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Vintage of Grapes tor Invalids. Nhe Port (rafe wine produced by Alrjd Speer of New Jersey is the best medica wine in the market, and far excels any other produced. It is heavy in body, rich in tlavor, and well adapted for sickly persons and for general familyuse, It makea new blood and givea color to the pale and sickly. Leadin phyaieiana prescribe this wine in their practice, and uho it at their'own homes. Druggists sell it. The luooiiiparuble Chl aso 4: Alton In these United States of America at least, and it is highly probable thaS throughout the entire world, the official record for the safety and welfare of ita passengere made and maintained by the Chicago & Alton Railroad cannot be surpassed if indeed it can be equalled. Over its completely rock-ballasted, dustless roadway between Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louisand St. Louis snd Kansas City, eighteea magniñcently appointed expresa traLna m on uniformly fast time every day. But in spite of this heavy passenger trame the oflicial records show that f rom December 4, 1879 to December 4, 1890, eleven years, there was no passender, who was in placo as a passenger, killed on Chicago & Alton trains. Moreover there was not a passenger serionsly injured. tothe extent of losing a limb, an eye or a member of anv kind durir.g that time. During the entire period of the World'B Oolumbian Expositkm in Chicago, whv.n it was not an uneommon thiny toflnd the usual passenger traffic of the road increased two, three and four-fold, and special excursión traína were very inany, there was not an accident of any kind- a most remarkable record. Beskles being Ameriea's most popular railroad, the ( Ihicago á Alton is the Pioneer Dining Car Line. the Pioneer Pulían Sleeinng Car Line and the Pioneer P&lacti Reclinin? C'halr Car Line. Be sure that your ticket reads over the Chicago & Alton Railroad, whea ita matchless and direct Unes can form the whole, or even a part of your journey. . I AMES CHAJRLTON, General Passenger an 'i'icket Agenfe - Chicago, 111. liancer) Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a de cree of the Circuit Court for theCounty Of Washteuavv, State of Michigan, In Chancery, made and enterred on the 28th day of March 1895, in a. certia caue therein pending, whoroln Adam Bolllnger is complainant and Gottlob Bollinger and Harmon S. Holmes are defendants, notice is hereby givea that I shall sell at public aurtion to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Huron stfeet entrance of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the County of Washtonaw is held) on Wednesday the 7th day of August 1395 at tLu o'clock in i!ie forenoon of said day the füllowing described property situated in thetownshipof Lim-i,County of Washtenaw, and State of Michifiran, to-wit: The south ëeventy acres of the west half of the north-wcst quarter of seetion number thirty-three (33) excepting and reserving ten acres in the north-west corner thereof said ten arcres to be laid off in square form with equal sides. Also all that part of the south-west quarter of the BOuth-i quarter of seetion number twenty-eight (28) which lies scuth-westerly f Mili . and north of eight acres owned by Phillip Gruner, exoeptlng and reserving the cast six acres thereof. Datod, June 14th, 18Ö5. JOSEPB F. WEHH. Circuit Court ('oinmissioner, Washte- uw County, Michigan. "5 'liaii-ery JNotloe. State of Michigan, the Circuit Court the County of Washtenaw, In Chan■erv. Emma Knapp, coraplainant va. Waren Koapp, defendant. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in Chancery, at the city of Ann Arbor, on the 28th day of June, A. 1). 1896, it sutisfactorily appearlng to thla ourt by aflidavit on file that the de'endant Warwn Knapp is not a resinent of this state, but resides in the ïtate of Wisconsin, on motion of M. J. avaiiaugh, complainant's solicitor, is s ordered that the said defendant, Wui'ivn Koapp, cause hia ppearance o be entered beretn within four months frotn the date of this order, and in c of bis appearance that he cause answer to the complatnant'i bill of complaint to bc til.'il and ;i oopy thereof tobe served on said oomplainaot's solicitor within twenty days after service 'on hiin of a copy f saxd bill and notice of this order: anthat ín default tbereo tn e taken as coiii the sajd non-resident defendant. 'i itisfurt: id that within days after tur date h, complainant cause no tice of this order t.i lic published in Tuk Ann Abbob Register, a newspapar print' lished and oirculated in said county anti that Buch publication be continued therein at once in each week for sis weeks in succession and i;i copy of this order to nally served nu said non-resijent defendant at least twenty days before the above time presoribed for nisappearance. E. D. KlNNE, Circuit Judge. M. J. Cavanaugh, Complaints' Solicitor. 77


Old News
Ann Arbor Register