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Michigan Happenings

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Ludington will issue $10,000 school bonds. D. Dolph, aged 13, was drowned at Muskeon. The Sunday school rally at Saranac was attended by 5,000. Morris Hannon's farmhouse burned near Mt. Morris. Loss 81,500. Geo. P. Robertson was fined $25 at Adrián for selling hard eider to minors. Little Harold Jones walked into a brush lire at Fountain and was fatal ly burned. John Burzloff, a well-to-do farmer, hanged himself with a towel in jail at Standish. Oov. Rich assisted in the unveilingof the cornerstone of a new armory building- at Monroe. The Salvation Army has taken Colilwater by storm, many conversions being reported. Sara Thompson, asjed 23, feil under an electric car at Kulazna.oo and was instantly killed. There are over 400 acres of cucumbers planted in the vicinitv of Uangor. It is a good vear for them, too. Cari Whitehurst, aged seven, feil into the river at Lansing whileplaying about a boat and was drowned. The cornerstone of Berrien county's new court house was laid at St. ; Joseph, with 10,000 people present. (ieorge Craig's livery barns together with ñve horses and other contents burned at Ann Arbor. Loss 82,500. Two large barns on the farm of Mrs. .lames Campbell,south of lludson, were barned, causing a $1,500 loss; insured. I A stock company has been formed by Dowagiac business men to manufacture un improved railway car truck. Morgan Ingraham. deaf and dumb, o Clare county, was struck by a freight train near Freeland and was killed. Wm. Eüy shot himself near Sagina w. Ile was married, aged 40, in good heaitli. and the cause of the deed is a mystery. The residen ts of the west end of Decatur, turned out to tight brush lires which threatened destruction to buililings. Cattle poisonera have againappeaicd in the vicinity of Dryden. Severa! fine cattle have recently been lost by ' tb is route. J. II. Leach's livery barn. the First ■ Kaptist ohureh, I. N. Smalley's barn and other buildings burned at C'oncord. Loss 8.".,00(). The large barns of Wm. Collins, witli all their contenta, inaliulinga valuable teamburued at Laingsburj;. Lossover $3,000; do insurance. Horace Weleh captured a íiant fro;í near Hudson. It was nearly a foot long1 and weighed over a pounil. It has a voiee like a bull. Auo-ust (VNeil, &ge 23. was found at the bottom of a deep well near Caro, after being missing for three weeks. JN'eedless to say, he was dead. The warehouses and offices of t.he Central City Oil compauy. and one residence were totally destroyed by fire at Jackson. i.oss, $10,000. The thirteenth animal meeting' of the Haslett Park assooiation of spiritualists will be held ut Haslett Park, near Lansing, August 1 to September :.'. S. j. Ballentiue's wholesale store at Port Hurón was gfutted by fire, tUe ] second and third lloors, clothing and shoes, especially. Loss about $10,000. The L'niver.salist charata society at Benton Harbor dedicated a SlÜ.OiH) ! editice at Henton Harbor. Kev. J. S. Cuntwell made the dedieutovv address. Mrs. Aliee Brink, wife of a , man on the L. S. L M. 8. railroad. committed suicide at Grand Kapids by taking morphine. Ill-liealth was the lause. Kalamazoo is to have a Helt liiurailroad. The promoten íeared an injunction from railroada and worked all day Suiulay to get in their crossinfs. A stronjf eléctrica) storm passed over Calumet, and during its propress the steeple of the Cathclic church at Lake Linden was struck by lightntng and demolished. l'ire at Ionia destroyed Kleming & Miller s gTOCery store, a tneat market next door, Marsh's barber sliop, and the residenco oí Handle Heals. Loss S:i,OOO; nsimiuee $3,500. Michael l'rice. aged r,0. filled np on lu.nber camp tirewater and laid down for a sleep on the railroad near Alpena. The next train cut otï his leg and he died soon af ter. Frank Hady. aged 14 years, got beyond his depth while bathing at l.ansinff and was druwned. His older brother endeavored to reseue hiiu and barely escapad with his life. While digging a sewer at Sault Ste. Marie, Wm. l'rice was buried alive and lay under four feet of earth for a quarter of an honr. lle was reCUed alive but is stil! anconsoious. John I'. Hopkins was senteneed from (irand liapids to Marquette prison for four years for larceny from a store in , the day time. lle robled abook store, taking a book worth about SI. The lady bicyelists of t'adillac recently met and decided to wtar the blnninerand appeare 1 in that costume ; in the parade on July 4. They asked for pólice proteetiou against the lioodlunis. The animal ld duvs' camp meeting at Crystal Spring. Caos county, which is attended each seaaon by thousands of Methodist froin Miehifran and , joiniiijr states, will uoinmence August 20. Attorney-General Maynard handed down an opinión to effect that circuit court jnrors are ander statute entitled to pay only for such time as they are ac.tually in attendance upon the court. John Adair, of liattle treek, oomraander of the