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Kat During Hot Wralhrr lr. llarlinV Koyal Breaklaul Food, It the Púlate. A phosphate nerve and brain invigor' ating food without the heating proper" ties of oatmeal, etc., requiring the life and strength of many pounds of ehoiee whoat to obtain one paekage. Well people like it, and the sick can eat it when nothing else will agree with them. Saves labor, time and fuel. Drink Dr. Martin 's Nervine Coffee. 20 "Am rlea'a t-reatevt Itailroad,"' At the recent meeting of the Institution of Engineers at Cleveland, Jeremiah Head of Middlesbore read a paper on the comparsion of English and American railroads. and in referring to the New Vork Central Mr. Head said: "An American Raihvay, the New York Central, holdsthe palniat present for the quickest and most frequent service of any long-distance railvvay in the world. Between New York and Búllalo. 440 miles, there are 22 trains per day each way. The north-bound Empire State Express, which is one of them, runs the entire distance at 50f miles per hour, ineluding stoppage, or 52 miles per hour exeluding them. Our West Coast Scotch express achieves respcctively only 47 and 51 miles per hour between Edinburg and London, which is jast 400 miles. The New York Central is also the only railway which has four tracks over the whole of it matn line, an arrangement which enables the goods and passenger tratïic to be kept entirely separate." - Buffalo Enquirer. 75 Our stock of fine Upholstering material must be reduced. therefore, we will do all kinds of upholstering at less than cost Also all kinds of repalring in the furniture line at bottom prices. Here is a chance to have all your furniture repaired cheapnow during the dull season. We will be busy later on and cannot attend to orders nearly as prompty as at present. Come now. Cali at any .ime at our store, .at 57 S. Msii-st., Camp Bros. 75 Michigan Central líxni iion. The Michigan Central rallroad will geil excursión tickets on account of the Emancipation Day Celebrations at Jackaon and Battle ('reek. Michigan, on August Brst Tickets will be good foa return on August second. A rate of one and one-half cents per mile eacb way has been made. Tickets for sale at the Michigan Central depot 'on the date above mentioned. , H. W. Hayes, Agt.. 75 Aun Arbor, Mich. Sealed PropoKals. Sealed bids will be received at the oftiee of the City Clerk of the city of Ann Arbor, until 12 o'eloek, Thursday, Aug. lat 1895, for lightine the streets, alleys and public places of said city for a term of five years bezinning the 31st, day of December A. D. 1895, with not less than 95 are lights of 2000 candle power and three incandesent lamps of 65 candle power each for 20") nights all night, 305 nights all night, 205 nights f rom twilight to 12:30 and 355 nights from twilight to 12:30. Separate blds for eaeh proposit on. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Glen V. Mills, 75 City Clerk. The fruit season is here, so are the flies. You can get rid of them by using our fly paper. We have boththesticky and the poison paper at A. E. Mummery's drug store. Profeet Gunt and l'lwli. Shoot or fish only in the proper season and escape the game warden by observing the laws. Many states have new game and tish laws thls year, and if you don't know them, send five twocent stamps for a copy of the (ame Law issue of The American Field. 245 'StateSt., Chicago. 75 This hot weather requires the free use of disinfectants. Coperas. Carbolic Acid, Chloride of Lime and Sulphur are the most common ones. You can get these or any others at Mummerys drug store. Slimmer ('olds. Summercolds including hay (ever and rose cold, are promptly relieved and cured by Dr. Humphreye' Specittc "77." b'or sale by all druggists prica 25 cents. SEALED PROPOSALS WANTED. Sealed offers to purchase Thirty Thousand Dollars of the bonds of the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, will be received by the City Clerk at any time on or before Monday, August litth. next, at twelve o'clock noon. These bonds are to be sold for the purpoee of raising money to enable the city to construct lateral sewei's in Districts Nos. 3 and 4, otherwise known as Hill and Huron street Districts and thoy were authorized by a special act of the Legislatura, and will draw interest (rom August 3rd, isi.". at 5 per cent. per annum, payable at the ( 'ity Treasurer's Office. The principal will mature in yearly installments of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and are. to be charged upon their respective districts payable on or before the ürstday of March of each year. The bonds will be Isaued in denominationa of 1500 eaoh. The said bonds will not be sold for less than face value and aocrued interest and the right to reject anyor all bids is ved. l) order of the Common Couneil. Glen v. Mills, 77 City Clerk. Examiuatloii Tor Teachers The examination of teachers of Washtenaw County for the ensuing year will be held as follows : Regular exarninations for all grades atAnn Arbor,thethird Thursday of August 1895, and the last Thursday of March 1896. Regular examination for second and third grades, at Ann Arbor the third Thursday of Oetober, 1895, and on the third Thursday of June, 18!)