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No Injunction

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The mayor at noon Tuesday called a special meeting of the council for that evening. The purpose of the meeting was to hear the report of the boarrl of public works as to vvhether the new road roller and stone cru9her, which had been tested, had fulfilled the conditions of the contract. The official proceedings &iven below show what the tests developed. The much talked of threat of certain parties that before the matter wasfinally settled,an injunction would be sworn out restraining the city f rom the purchase of a road roller, ■ seeras to have ended with a threat. The statement that was made to The Register that the meeting of the eouncil to finally settle the matter was called suddenly and with only a few hours notice was for the purpose of avoiding the danger of an injunction, seems to be enirely without foundation Following is the official report of the session: Cotjncil Chambee, ANN ARBOR, July 30, 1ÖÖ5. ï Special session. C'alled to order by President Hiscock. Roll called. Quorum present. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. Mayor's Office, July 30, 1895. Olen V. Mills, City Clerk. You will please cali a special meetingof the Common Council to meet this cvening at 8 o"clock for the purpose of hearing the recorta of the Board of Public Works on tlie tests iven the road roller and sl,one erusher and also to purchase or reject the same. W. É. Walker, Mayor. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council : Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works would respectfully report to the Common Council that they have had Inspector Ward test the Austin stone erusher and attach his report of the test and his examination of said machine hereto to which they would respectfully invite the attention of the Council. The Board al30 report that they believe the erusher to come up to the guarantee made by the F. C. Austin Manufacturing Co. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. To the Honorable Board of Public Works, City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen: I hereby report that I have subjected the No. 3 Austin rook breaker, now on trial by the City of Ann Arbor, to the bereinafterdescribed tests, and I find that it filis the requirement of the guarantee which is a part of the contract under which the said machine was furnished by the F. C. Austin Manufacturing Co. With a medium jaw opening the machine crushed 105 tons of quartzite and granite boulders in eight _and one-hulf hours an average of twelve tons seven hundred pound per hour. With a maximum jaw opening the above capacity was increased about twenty per cent, with a minimum jaw opening tho capacity was about eight tons per hour. The erusher ran smoothly in all its parts and the measurements of parts correspond to those of the guarantee. Respectfully submitted, Chas. A. Ward. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respectfully report to the Common Council that they have had Inspector Ward test as far as was practicable the Steam ]load Roller tendered to the City by the Pitte Agricultural Works and attach Lis report of his examination and test made hereto for your consideration. The Board would respectfully say that they are not personally experienced in either the quality required in such a machine or the works it should dot therefore cannot express a personal opinión as to the merits of the roller. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. To the Honorable Board of Public. Works o} the City of Ann Arbor. Gentleiren: I hereby report that I have examined the Pitts Agricultural Works steam road roller now on trial in the city of Ann Arbor and find that it is built according to the specifica" tions contained in the proposals of said eompany. The extras consisting of a plow, hari'ow, and detachable pulley for running ï-ock breaker have been furnished by said "Pitts Agricultural Works. The roller has performed the road working test to which it was put in a Batiefactory manner. The engine has worked perl'ectly under the continuons strain requiiv run the rock breaker. The power of the engine is much Conlinued o I'aje B'o r. