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Miorllf Sale. Notice is horeby given that by virtue of a writ of fleri facias issuecf out of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In chancery, in favor of the Ann Arbor Milling Company, against the goods and ehattels and real ostate of Hiram Storms and Agnes K. Storms in said oounty, to me directed and deliverod, I did on the llth day of July instant levy upon and take all the right title and interestof the said Hiram Storms and Agnes K. Storms in and to the following doscribed i-cal estáte, that is to say : Cemmoneinr in Brown and Fuller's addition to the village now city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State o( Michigan, twclve fcet from the northerly sideof the oabinet shop as formerly located on the south bank of the rate whloh now runs to the Ann Arbor Milling: Óompany 's mili, thcnce up the line of the race forty feet, and extendinfr westcrly from said line at right anales with said line fot-ty feet wide to the river, with the privilege of efei'ting a bulk head thereon and the privilege of taking from said bulkhead seventy-two inches of water: also commeneing in said addition at the southeast corner of a eertain pieceof land lying on the south-west side of the mili race heretofore deeided to Josiah Beckley, Samuel Doty, .Tolin Thomas, Hetnan Thomas and Zebú) M. Thomas, running' thenee down said race sixtytwo feet, thcnce at right anglos with said race to the river, thencc up the river to said lands heretofore deeded to Josiah Beckley and others. thenco to the place of beginning and privilege of taking from said raee on said premises one hundred and forty-four inches of water, said water privileges being subject to the liraitations contained in deeds recorded in Libcr 296 and Liber J. page 129, in the office of the Register of Doods of said county. Said lands being all the lands owncd by the said Hiram Storms and Agnes E. Storras. upon the south side of the race of the Ann Arbor Milling Company 's mili. All of which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the eourt house in the city of Ann Arbor in said county on the 18th day of September 1895 at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, this 30th day of July 189."i. William Judson, ShcritT. LAWRENCE & Bl'TTKRFIELD, Solicitors for Complainant. 81 Morlgage Sale. Default having boen made in the conditions of a eertain mortgage made by Albert F. Vanatta and Alaria A. Vanatta, his wife, to Albert L. Walker, and dated the 30th day of December 18fi9 and roeorded in tho oflico of the RegisIer of Decds of Washtenaw County, Mieh. on the 30th of December 1869, in Liber 43 of Mortgages on page 114, which mortgage wsa assigned by said Albert L. Walker to Alexis Packard on the 13thdayof April is;j and recorded in Liber 3 of aeslgnments of mortgagos page 90, and assigncd by Israel D. Packard administrator of the estáte of Alexis Packard to Prudonce Packard by deed of assignment, dated April 26, 1879 and recorded in Liber 6 of assigmnents on page 241. and afterwards assigned by Esraèl D. Packard, administrator of tho estáte of Prudence Packard to Chloe E. Waters by deed of assignment, dated the l,"thdayof August 1889, and recorded in Libcr 10, assignments ot mortgages page 287, on whieh mortgage thcre is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, the sum of seven hundred and ninety-two dollar.-. and fourtecn cents ($792.14) and tho costs of this foreclosure and no suit or proceedinys in law or cquity having been institutcd to recover tho moneys secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now thereforc by virtuc of tho power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such oase made and provided, notice is hcreby given, that on Saturday, the 26th day of Octobor, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgagcd premises at the oast front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that boing the place for holding the Circuit Court of tho said County ) The premisos described in said mortgage to be sold are described as follows: Thirty-two aerea of land from the west sido of that part of the east half of the south-east quarter of soction nine (9), which lies north and east of the trail road so-called and eight and ono-half acres commeneing at the south-west corner of the south-east quarter of said section nine (9) running thenco north forty two and one -half rods. thenee oast thirtjP-two rods, thenee south forty-two and one-half rods and thencc west to tho place of beginn ing all in the township of Salem, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Dated. August lst. [896. Chloe E. Waters, Assignoe. Thompson & Harriman, Attorneys for Assignoo. 87 ■ Koof ■"KIDNEUIVERtfs f." Pain in the Back Joints or hips, sediment in urine likebrick-dust frequent calJs or retention, rhcumatism. Kidney Complaint Diabetes, dropsy, anty or high colored urine. Urinary Troubles Stinging sensations when voidinpr , distress pressure in the parts, tuethrai iirituiion, stricture. Disordered Liver Bloat or dark circles under the eyes, tongua coated, cooatipation, yellowish oyeballs. AtDraggl.1,, 50 cents aud $1.00 sise. InrïUdj1 Ouide to Health" (ree-Conraltatlon free. D8. KlIJUt & CO.. BlNaHAMTOM. N. .


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Ann Arbor Register