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Among Our Neighbors

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Manchester Enterpeise. Ripe peaches from the ïur round ing orchards were brought intomarkot this week. Fostmaster Case rëceived the new style money orders last week. We ean't see that thcy are much of an improvoment over the last forrn, lint a new man is in offioeancl the style had to change. The price ia tln same. President Kimble returned home Friday morning from an extended visit at his old home, White Water, Wis.. and with relatives and friends in Illinois and lowa. He says that thingti look prosperous in the west. He visited many manufaetories and got gome pointers that may be of use to him in his business. A. K. Gage believes in dehorning cattle now, since one of his oows camo near goring him to death. The cow had a calf and he went into the yard where they were, aceompanied by his little granddaughter. The cow eaught him on her borq,which happened to be brokenoflf,else site might have done him more injury than she did. Saline Observer. Miss Daisy Hutnpirey of the Observer force, and Miss Alice Sturm left this morning or a ten days' visit at Traverge City. H. O. Wills with his gospel wagon and male quartet were on our streets Saturday morning. Mr. Wills made some remarks regarding the work he was doing and the evils he was trying to suppress and the boys sang severai selections which were apprejiated by the fair sized audience that gathered on the corner and around the wagon. D. A. Bennett is one of the few men possessing a big heart f uil of sympathy for the brute kingdom. Tuesday he discovered aniong the circus horses the old brown horse which he owned suveral years ago. The animal was poor and feeble, say nothing of its old age. Dwight saw the poor thing, went to the proprietors and asked him to name a price for it, they did so and Mr. Bennett handed them the cash. He thon took a gun, killed it and gave it a decent burial. Dexïer Leader. The first home grown peaches of the season were marketed by Geo. A. Petera lust Friday. W. Boyden harvesteö 100 acres of wheat this year. It will yield botter tnan was expejted. It is reported that severai incautious fishermen living near Whitmore Lake are soon to be taken by Deputy Bell for illegal üshing, Died, at f hicago, July 9th, Mrs. Ada Davls, aged 37 year. Airs. Davis was formerly Ada Austin of thia townahip, her parents living many years on the farm south of Dexter, now owned by Amos Phelps. She leaves a husband and little babe. Her remains were brought here Friday and interred in the cemetery, be-ide those of her parents.. CHBL8BA ÜkkAlD. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wood, of Ann Arbor, where the guests oí Mr. and Mrs. George Barthel e, i'ew days last week. While working on one of the presses at the Glazier stove works last Friday, Claud Flagler had the end of one of his tingers clipped off. A fine shower feil at Chelsea last Friday that wet down garrlens ia nioe shape,but much moréis needed to atone for the long, tedious drouth. According to the Detroit Journal of July 23, Secretary Jackson,of the cigarmaicers' strike committee, says: "We have found a shop at Chelsea, Mich., that is making cigars for the BanneiCompany, and will try to break it up." M. J. Breen, president of the local cigarmakers' union, was asked as to the correctness of the above statement, and flatly denied that there was ever a cigar made for the Banner Company in Chelsea. Chelsea Standard. Workmen are now engaged in building a new bridge at the M. C. R. R. freight houèe. The Wayne, Washtenaw, Oakland and Livingston couuties picnic will be held at Whitmore Lake, Aug. 24th. Ranson Day now walks with a percepible limp. He had the misfortune to step on a nail recently and the result was a very sore foot. Just before going to press we learn that Rev. C. L. Adams leaves Friday moroing for Woodbine, Ia., because of serious sickness of friends. While Guy Lighthall was returning ;i Grass'Lake on his bicycle last Sunday, a 300-1 b. hog ran across the path in front of him and the result was a grand flying act that was not down on the bilis. Guy has sinco been nursing a black eye and severai lame spots on j the various parts of his anatomy. The Conirregational society here has extended a unanirnous cali to Rev. W. H. Walker to remain as their pastor another vear. This is a deserveJ recognition of the earneat, faithful worb that han been done liy the reverend gentleman d uring the past yesp. It is expected that the parsonage will be completed this rail, and thèn Mr. Walker will briag his Family to tliis place.


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