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Michigan Happenings

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The new cannery at Hart "does up" 20.000 cans of peas daily. Jackson"s labor unious will go to Detroit to celébrate Labor day. Wm. H. Simpson suicided by hanging at Detroit, lllness the cause. . A stack of lumber feil npon James Feil at Standish, breaking his back. The huckleberry erop is reported as being very heavy about Marquette. Thomas Johnson, a farmer near Williamsburg, lost his house by fire. Iloward Ilendershott, of Brooklyn, aged 11. was drowned in the mili pond Geo. Sparling, aged 13, shot himself at Port Huren because he had been scolded. Troops D, Fifth Michigan cavalry, will meet in reunión at Northville, August 14. Beverly lïugg, of Saline, fellundera train at Pittstield and may lose both of hif. legs. Thomas Martin, near Walton, lost his barn, farm machinery and hay and wheat in store. Six boys from 8 to 13 years of age were arrested at Bay City for stealiug a pail of candy. Libbie Smith, of .Tonesville, aged CO, was struck by a Lake Shore train and instantly killed. Three of the leading barbers of Mi, Clemens were h'ned for violating the íáunday closing law. Arthur Goss, aged 8, went bathing at Cedar .Spring-s. while perspiring and the shock killed him. Bridge No. 2 on the Grand Rapids & Indiana raihvay, south of Childs, burned by forest res. A new three-story brick hotel will replacethe Anderson house at Croswell which recently burned. Fire destroved the residence of Dr. David A. West at Lexingtou. Loss Si, 000; insuranco :!,000. lïranch county Patrons of Husbandry hold tlieir annual picnic at Coldwater on August 27. ■ Wheeler & Company, the Iiay City shipbuilders, posted notices of a ten per cent iucrease in wages. Kalkaska 'ounty farmers will organize a farmers' institute under the law passed by the last legialature. Another sewer cave-in at Ann Arbor came near Albert Schultx and Arthur Sweei. itoth were buried an hour and were seriously hurt. An old feud caused Cassimer Gandzville to stoot Joseph Olcliavvski near Crystal Springs. líe will recover. John E. Franks, near Muskegon, was arrested charged with criminal assault on his 11-year-old daughter. While crossing the Lake Shore tracks at Detroit Mrs. David Robinson, aged 24, was struck and killed by a train. Mrs. N. W. Burkhart, wife of the exchief of pólice of Jackson, was thrown out of a buggy and broke both arins. Capt. and Mrs. Parker, of the Salvation Army have been working 12 weeka in Coldwater and have secured 50 followers. Mrs. Nellie Pringle disappeared frora Kast Tawas und left letters suggesting- suicide. Family trouble, apparently. Dr. E. W. Jenks, of Detroit, has been appointed a member of the state board of correction and charities vice Dr. Bell resigned. John Moore, 62 years of age, an old resident of Trenton, attempted suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. He was de.spondent. There is still hope for Grover. Mrs. John Uugvr. near Muskegon, presented lier husband with a 14-pound boy, the new arrival having preceded by nine girls. John Pulcipher, near Traverse City, pastured 1 herd of Jersey cows in a wood lot, which caught from neighboring forest üres, and the cows were burned. The early peach shipments from the neighborhood of Saugatuck were the largest ever made in July, the firstfull shipment to Chicago being 24., 000 peck baskets. The old club house at Idlewild, between Little and Hig Ciam lakes at Cadillac, burned. Thia was formerly a popular place of resort, and an old landmiirk. The barn of lirewster Peabody, near Allegan, was destroyed by lire toffether with 420 bushels of wheat. The re eaught from a threshing machine. Loss S51,.'.UO. Herman Conklin, of Leoni, was killed at Snyder's Station by an Air line passenger rain. lie went to sleep by the side of the track and was struek by a passing train. The rcmnant of the once powerful Jhippewa [ndians held au old-time jhoat dance and pow-wow iit Indiantown, near Sagina w. Severaljiundred white people attended the aö'air. William Br&Jley, a hobo of 12 yi'ars standing, while intoxicated attempted u-d a train at. Lapeer. Me. lost his foothold, and the wheels passed jver both legs, cutting thern ott'. The Detroit Grays military organizaLion camped at Marine City and Mayor Ping-rei' and other Detroit officials íisited them and made speeches. The jvent was made a gala üay for Marine 3ity. Furniture buyers at Grand Raptds leport that the volume of business it 20 per cent larger than in January. The planing mili, Schutler's barn, the hotel barn, several sheds and some stock were burned at Kerne and but for a sudden change in the wind the town wou ld have gone up. Loss,S2,000. J. C. Tennant, a farmer near Newaygo, beeoming insane, removed all his elothing and g-ave the otticers an exciting chase through the woods. He almost killed the sherilT when captured. 4After living apart nine years - having been divorced - James and Leona Rathburn were re-married at Grand Rapids. The ceremony vvaL witnessed by their two daughtert:, &TÚ 11 and 15 years. B. Goldman, a Buffalo, f.