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[OFFICIAL.] COCNCIL CHAMBER, I Ann Arbor, August 1, 1895. f Special session. Called to order by President Hiscock. Roll cailed. Quorum present. COMMUNICATIONS. Glcn V. Mills, City Clerk. Cali a special session of the Common Councll to be held at the Council Chamber, August lst, 1895, at 4 o'clock p. m., to open the bids for lighting the City of Ann Arbor for a term of flve rears. D. F. Allmendinger, A. P. Pebouson, C. H. Cady. BIDS FOR LICHTING. Michigan Electric Companv, Detroit, Mich., July 31st, 1895. Glcn V. Mills, City Clerk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Uoar Sir: - We beg to submit the following proposal pursuant to your advertiscment (oopy attached) for lighting the City of Ann Arbor for a periód of five yaare, beginning the 31st day of December, 1895. We will furnish 96 Are lights of 2000 candió power, at the following ratea : Per light per year. 265 nights all night at $80.00 365 " " " " 90.00 266 nights f rom twilight to 12: wat 60.00 365 nights from twilight to L2Ï5at 70.00 And 3 Incandescent lights of lió candle power 265 nights all night at 41.00 365 " " " " 46.00 265 nights from twilight to 12:30 at 31.00 365 nights from twilight to 12:30 at 35.00 Michigan Electric Company, Jos. E. Lockwood, Pies. Detroit, Mich., July 31st, 1895' Glcn V. Mills. City Clerk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear Sir:- As per your advertised proposal (copy hereto attached) for furnishing 96 Electric Are latnps of two thousand (2000) candle power, I beg to submit the follovving bid: YVill furnishand ligtt 96 Are Lamps, 2000 Candle power, for a term of live years trom the 31st day of December, 1895, for 265 nights from twilight until 12:30, al $04-75 per lamp per year; or for thc same number of lamps and time, 365 nights twiliuht until 12:30,874.50; or for the 265 rúghts, all night, $85.00; or for tlio same time 39Ö nights all oiffhtj 885.00. Per lamp per year. 3 65 C. 1'. [ncande8cent lamps. 265 i . ir lits twilight to 12:30 at 1.50 ■i 65 0. P. Ineandescent lamp.-, 365 nighte twilight to 12:30 at 38. jñ .'!-().") C. P. Incandescent lamps, 2ti." nights all night at 43.00 3 - 65 C. P. Incandoscont lamps, 3(iö öights all night at . 48.00 All of which is Respectfully submitted. Vour truly, Win. M. Portcr. ïo the Common C'ounoil of the City of Ann Arboi-: Gentlemen : - In accot-datice with your advertisement the undersigned make the following proposition for lighting the streets, alleys and publii places of Ann Arbor for a term of flve years, from December 31st, 1895. Believing that far more light could be obtained for the cost we have substituted in our bid 12(X) candió power ic lamps for the incandescent lamps mentioned in your advertisement. First - We will furnish not more than one-hundrod and five and not less than ninety-Hvo Are lamps of 2000 nominal candle power to be lighted from sunset until 12:30 o'closk, two-hundred and sixty-five (265) nights per annum aecordinR to the Philadelphia moonliht schodule. a total of sixteen-hundred and seventy-eight (1678) hours, for the sum of sixty-nino dollars (969.00 per lamp per annum we will furnigh not more than three (.'!) Are lamps of 1200 nominal candle power to be ligrhted durIng the same hours for forty six dollars ($4(5.00) each. Second - We will furnish the same number of lights to be líghted threo hundred and sixty-iivo nihts per annum from sunset till 12:30 o'clock a total of twenty -three hundred and teen (2316) birara for seventy-six dollars (176) per lamp of 2000 canille power and fifty-four dollars ($,"4) per lamp of I2i in candle power. Tkird - W will furnish the same number of lamps llghted two-hundred and sixty-tive (265) nighta per annum trom siuibet toeunrise, acoorfling to the siiiiir schedule, i total of twenty-eight hundred and eighty (2880) hourfor the sum of elght-iour dollar ($84.00) per lamp of 2000 candle power and] sixtyone dolía ($131.00) ])(.r lamp óf 1200 candle power. Fuwrih- We will furnish the game number of lamp!, lighted three-hundred aad sixty-live (365) nighta per annum from Bunset until Bunrise by the same schedulo a total of thirty-nine hundred and forty-six (3946) hours for the sum of ninety-six dollars ($96.00) per lamp of 2000 candle power and sixty-eight dollars ($68.00) per