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Continuad From Ptit Om. rcater than has been required in prO0cuting any of the above tests. The boilersteams f roely and furnishes tnplc stoam for tho onginc without oreing. The eonsumption of good quality of oft coal during a continuous run of ight hours was 960 pounds. Respeetfully submitted, Chas. A. Wakd. Aid. Taylor moved that thecommuniations bereceived and spread upon the ecords. It was so directed by tho eouncil. REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON STREETS. To the Common Couneil : Your committee on streots who woro instructed to test the road roller and stone crusher in eonneetion with the Board of Public Works would 'ully report as follows: ïhe machines have both been subjeeted to a variety of tests such as they could e placed under in performinpr actual and needod work for the city, and in no instance has citber machine been found wanting, so far as your committee was able to determine. The roller was su'ojected to a test of hill climbing on Obscrvatory HU.ll, the steepest in the city. Starling with 145 pounds of steam the roller climbed to top of the long and winding hill in cxactly ten minntes, blowing ofï steam most of the way, and rcaching the summit with the samo head of steam as whèn starting, and with power to spare at all points. On Geddes avenue and Main street. the roller demonstrated its power to spike up an extremely hard road bed, and to roll the same down into a smooth hard road. The machine is at present boing used to macadamize a strip ol street in front of Fircman's Hall, andab the roller is especially adapted to macadam work, the 8U0C688 or failuro of süoh work will depend upon the man in charge rather than the machine itself. As a motive power for running the stoue crusher, your committee would say that it is all that could be desired, as it runs the crusher very smoothly and easily, without taxing lts power to a point anywhere near its limit. The stono crushsr has been used to crush stono both coarso and fine, and has demonstratcd that it eau crush tho amount ot stone guarantoed, by crushing one hundrod tons of Michigan hard hoads in a run of eight and one-half hours. This run was made with the jaws of the orusher set so as to crush a medium sizcd product. Your committce is of the opinión that these machines wiLl prove a most valuablc addition to the city's equipment for (mprovlng Ann Arbor stroets, and would recommend their purchase at prieefl alroady agroed upon. W. L. TAYLOR, A, P. FEBGU8ON, c. I. Snyder. I ). E. BUTTERFIELD, GEO. L. MOORE, D. P. Al-LMENDINCJER, H. G. Prettyman Aid. Brown moved that the report be adopted by the Council. Adoptedas follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmen(linger, Snyder, Brown, Pcrguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock-12. Naya - Aid. Koch, Laubengayer, Coon - 3. RESOLUriONS. By Aid. Taylor. üeaolved, That the Austin stonc crusher placed in the city of Ann Arbor as per a contract entered unto between Ihe F. C. Austin Manufacturing Co. and the city of Ann Arbor by the Board of Public Works is in accordance with the contract and is hereby acoepted by the city of Ann Arbor. Adopted as follows : Yeas Aid. Moorc. Maynard, Allmendinger, Snyder, Brown. Fertruson. Taylor, Shadford. Prettyman, ButterSeld, Cady, Pros. Hiscock- 1-. Nays Aid. Koch, Laubengayer Coon- 3. l!y Aid. Taylor. ' {(Hilral. That the Pitts Steam Itoad lioller placed upon the streets of the City of Ann Arbor as per contract ent red into between the Board of Public Works and the Pitts Agricultural Works is in accordanee with the contract and is hereby accepted by the city of Ann Arbor. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Moorc, Maynard. j er, Snyder, lirown, Perguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Butterfield, Cady, Pres, Bisoock 12. Nays - Aid. Koch, Laubengayer, Coon- 3. On motion the council adjournëd. Glen V. Mn-r-s, City Clerk. ( ffice ot the Board of Public Work-, I Ann Arbor, July 26th, ''■'. Special session. C'alled to order by Pres. Clark. Present, Pres. Clark, Bullis; absent, j Mr. Schub. Inspector Ward made tho following reporta on the tests ot the road roller and crusher. Totib Honorabh Board of Public Works 1 of tiu 'il i qf A mi Arlmr: Centiemen: - Í hereby report that I have subjected the No. ;i Austin rock breaker, now on trial by the city of Ann Arbor, tothe hereinaftcr described tests, and I Ind that it tills the requirements of the guarantee which is a part of the contract under which said machine was furnished by the F. C. Au-tin Manufacturing Co WIth a modium jaw opening the machino crushod 10ö tons of quartzitc and granito bouldcrs in eight and one-half hours an average of twelve tons seven hundrod pound por hour. VVith a maximum jaw opening the above oapaeity was inereased about twenty per cent. vvith a minimun jaw opening the capacty was about eight tons per hour. The crusher ran smoothiy in all its parta and tho measuremonts of parts corresond to those of the guarantee. Ilcspectfully submitted. Chas. A. WAED. July 24th, 18!