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2? IN HALFU To the South The Leulavllle & Nashvlll Rallroad will sell tickets on dates and under conditions as below mentioned, at One Singlb Fare for tbb Round Trip, aDd one-way tickets at about cue-half the usual rate. BTpq for the sale of tickets vrill be June ' 11, July 5, August 7, September 4 find October 2, 1895. Tickets will be sold for the Regular Trains starting from Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis, and from t-tations of our Connecting Lines in the North to connect with those trains. Tickets good to return witbin 20 days. PflINTC 'o which tickets will be sold are Tuin I O the principa! Cilies, Towns and Villagres in the States of Kentucky, Teunessee, Alabama, Mississippi, North and South Caro'.ina, Georgia and Florida. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to JACKSON SMITH. Div. Pass. Agt., Cincinnati, 0. C.P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Louisville, Ky, ..THL.. LURK "B" A ftrlctly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, potMMlng all modern iñpToTementoi GllARANTEED EQÜAL TO THE BEST JPrioes very reasonalle. Obtain them frt-m yoar local dn Ut and make comiaribuns. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURIN6 GO. BELVIDERE. ILL. HY "AI JV1 UI ARE AI ■■heeler y J SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY THEM LIKE EM AND TELL iRH:EE!NRDS. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in theirfatnily work, and are still using the original machines we farnished tliem a generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other han needies. With proper care they Bever wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built setting machines for more than forty years and nave constantíy mproved them. We buikl our machines on honor, and they are recognized cerywhere as the most accurately fitted nnd finely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9,'' is the result of our long experience. In eranpetition with the leading machines of the world, it receiyed the Grand Prbe rit the Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best, other machines receiving only complimentary medals of gold, sil ver and bronze. The Grand Prize was what all sought for, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied territory, WHEELER & WILSQN MFG. CO, 185 4.187 Wal ash Ave., CHICAGO. JMMTWICOXCOMPOUND TAN5rPlUS Ê RKWABE Ol' COISTEBFEIT. ■ The onli are and a]:iysrcHat%Rrller m fnr I.ailles. Accept no WcirtlilesS and naii■■ Rt-rous lmltatloiis. Save money aml miarrt 'H Irealtli liy taklnc nnthlnit luit tlie oiilyjgfnuSlne and origina. Vilcox Ciiiii.mi(i Tansy m l'llls, 111 metal l)oje beving slik-ld traile ■■ mark. i.rioi! f2 . HO. all drugglrta. Senil 4 ets. iur WdiiuuPsSaf' iianl Mriucly nialled. WtICOX S1"K'I1' COm 32 Nuiidi K.ik'ii ■ Ktrrrl, IMiili., Pa. 1 EWtS' 98 % LYE L I. ÏOVWSID AND FZBITOIS Ji TMBlnimcmtaiiil purpal T va ■tfA mle. l iillke othor Lye, It beli'g ■A Ia a rne powdrr aud iiacktvi In a can ■U with reiuovable 11L the content JHB are Iwaya reaily tor use. win pB mabe the beat it-rfuiuM Hard 8oap In 20 mlnuuw wlllioul bollInK. Ja It 1 the best for clcanslng waste ll[x)t dlslnrittllifc sitikH, closeUL waslilng boltltA i'alnt, trees, oto. M PERRA. BALT M'FG CO. WKHBmtt bu. Agu,, run., f. B USINES8 CABDS. ■ ,;. w [LLIAMR, '.ttorn'j at Law, nilnu, BHcli. Money loaned tor outside parties.All business given prompt attent W. 8. MOORE, DENTIST! Work ("oneln all rorm of modern dpntlatry. 'rown ai il BriJge work a special l'. Satisfaction Guara .iltcd. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arfccr WM. W. NICHOL8, Dental Latlors ! OVER SAYIXGS BANK 0PPOSITE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. AIITHUR J KITSOX, Contractor and Bulder ! Est mates furnished on all iinds of Architec ture. Resideuce and Shop, 2i Gedaes-ave. Choice Meats Cor. Wailiiiigton-it., and Flftli-ave. Our im is to pleafe our customers by always haudling the terv C3ioicest MeU ihat the ma. ket affords. Jslioe Repairing ! Xone better in the city. All work proraptly done. Moderate priees. ODen all the year around. I solicit a shar5 of your patronage. THOMAS SPEECHLY, l'üM Lilberl}', Near State. J. J. FURGUSON, Jobber and Suilder, Etlmates Given on Short Notice, Repairing, Rcbuüdiug and Jobbing i Spedatty. .M.LORDEUS PROMPTLY ATTEXDED TO. SHOP AND RBSIDBNCE. 16 W. Summit St„ Ann Arbor, MichOil and Gasoline Brought to Your Door Without bothering to crder every time jou are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at 8. W. Cornt r of E. Wtsh'ng ton and S Filth-ave. and ltave your order and I wlll tteep you supplitd at luwest rates. ■ti. (.oi vi.i:. JOHN BAUMQARDNER, Dealer in American and In GRANITES ! aud all kinds of BUILDING 5T0NE! Cemetery Work A SPKdALTlí Corner of Detroit aud Catherine f te. ANN ARBOR, Ï1ICH. W. H. BUTLER, 16 E. Huron-fct., ANN Alt HOK, JIICH. $".crEtary at-'i Treasurtt Xat. Savings ana Loa Associatin, MONEY TO LOAN. ü. OF M. SHAYÏNG"PARLÖRS AND lIVTIf KOO'ls Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rocms UP STA1RS. so S. st,it ■'.. ,.: io Sheehari'8. Mil. A. OBI, J. lt. TICIIjtMIUMil Tri Mhs Hard [ FJ Luck I ü 'h' m:in o canI { t ecHT J noti "'m' tnoney s A 'JsjJa S enoujrh tn buyone I fk of our ia.a6 TmAfA ported t'luy Worst ed atav;iy Ooal WpJ U "-"d Vest. Made t u I I youroidi.T. ' I Pants from 83 up 1 , The PLYMOÜTH 1 ROCK CO,, BacceMon u the IMymuuth Bock iJl ] 11 Pwita ('(■.. ' &Á An" Arb rmifilt ■ NS JOHN BYERS, Agrnt. RINSEY & SEABOLT HO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock uf everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar cp All prime articles bought for cash and can Bell at low figures. Our frequent large invoicea ol Teaa is a sure sign we give bui'tiiiins in Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffees every week alijraya fresh and good. Our baker v t uns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali anü see us.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register