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itëJBSTER & KIRN VHturtpevftf rxill irhen yov are in need of a CÁRRIAGE OR BÜGGY rg,jther sart of a v.ehlcle. Their work ■WKEMUES FOR ITSKI.F. WLEFjUBIXG XEATLY DONE ÜlT MODÉRATE RATtS. . fiorse Shoeing . FZSPEMENCED HANDS. WGEdïïIJKRVNTlKK ALL, Oí B WORK ; K.33 anfl 25 N, 4th Aie., Ann Arbor, Mich, ANDREW E. GIBSON, iirawiEï at law. .tfc 7j& A. Hurón St. A-VN A1SBOR niCtL I JÜST RECEIVED! TOOTH I BRUSHES The are of Gorxl Qualïtg tai eheap. 'LuU Warranted to -tuud the wear and tear. y aro Beautles to k ut. too. I B. & M. DRUG STORE, 4 SOl'TH STATU ST. SCHALLER'S 800KST0RE U EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 15,000 Rolls oí the choicest selection of Wall Paper ! JÜST RECEIVED. As this iá our FIRST 8EASON 1 ke Wall Paper trade. our - of oothing but the I ATKST and . KW EST atylea. si-Class White Blanks ii om 5c aRoll üp Wiodow Shudes mado to order and . i in anj part of the city. MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKSELLER STATIONER and WALL PAPER DEALER, L WastatoB St.. Op. Hangsterfer's THE BEST NURSER. A. Few Testimoniáis. "NEW YORK INFANT ASYïiüM- 7?he aursing bottle known as "ThB Best," been tried at the Asyluiu and is ro Mmmcndad most warmly espocially for Gttte facüity with which it can be kept (i-fectly clean. BW YORK LYING-IN ASYLUM- we used the nursing bottle "The Sai,"j!Í find it superior to any I have ieen Siaving combined all essen tial L nalities I therefore heartly recommend E. E. TULL, M. D. STEW VORK MEDICAL COLt'EGE ANTB HOSPITAL POR WOMEN- I a pleaeed with your Nurser "The rái3;,"t daas all you claim for it. "L. A. DKLL. M. D. ■ S T, THE BEST e tba " Air-Inlet ! " (as Vt- aHywdjtwted aa a Cork ; it xJ aenot leakor be pulled out K by) Iets in air Back of Pood as Taai 6,s foed is sucked out, and making it "■otESibte for nipple to collapso and ".httcprevents wind colic. See how easi'HE BEST" iscleansed! VL &eas batlle prevents bowel trouble. At Brwgist. 25c. : if yours declines tío gt it, send us 30c. for one by mail, Or "Cllngfast" Nipple, pure gum, ïc. dt, fost,-paid. IK 60THAM CO., 70 Warren St„ New York. CCHRAGE'S $1,000,000.00 " Rheumatic Cure Kever Failed. Advice Free. Cured Geo. Iliggs (Grocer) and Isaac Lederer ( Flatter) of Lansiny, Mich., af ter mam) doctors and the springt at SB. Clemens failed. Vu red John Ciywood, city enyinecr. of Marshall. Mich. Ayents Itdiitril in thi8 county. Qnly a FEW hwri'ijivul ag cfes ei. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co. 167 Dearborn St„ Chicago Fruit Qrowers and Smail Farmers. Homes and Livingfor ThousanJs. Read what western papers and fruit ra say about u special number of l Ireat Northern Bulletin, devoted to the fruit business in the Paoiflo Northwest: ■( 'oiitains a multitude of interma and valuaWe articles, notos and hints, preaeated by u close student urul in ro%tigator." -Daily Bpokesman - Keview, Spokane, Wash. "The best of the kind that lias ; yet been publiahöd. The futuro of the fruit business is brought out strongfly withoutexaggeration."- Kural Northwfest, Portland, Ore. "The Fruit Bulletin ia storehouso of [acts intere8ting to our growers. It is also calculaied to show eastern people that the Pacific Northwest is 'strictly in it' as a producer of stap Ie fruits." - J. B. Holt. Manager Snake River Fruit Association, Wawawai. Wash. ■■Most artistically printed and coatainsmore horticultural matter relatlng to the northwest taan we have ever be fore seen in one publication. " - Pacific Farmer, Portland, Ore. ■I ara delig-hted with the Bulletin. 