ó. To the Honorable Bou nl 1'nlilic Works of tlic City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: - I hereby report that 1 have cxaminod the "Pitts Agricultural Works' steam road roller now on trial by tho city of Ann Arbor and find that it is built according to tho spocitications containcd in the proposal of said panv. ïho extrae eonsistinsr of a plow, harrow, and detachable pulley for running rock breaker, have been furnished by said "Pitts Agricultural Works.'1 The roller has performed the road working tests to whieh it was put in a satisfaetory manner. The engine has worked perlectJy uu. der the continuous strain requirod to run the rock breaker. The power of the engine is raurh greater than has been required in prosecuting any of the above tests. The boiler stcams freely,and furnishos ampie sloam for the engine without forcing. The consuraption of good quality soft coal during1 a continuous run of eight hours was 960 pounds. Respectfully submittod, Chas. A. Wakd. July 25th, 1S!:. Mr. Bullis moved the following. The Board of Public Works would respectfully report to the Common Council that they have had Inspector Ward test the Austin Stone Crusher and attach his report of the test and his examination of said machine hercto to which they would rcspectfullv invite the attention of the Council. The Board would also report that they beüeve the ('rusher to come up to the guaran. tec made by the F. ('. Austin Mfg. Co. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Bullis- 2. Nays None. Mr. Bullis moved the following ■ The Board of Public Works would rospectfully report to the Common Council that they have had Inspector Ward test as far as was practicable the Steara Road Roller tendered to the city by the Pitts Agricultural Works and attach his report of his examination and test made hereto lor your considcration. The Board would respectfully say that they are not peraonally experlenoed in cither the quality required in such a machine or the worka it shoukl do, thereforo cannot express a personal opinión as to the merits of the roller. Veas - Pres. Clark, Bullis- 2. Nays - None. Pres. Clark moved that John F. Lucas be granted permission to use the public streots for building material. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Bullis- 2. Nays - None. Upon motion the Board adjoucned. Gi.en V. Mii-ls, Clerk. Office of the Board of Public Works, ) Ann Arbor, July 'Met, 1895. Kegular session. Called to order by President Clark. Present, Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 24th and the special o' July 26 were read and approved. Mr. Bul lis moved that the Board reconsider the motion authorizing the President to sell curbingscrows passed at the gession of July 2+. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, lïuliis- 3. Xays Xonc. .Mr. I Sul lis moved that the Board reeommend to the council that the Boai'd be authorized to sell all the curblng se i-rus which they deern adviseable. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis :;. Nays- No:ie. Mr. Bullis moved that Charles H. Major be gr anted 30 days extensión for building a siclewalk. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schub, Bullis :!. Nays - None. Mr. Schuh moved that a (ï inch Y be placed at the end of Mr. Cady'.s driveway. Yeas- Pros. Clark, Schub, Bullis- 3. Cïays - Nono. Hy Mr. Bullis. Resolved, tliat the five stores on the wesi side of Main treet running south lYom Huron street be allowed to build i sewer in the i-ear of said stores and eonnect with the Huron street sewers providiag the owneisof said buildings deed to rlie city A Aun Arbor the right of way tor said .sewer ii. the rear of th'jse stores, and pay to the eohtract r the differenoe botween the cost of said sewer laid in the rear of said stores and tlie extentions to the buildings on .Main si i-eet. Veas- I 'res. Clark. Bullis, Schuh- 3. Nays- None. Pres. Clark moved the ennneer for the road roller be allowed $2 ,")0 por day. Veas Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis- a Nays- None. i Mr. Bullis moved that the Board approve the billa tor July properly certilied to. Veas- Pres. Clark, Sohuh, Bullis- 3. Xays- None. l'hilipp Kirn presented a petition to the Board asking for the tiling of the gutterin front of his lot on Mlller Avenue. On motion Inspector Ward was diected to examine into the matter. On motion tho Board adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Register