, sil ver and bronze. The Grand Prize was what all sought for, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We v.:mt dealers in all unoccupied territory WHEELER & WILSQN MFG. CO. 85 & 187 wiH Avs.. Chicago. mmm wncox compouno TTANSyPiLLS m BEWARE OF COVKTEBFEITN. m The mly aafir and always nllalilc Relief m tor T.adfes. Airept 110 wcrililcss anil lanÊ lmltatlons. Save money and guard m health ly tukinK iiottilng but tbe nlj riiuH Ine and origina. Wllrux 'imiinl Tansy m l'llls. In metal boxus bearlnR slih-ld trado ■V mark. ]vrlcc f2. oo, all druRKhls. Kond 4 ets. for Woinair s Snfp (inard (teonrely malled wiMov srcciMc 'o„ 2t8 Soiiili ElKhlh s. .-i, 1-liil., Pa. I EW[S' 98 % LYE ponan un fxutod ■" ro li.iji readylor uw. win Km .mmÍ? S16 pwranwia Hard Soap wuulng botUe palntó, trees, etfc lAh. PSNKA. BALT lf'F'0 CO. ■Wi oa. Agt„ rwu., Pk, BUSINESS CARDS. n R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Lan. .Hilan, .'fli h. Money loaned for outside parties.All egal business given prompt attcntion. W. 8. MOORE, DENTIS7! WorK i'one In all form nf modern dentisfrr. Crown ai.d Bridge work a b. eciu.ty. Saiisfuciion Guarautecd. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arbor WSÍ. W. NÏCHOJuZ, Dental JParlors ! OYEli GAV1NQS BANK OPPO8ITE COr UT HOU E SQUARE. ARTHUR J RITSON, Contractor and Bu Ider ! EEttmates fiiralshed on all kinds of Archltec ture. Rcsidence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Tor. hk1iIiisk.ii-!., and Fll'tli-avc. Our im is to pletfc our ouBtomers by nlways handllng the verv C'hoicest Meau itiat the market dfforrt Shoe Repairing ! None better in the city. All work promptly done. Moderate prices. Ooen all the year around. I solicit ashare ol your patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY, Eat Liberty, Mear Statf J. J. FURGUSON, Jobber and Bullder. Etimates Glven on Short Notice, Repuiriny, BebuikUuy and Jobbing a jpecialty. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP AND KESlUËMi:. 16 W. Summlt St„ Arn Arbor.MithOil and Gasoline Brought to Your Door Without bothering to crder every time jou &re out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at f, W. Corner of E. Wh ng ton and S Fiftb-ave. and leave your order auil J will keep you uppl'ei at lowent raten. M. GOOUAIyE. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, Dealer in American and Imported QRANITES ! ud all kind of BUILDING STONE ! Cemetery Work A SFKri.urv Corner of Detroit and Catberine Ut. ANN ARBOR. MICH W. H. BUTLER, 18 E. llnruii-at., ANN ARBOR, XI IH 8'xrttary and Treaturer íat. Savingi oiw Loo Aseociatin, MONEY TO LOAN. WUB AT FEED For stock raisers, sheep feeders, poultry men and dairy men, sold at a barpain. Cali on or address, care of Anchor Works. PAINE BROK. & CO., Illvrr Ronge, 'Heli. 4 CHOICE ROSES S Cal. and. Cultural Dlrcctlöns 30 et. 1 Kose and pkt Se 1 wlth Catalogue. 10 et. U'JI B. ItF.EO, ltnx 3(i2. ('hambrrkbiire, P Always uicntion tlils paper when you wrlt me Speaking of j. PANTS. fb Do you wear f"w themV We innke r k them to your orLT. $6 I U ÏJ 1 U KÜB 1'lTIIMiUth Al ƒ I JOHN BYERS.Agt! V Ww Ann Arbor, Micti. V riñsey&Ieabolt NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and ansollat low flgnres. Oup freqaeni large invoices of Teas is a sui-e sin we give barg-ains ii Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffecs every week always fresh and good. Our bakerx turns cut the very best of Bread, Cakes auu Ci-ackers. Cali and see us.


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Ann Arbor Register