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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organlzed 1861), iiitdor llie dirucral Kanklng o( Uil State. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 Buah esa Men, Guardinns, Trustees, Lidies im-l other persons, id this Bank a Safe and Convenient l'lnn tomake Deposita and do Business. Interest is altowed at Ou rate of i VER CENT. on all Savíngs Deposite of 91.00 and upwavds, according to the ruku of the bank, and interest oompounded semi-anrtually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by aninenmbered real estáte and other good eecurities. D1BEC70B8: ian Koek, W. D. Hamma, WïtMani Dcubel, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock, V. '. Smith and L. Orwner. FFICEliS: Christian Mack, President; W. 1). Hartman, Vice-President; Chas E. Histock, ChsMer; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK At Aun Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, July Uth, 1895. RESOURCES. UABII.ITIES. Loans and Dlscounts Í490.20S l!:j Capital Stock paid in S 50000 00 jtocfcs, BoudB. Morlgasea, Surplus funrt 150 000 00 etc .'M 'i'l l "ilivided profitslo-s CurOverdratts 2 093 88 i""nt expens. p. Interest Banking house 20,600 00 and Taxes DRid 5 786 8t Furniture. and Piltures Dividends unpaid '619 00 and safety deposit vaults 8,917 32 nirtt-unTo Otlier BMl Estáte 6,497 07 IE[ OalTS. Bankxanrl Banken J 6.030,66 CASH. üimercial depusits 175,88112 Savns CertjfloateK of deP' 9.1,919 14 Due from banks in reserve Pavings depuiiis 659, 113 U8-I 977,519 20 eities 8 85,020 65 Due from other banks and bankers 2 260 55 Total il 1S3 G01 04 Ohcoksand cash Items... 683 99 .,wi v Md'eeoinm'.peni.':es: :::::: jS oo STATE or MICHIOAN' w.s„TENAw, s tirVNaüönaVBank L Cha, E. HIScocK,Ca.shierof theabovenamed Notes 22,31)0 00-1142,211 21 Bank' do solemnly swear that the above state meatis true. to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. L. HIBCOCK, Cashier. $1,183,691 04 Correct- Attest: Cbristian Mack, W. D. Hakbiman, L. Gri'ner. Directora. Subscribid and sworn to bef ore me thi 22nd day of Decunber, tSH. MIUIIAEL J FRi TZ Notary PuOlte.


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