l'atriarchs Militant of Michigan, has made the following stafï appointnieuts: A. Ilutt'ord, tirand Kapids, chief of statï; K. (oram. Hattle Creek, tacting1 adjutant-general; .Julias King, Hattle (-'reek, inspectorgenera): Dr. S. S. Krench, liattle l reek, brigade surgeon: Maj'or John Mykins, liattle treek, chaplain; C A. thase, Kalamazoo. aide-de-camp. The reunión of the Seventh Michigan Infantry was to hare been held at Lapeer this month, but it has been deferred untü August 21 and 22, the dates of the reunión of the veterans of Lapeer county. John H. Roberts, of Grand Rapids, has been coinmissioned by Chief Fernow, of the forestry división of the Atlanta Explosión to take charge of the forestry exhibit frora the northern states, and to prepare it. The formal opening of thé new Detroit railway at Detroit, was a great event as it markctl the beginning of three-cent fares. Mayor Pingree was raotorman of the first car and was oheered along the whole line. A bout one-fourth of a erop of hay will be realized in portions of Lapeer county. Wheat will not yield over five bushels to the acre. Pastures are all dried up and corn, oats and potatoes are suiferincr for want of rain. The second ::ession of the University of Michigan summer school opened with a good atten Janee, wh :ch Prof. K. . Lyman, who has charge of the arrangements for the school, claims will far exceect that of last year. Quartermaster-Ceneral Kidd filed his official bond and aecompanied by Krig.Gen. Hawley and Assistant Qnartermaster-General Averv, went to Island lake to arrange for the approaching encampment of the M. N. O. Someone threw a big eannon fireoracker into Bnrsch's saloon ;it Sajinaw. The result was a terrific explosión, which tore the top of the bar o!f and extinguished all the lights in the room. The allegod joker escaped. Editor M. K. Brown, of the Hattle i Creek Moon, and .lustice Henry. of Uattle Creek, swore that while tixhing on Gardner'a or Jfassasauga lake. they saw a huge sea serpent with a head as big as a bushei basket and whiükers two f".et long. The l.ewis Dawes murder case at Grand Rapids, has flattened out. and i the prisoners. William Mead. Bessie Mead, Xellie Drum and Donglas Tibbitts, were all discharged. A chemical aiuilvsi.s of the Btomach revealed nt ' traces of poison. Menommee has a f ui 1 fledged mystery. A water lojjged skiff was picked up in the river. In it was fouiul a handkerchief, a coat, a half filled whisky bottle and a meerschauin pipe. To wliom these art.icles belong is puzzling the authorities. lArranfjementa are being made for one of the biffgest Sunday school and ', temperance rallies ever held in southi evn Michigan at Holeomb'a grove, Athens, .luly 1), :.'O. 81. Every Sunday school and temperance organization in tour countiea are invited. The report of the state salt inspector shows the quautity of alt inspected in June as follows: Manistee, 150,374; 'Maaoa, 63,509; Bay, 51,921; Sag-inaw, M),7ü0; öt. Clair, 44,:1: losco, 1H,7.V. Ihiron, 5,709; Midland, :.',ii9: niakinjr a total for June of 389,173 barrels. John 0. Uodewig-, one of the alleged Kattle Creek train wreekers, was retessed on and was rearrested imuiediately on attempted jail delivery and again released ón b:iil. Soou after Áie was again arrested ou the charge of interferinff with a lT. S. mail car. The body of Thomas lirown, of Milwaukee, was iouod fioating near the I 1) ;nh on l.ake Michigan, near i ton, north of Lincoln llarbor. 11 is coat. vraistcoat and boots were on a og JO'J feet away. A 4t-caliber volver with one empty sJiell, was fo:ind. There was a bullet hole over the heart. A Wayne county farmer whohashad iorae experience in the lehorning1 of ! .■nttlf, says he has found a way to i : implish the same result without the iiu'ltv. When the calf is about a n'tk old the incipient horns are visible Í ■nd ari1 then soft and tender. At that ! time he rubs them for a minute or two a th crystallized potash, and the horns never yrow any more. The calf is not ■ inj-t in t he le;ist. The friends of Del Swartz. wlio was sent from St. Joseph cuunty to daekson prison for the morder of .)oV,nson, I : ■ 1. il detectives searehingf for lionf.v A. Inivan. whom tliey believed tu .v. me laarderer. Cowan was ciiught at last at Cambridge, 111., and brought to ('entervilli', but it now seoms that he eau prove' a clear alibi. !-ince beilijí placed in jail he has had ;i M'vere attack of heart failure, from n'faicb the phygioan says it is doubtful if hj recovers. The exeoutive committee of the great tent Knights of Alaucabees has ilecided that Valley City tent, of üi-and Ka,]Mls. tuust strike from iterein'ílsall re fe renca to the inass meetiny. at w .110.1 resolutions were adopted jondein -iia Do.nmapder Boynton for his re 1 al of lireat Keeord Keeper l'.oii'-'i' ' 1. .i.d is also required to jpul ■ . .r p,irs rt'solutions ex[iress " ' ",".'' ' tJ iHe present offlcers. fhe te p.ooaby appeal to the jreat ■; n ,. :._ .. aiting for the ui'xt re!--"


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