1 do not think I ever saw anythiny more comprehensive on the fruit business. My belief Chat the country out here is 1 the best part of the Union for! seekors is stronger thao ever." - H. H. Spalding. State Board of Horticulture, Almota, '. "Should be in the hands of every fmit raiser in the Pacific Northwest. Shows in an interesting WBy ! just whnt our country offers to fruit growers andmewwho believe in small farms well tilled." - Northwest Horticulturist, Cacoma, Wash. "Tfcepo is nota topic likely to be of interest or valué to the inquirir that La overlooked. A most completo and attractive compendium of the horticultural interests of the West." - Daily Oregonian, Portland, Ore. This valuable publication vvill be sent to aay address, tojrether with "Faets About a Great Country.' containinr large map, for four cents in postag-e, by F. I. WHITNEY, G. P. & T. A. . Great Northern Raihvay, St. Paul, Minn. Wlien yon yo North for the sunimer, please bear i mlnd that t lie Chicago and West Michigan raihvay service to Biy vlew, Pe osk-v Charlevotí and Tmveree City is the must complete and best arranged tlii.s jrear of any Bince the "Scenlc Llne waa complet■!. All traiiis if the f, C. K. lí. n i :i.t Grand Baplls witli the followlng traína on the Weal Mtchifan. Leave Grand Baptds Tilín a1 8:B a i. . wltb parí. ir I Ti U oar. arrhre al Traverse city at 1:80 p, ni I! lata for bay porta leave Traverse city 't n A 3 [ V -::;0 P ' ThUtrain arrivés UAH I :ii Petoskeyaud Hay View ;it ID p. m. TDtlUP Our Aftcrnooii Fl.r arrivés at Traverse city at Tf 1:''U Bi '■■ Charlevoix ti::), l'etoskey 0:55 aud lii" View lu Tii'O p. ra. [t is a great I rain, enabiliis with chtldren. The dayDrOnDYf liïlu rlde ;illl')-r 'he beauttilLOUn I O. ful 1)avs and laks North of i ui Travewe city is a dellshtful feature of the trip of this train. The Mght Train leavst at 11 o'clock. with sleepers and arrivoa at Traverse city at 4 a, m.. Charlevotx 6::!". Petoskqy at 7:OU, and Bay Vlewiat T:iu a.. m. Any M. O. R. R. agent can Ret seats in parlor ('ars or berths In sleepers resferved by telegraphing to J. 3. Ifawkins. agont C. & W. M. K'y., orand Kapids. Wohave flt-st class, conventent service and ask jour patronage. BO. Df.Haven G P. A Grand Kapids, .Mich. plexion only Nature UMC) v"7Vl!p can give. She gives a new.C iCf clcar and soft one to thosc who "L M use Dr. Hebra's Viola Cream. It ifüot 7Í a pmnt or powder to cover defects. t tfu, gtts nd 0 them, by Nature's own cess of renewing the vitality of the skin ; V bamshing all roughness, redness, freckles, moles, pimples, blackheads, sunburn and tan. It does this surely and harmlessly, bccause naturally. lts use means both skinbeauty and skin-health. Viola Skin-Soap hastens the process, because it is a pure and delicate soap. It should be used in connection with the Cream. It should be used in the nursery, too. Ordinary soaps are not Vr' ior ?.,b.abv's viola Cream, 50 cent. Viola Skin-Soap, 25 cents. Sold by druKglsts or sent bymail. Send to Q. C. BITTNER CO„ TOLEDO, O. J ÖTOF M. SHAVING PARLORS AM BATil KOO1IS. Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bafti Rooms YA' S'L-AHíS. SO S. State SU, AVxi te Sjfuehan't. .tIR. & MKM. J. K. TllOJ WOWSKI èpi Best OouKh Syriip. TaMoa Ootii Vre M .


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