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JpfÉÍ Jj ÏMlTTLE Jpü I VER SICK HEADAGHE Positively cured by these Little Pilis. They aiso relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Too Ilearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Tain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regúlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pili. Small Dose. Small Price. E. R. EGGLESTON, n. D. i s. Maiii-M., tor. Huroii-si. General P artice. tJours: - 10:30a. m. to 12 m. ; 1 toS and 7 to 8 p. m. Pboneaa. OHIO CENTRAL LINES. T. .{ O. C. K. ,1 V. Rij, Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohlo and Charleston, W. Va., via ( olumbus, the short and only direct route between Toledo, o., and Mt Pleasant, W. Va. Findlay, O., " EUchmond, Virginia. Kenton. ().. " l'etcrsbiiryf. " Cotumbus, O. " Oíd Poini Comfort, Va. Athene, O. " Wïlliameburg, Va. Mlddlepoit.O " Newport, News, Va. Potnewy, O. ' Norfolk, Virginia. And all soutli-eastarn points. Eltrant drawlng room cara on all through trains. b'or furtlier inforraation cali on your local ticket or tfrite, V. A. l'KTKKS. MOULTON HOUK, Mich. Pase Geu'l Pass., Agí. Detroit. Mich. Toledo. O. plexion only Nature USO VTISH ■t One to those who " '; Hebra1! Viola Creara, lt ís' n'otíjL a paint r powdcr to cover defccts. lt ifvy gets rid af tktm, by Nature's own cess oí rcncwing the vitality of the skin ; V" banisliinif all rouglincss, rcdncss, frecklcs, moles, pimples, blaclcheads, funburn and tan. lt does this turtly and harmlessly, becausc naturally. lts use mcans both skinbeauty and skin-health. Viola Skin-Soap hastens the process, because it is a pure and delicate soap. lt should be used in connection with the Creara. lt should be used in the nursery, too. Ordinary soaps are not fit for a baby's skin. Viola Creara, 50 cents. Viola Skin-Soap, 25 cents. Sold by druggists or sent bv mail. Send to O. C. BITTNLR OO., TOLEDO, O. y


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