Real Estate Exchanges

The following is a list of the real estáte transfers in this ('ounty for the week ending July 6th, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract Co., office in Lawrence building, corner of Fourth and Ann-sts., Ann Arbor, Michigan. W. W. Whedon and wlfe to H. C. Kxinger, Ann Arbor $ 3000 A. W. Hamüton to Mellissa Bakeman, Ann Arbor ] John Kuebler and wife to Louis H. Boes, Ann Arbor 450 Mary A. Launders to J. A. Freeman, Ann Arbor 300 V. D. Saunders and wife to John O'Hara, Ann Arbor 100 Henry A. Kyer and wife to W. F. and P. L. Armstrong, Ann Arbor 1500 Elmer (.'. Cftrpenter and wife to A. L. Wils on and vvife, Ypsilanti ;00 Samuel Chambers and wife to Mareia Dimick, Ypsilanti 1500 S. W. Campbell to Adaline M. Campbell, Ypsilanti 860 Klizabeth Merchant to John 1'. Kirk, Ypsilanti 150 A. J. Sawyer and wife to Mary 10. Geraghty , Webster ... 2500 C. H. Kempf and wife to E. L. Negus. Sylvan 30 Louise K. Sanford to .Tulius Feldkarap, Saline and Bridgewater.. 1600
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
W. W. Whedon
H. C. Exinger
A. W. Hamilton
Melissa Bakeman
John Kuebler
Louis H. Boes
Mary A. Launders
J. A. Freeman
W. D. Saunders
John O'Hara
Henry A. Kyer
W. F. Armstrong
P. L. Armstrong
Elmer C. Carpenter
A. L. Wilson
Samuel Chambers
Marcia Dimick
S. W. Campbell
Adaline M. Campbell
Elizabeth Merchant
John P. Kirk
A. J. Sawyer
Mary E. Geraghty
Charles H. Kempf
E. L. Negus
Louise K. Sanford
Julius Feldkamp