(i. Special examination for third grade, at Manchester, the third Friday of September 1895. W. W. Wedemeyer. Commissioner of Schools. 'li liigan Central i: iirion. The Michigan Central railroad will sell tickets to Halstett Park on July 31, August (. 8, 10, 15, 17, 22. 24, 27, 29, 31. Tickets will begood to return up to and including September 2. Round trip tickets at one and one-third fare. Tickets on sale at the Michigan Central depot. H. W. Hayes, Agt., 79 Ann Arbor, Mich. Dr. 'In. 'tiu'M Nervme Save Jlorc iIi.mi Hall jour ('ottVe Kxpe ii m' a ml Docto IlilK. A pleasant table drink composed of cereals, gluten and vegetables, and a positive cure for nervousness. dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, heart disease, sick headache, sleeplessness and the many ailments caused from the use of ordinary coffee and tea. 1 Ib. equals 2 lbs. other coffee ; only 20c. Free sample at grocers. Eat Dr. Martin 's Royal Break f ast Food. 2ti Be Mik. to Kent Yoiir Itooni, A fine picture hung in your rooms may be just what is necessary toattract some student and induce him to rent your rooms this f all. You can get a j beantiful picture PREE by simply buying your groceries at the groeery store op Bradfokd & Co., corner Washington and Fifth-avenue. Good Goods sold at lowest cash prices. Go and see those beautiful pictures. 75 To Kent, A good barri centrally looated, suitable for 2 horses and carriage with hay [oft. On'.v 2} blocks from Court House square. Will rent for 50 cents per week Enquire of S. A. ?f oran at the office of The Ann Arbor Register, No. 2 X. -tth Ave. 74tf Gas and Ganoline Stoves Kepalred. Do not throw yourold stoves away until examined and condemned by an expert. Your oíd stove, nine times out of ten, it as good as new and only needs repairing and liningup, at a small cost. In connection with our toaster manufacturing, we have prepared to repair gas and gasoline stoves. We will warrant all work leaving our hands and if not done as represented, your money will be refunded. We employ nothing but expert men who thoroughly underBtand this line of wTork. We employ no boys and charge doublé prices for their work. All work is thoroughly tested before leaving our hands and ndtliing but perfect work is allowed to go from our manufactory. Send a postal to us and we will send after your stove and a competent man will examine it for you. Address, Electric Toaster Co. 73tl Grummond's Mackinac Line Steamers Tonrists' J1F tÊ Roiite m:'ii-hi;fklv Ffto.n Cleveland, Toledo and Detriot, M Mackinac Island, Cheboygan, St. Idnare Slnona !im' ' ports oa igfldCe, flipena, the west ihore of Lake Iluron. Theonly line givtng passengere the opportunlty of slghtseeingat all way pointson thts j popular route Also giving round trip passenaor hix hours on the famous Mackinac Island. Fare, lui llullng 'IraUaiKl Hert lis N Other Expenses: Clevrland to Mackinac Island and return seven-day trip $14 00 Toledo to MaCIdnac Island and return six-day trip 12 00 Detroit toMackinao Island and return flvedaytrip 11 00 Tickets good to return any time in the seaSOII. Oonnectlng at Mackinac Island wlth all steamen for ChlcagOi Bftlwankde, Petoskey. Snuit Sic Mariii. and all irts on Lake Michii?ran. Lake Supurior and Green Buy; and afc Si. tgnac, with l). s. s. & A. Ey. for all poinU in Upper l'enlnsula and the west. Wrlte For Time Table. U. Grant Grummond, (Jen. Pas. Agent S B. Grummond, Jr. General Mañanea. GF.NEKAL. OFFICES, Detroit, Uich -AT- BRADFORD'S GROCERY. ART EXHIBIT. CHOICE, FREE. We offer our customers beautiful framed pictures - Keproductions of pastei and water color pictures by wellknown artists. Moonlight and winter lake and mountain scenery, fruit pictures, etc. Four different sizes ara given: Picturea framed 11x14. when cash purchases amt. lo $5 ; 16x20, when $10; ?0x24, when $15; 18x26, when $25. Cali for a ticket. We can save you money. Telephone ÏÖ6. BRADFORD & COMPANY, Ltd. Weinmann Bik., 37 E. Washington St. Use Hrailford's Iononi Baking Potoder. Z) L(SSVLSS ,, 11-1O WlLCOX AVE. _ - S Cethoit. Micm. ïducatcs ypnng men and womcn to maintain thtmelT Ia lodepeudance, sto monty and arcumulaie wclth, Biuiioeu. ShonhADtl, Pecnian-b!p, Eng!i;h and Mcchaotca.1 l'r.wn Dpartmenti. Thcrouch eTStcra of countinj houte actaalbu,!Drsi. Buine Building. JllaBtrat-d lCtmlogu free. W. V. JEWELL, Pre't. T. B 9PECKB, 8c"y.


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Ann Arbor Register