-, business man, while bathing" aSúth his sisters and brother-in law at Orchard Lake, backed out beyond his depth, and his companions say he never oame to the surface. Fred Smith, a trusted clerk ot Barnes & Co.. Manistee, lost money at gambling and stole from his employers safe. He was eaptured at Muskegon. His aged parents and his wife are almost prostrated. By a cave-in at the Ashland mine at Ironvvood, an enormous body of ore has been exposed and is easy of access. Work will be commenced at once. More men will be hired and the present wages raised. While several Wayne boys, aged 12 to lü years, were camping on the Hurón river Chas. Jlannan was shot in the neck by Leonard Aldrich, who claims it was accidental. Hannan died in a few hours. Mrs. Francés A. Kingslay, of Flint, wants Saloonkeeper George Hughes to pay her S2,000 for selling liqiior to her husband, who she says, was a prosperous tailor, two months ago, but now has almost nothing. Henry Jaskowski, aged 41, a derrick man, feil from the twelf th to the ninth floor at the new Union Trust building, Detroit. His head struck against the steel beams of the two floors betwéen, crushing his skull to a pulp. The shipments of peaches about Eenton Harbor will be greater than at any time since the early '70's, when most of the trees were devastated by the yellows. Allegan county will doublé last year"s shipments. "2A man knovvn as "the Old Spaniard] lived in a hut near Woodville. Hunters found his hut burned and a pile of bones in the ruins. He was supposed to have been wealthy, but only a small aniount of money was found. M. J. Fanning of Jackson, chairman of the Prohibition state central committee. has decided to resign. He has for a long time been at odds with A. 'M. Todd. He proposes to do gospel work in a tent throughout the state. For trying to induce 10-year-old Alice Glover to elope with him Henry Urenner, aged 40, was shot by the girl's indignan t mother near Mt. Pleasant. Mis houlder was filled with shot and he was taken to Grantl liapids. He will recover. Corrigan, McKinney & Co., of Cleveland, O., have secured control of the big Colby mine at Bessemer. Jt is known that the Colby has several thousand tons of ore in sight and another large body of ore can be found under the dyke. "early 30 ladies and gentlemen, past 70 years of age, gathered at the Presbyterian church at Port Huron. Samuel Edison, father of the great inventor, was present, and Judge Wm. llitchell presided. Interesting reminiscences vvere given. A sad accident raarred the sport of the bicycle races at Jïattle Creek. While a visiting rider by the name oí lieatty, was crossing the Michigan Central tracks, he was struck by a fast express, cutting olï both legs and he died from his injuries. David Olson, aged 11, hanged himself while at play at Bay City. His companions thought his contortions vvere attempts at being funny, but a neighbor happened to see what was gomg on and cut young Olson down, jnst in time to save his life. (round has been broken at the Lower Quinnesec Falls near Iron Mountain tot two wood pulp milis, a sulphite mili and a paper mili, representing an investment of 8500,000. Üther manufacturers are negotiating for sites in the immediate vicinity. The seven - year - old daughter of August Smith died at Manistee from the eflfects of svvallowing the pits of cherries. The doctors performed an opeiation removing nearly a pint of the stones, but the poor girl died from the resulting intlammation after sufferiug awful agony. Uving to the alinost total failure of the hay erop about 2,000 farmers iwept down upon a tract of marsH tand containing about 35,000 acres in Albee township, Saginaw county, and hauled away ton alter ton of marsh grass and pea vine which has never been harvested heretofore. The large of the Woodenware company 's pail factory was burned at Midland. The fire originated by isparks from a locomotive. The main building contiiining all the majhinerv was saved onlv bv the labor of 200 volunteer firemen, wlio carried water from the river. Loss $10,U(J0; insured for üt.süo. Zeeland is a very blue town on Sun3ay. So mail can be had, a telegraph message cannot be sent, no loaüng is allowed and no trains stop. Recently a man w:is tined 83 for sittingf on the public school steps on Sunday. Tony Wesptrand was arrested for standing1 3n a church corner, but was released without an exarnination, after spendIng the night n jail. 1 1 e has üuecl the tnar&hal for $100 for false imprisonaient. Throe Amfrioans have been appointed Chevaliers oí the Legión of Honor- MeMrs. Bartlett, the sculptor; Stewart, the artist; and Odet, director of the Sulphides Society at Lyona. ;e ia a rumor in Havana that in the battle between the Spanish troops commanded by Gen. Campos, and the Insurgente, the latter were vlctorious. There is much uneasiness at the capítol. A train ioaded with Japanese troops returning from China left the rails and plunged into the sea. Fourteen soldiers were killed. Five thousand deaths have occurred In Japan from the cholera epidemie. It Is ïtili raging with unabated vlolence.


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