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The Illinois law closingbarbershops on Sunday is a success. Fred Meister drowned himself at Buffalo because a fi-iend told hiin to. Two distinct earthquake shocks were feit at Springfield. Mo. ïyodamage. Fire at CornwaU, Ont. , burned 50 bouses, leaving SOU people homeless. Everything is "dry" in New York City on Sundav ander the excise law. The Germán Epworth League of the United States held an enthusiastic convention at Chicago. The American Wire company closed down their plant at Cleveland for three tnontbs owing to the strike. Terry Tufft. his wife and three children, were drowned by their boat capsizing on Lake Keuka, Bath, N. Y. 1 Frank Wilson was kiliad atNiles, O., by a train which oolüdod with a street car. Mr& Ij-. W. Holder was fatally injured. Charles D. Sherwood, ex-iieutenantgovernor of Minnesota, was found dead. floating in the lake at Chicago. Suicide. A caisson of the big bridge now at Nage Hamed, near Alexandria, Egypt, by a French firm collapsed and 40 workmen perished. The 12 principal glass manufacturers west of l'ittsburg met at Andcrson, Ind. , and fornied a combine to raise prices 25 to 40 per cent. Ex-Secretary of State Foster has returned from Hong Kong, having concluded his duties as the agent of China in neg-otiating peace with Japan. A new gold field has been discovered in Colorado in the Green Hora range, near Florence. New s.trikes are also being made daily near Silver Cliff. The French chamber of deputies adopted a motion asking the governinent to negotiate a permanent arbitration treaty between France and the United States. Harry Jackson, a Chicago,croo,k, was instan tly killed at Portland, Ind., Gus Gar was fatally wounded and Ed Barker was arrested while trying to burglarize a store. The dominion government has announced its intention, in the Manitoba school trouble, to see that Roman Catholics are accorded the privilege of eonducting parochial schools. The bodies of eight Chinamen were found in the San Joaquín river near Madeira, Cal. They had been working in the mines situated in the mountains eight miles distant. Foul play. ""' At Seott, O., Everett Bryan shot Emma Thomas twice in the breast and then tired a builet through his own body. Bryan was jealous be cause the girl danced with anothei man. jJÜTB. Mattie Chambers, of Centralia, "VVash., received an infernal machine,, from Rev. lï. F. Fuller, she supposes. He is a Christian church minister, whom she jilted a year ago and who was last heard of in Raleigh, N. C. AtFittston, Pa., Kate Connell, aged 24, found a revolver in his brother's pocket, ühe hoisted the window and began firing at some sparrows. One of the bullets struek Mrs. C. Kelley, an aged woman killing her instantly. Frederick Hellmann, a well-to-do masón contractor of Chicago, killed his wife, his four children and himself by closing his house as tightly as possible while the famiiy slept and then turning on the gas without lighting it. By the breaking of a railing of a foot bridge crossing the Wabash tracks at Toledo two men and a boy feil 20 feet. John Walters died from the effects of his injuries. Walters' eight-year-old son and Frank Crein were badly hurt. The explosión of a gasoline stove at Chicago burned Mrs. W. C. Bartel and Miss Ora King fatally. Anothei explosión of the same kind in the same city burned Mr. and Mrs. Gunnewald to death. Carelessness in both cases. It is proposed at Chicago to move the ïmmanuel Baptist church on rollers 50 feet one way and eight feet another, raise it and place a basement underneath. It is one of the largest stone edifices in that city and has a spire 150 feet high. The Standard Telephone company, which is backed by the Standard üil and sugar trust interests, is negotiating for either the purchase outright of the Postal Teleraph company 's plant or a controlling interest in the stock of that company so as to break the Bell telephone monopoly. In the U. S. courtat Toledo, Williamson & Cushing, for the T., A. A. & Is. M. railway, filed a motion for the stockholders to set aside the recent sale of the road. Their principal contention is that the ühio portion of the coinpany's property was not sold separately from tlie other property. A prize of $5,000 is offered by the Chicago Times-Herald to the suceessful competitors in a íiorseless carriage or vehicle motor race letween Chicago and Milwaukee. Definite details will be announced in the near future. The date oí the contest will not be far from November 1. Goodrich, clerK at the T. & ■ O. C. f rcight oflice at Fostoria, O. , was ridingon a hand car with his wife and little son when the car was strtick by an engine. Mrs. Goodrieh and the little boy were killed, both being horribly mangled. Mr. (ioodrich was seriously hurt and he may not recover. Archbisbop Kain, of St. Louis, lias made a decisión that removes t4ie ban placed bv some priests on Grand Army fuñarais. L'nder his ruling mem bera of the G. A. R. attending funerals may pnter the church weaiing their uniforms and insignia, and may conduct funerala in accordance with their ritual in Catholic eemeteries. The executive committee of the great tent Knights df Maccabees has decided that Valley City tent, of Grand Rapids, must strike from its records all reference t the mass meeting, at which resolutiona were adopted condmnnin;;' CJommander lloynton for his removal of Graal Record Keeper Boughton, and is also required to apolojrize and pass resolutions expressiiiH- loyalty to the present otficers. The tent will probably appeal to the great camp itself, waitinaf for the next review.


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