lamp of 1200 candió power. Fot all timp when lamps shall be lisrhted not included in the above schedule we shall reccive the sum of four (4) cents per hour per lamp of 2000 candle power ana three (3) cents per hour por lamp of 1200 eandlo power. All lamps will be located as you rnay order either suspended across the street or on poles but changos in lamps after once being located shall be at tbc expense of the city. It is understood that if you shall accept this proposition such acceptance shall grant us the neccessary privilege of erecting and maintaing on the streets, alleys, and public grounds, the poles and Unes for the same. Payments shall be made in equal monthly Installments. Respeetfully submittcd. '1 he Ann Arbor Gas Co., Henry W. Douglas, Superintendent. The Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co. Ann Arbor, Mich., July 31, 191)5. Glon V. Mills, City Clerk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear Sir: - We will furnish light for the City of Ann Arbor as per attaehed adverttaement for proposals for a term of live years beginning witli the 31st day of December 1895 as follows: For 90 or more 20(X) candle power are lamps for 265 nights frora twilight to 12:30, 870 (beventy dollars) per light per.year. Or for same number of lamps for '!i") night from twilight to 12:30 $80 (eighty dollars) per light per year. Or for same number of lamps for 2i5 nights, all night $87.50 (eighty-seven dollars uwé h'fty cents) per light per year. Or for same number of lamps for 365 nights all night $98 (ninety-eight dollars per light per year. For 'i incandescent lamp.s of 65 candle power, on either of above schedules each incandescant lamp half the príce of an are lamp. Yours respeetfully, The Anti Arbor T. H. Electric Co. By J. L. Hudson, President. Aid. Buttei-ñeld moved that the bids be referred to the lightning committee they to report Monday August 5th. Adopted. Upon motion the Board adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. ocNCiii Chambee, Aun Arbor, August lst, 1SÍ).". ) Special seasion. Called to order by President Hiseock. i ïoil called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. AUmendinger. COMMUNICATIONS. Ann Arbor, August lst, 1895. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Cali a special session of the Common Council to meet at the Council chamber Augustlst, 1895, at 8 o'cloekp. m. toreoeive the report of the Board of Review of seuer district Nos. 3 and 4, and all business connected with the same. Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres. of the Council. REPORT OF BOARD OF HEVIKW. Ann Arbor, Mieh., August 1, 1895. The Board of Review of the assessment roll of lateral sewer assessmont district No. 3, in said City of Ann Arbor do hereby certify to the Common Council in said city, that they have duly considored the assessment roll of the lateral sewer district No. 3, of the lateral sewer system of said city, as eertifled by the city assessor of said city and after due eonsideration of said roll they have approved and do hereby approve said assessment roll, and of the estimation and determination of the value of each parcel of land sitúate therein as therein set down by said assessor and altered and conti rmed by this Board, and of all matten and things therein contained. H. G. Prettyman, Chairman Board of'Review. Glon V. Mills, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Mich.. August Lst, 1895. The Board of Review ol the assesement roll of lateral sewer assessment district No. 4 in said City of Ann Arbor do hereby certify to the Common Council of said city, that they have duly considered the assessment roll of lateral sewer district Xo. 4 of the lateral mu eisystem of said city, as oertifled by the city assessor and after due eonsideration of said roll they have approved and do bereby approve said aaeeaement roll, and of tho estimation and determination of the value of eacb parcol of land sitúate thtrein as therein set down by said assessor and altered and oonflrmed hj thid BdBrd and of ;ill matters and things therein oontained. H. G. l'rettyman, Chairman Board of Review. Glen V. Mills. filerk. Aid Butterñeld moved that the report be ruoetved and placed on tilo. Adopted. RKSOLUTIONS. . By Aid. Brown. tteaolvtd, that the apeoial assesement rollof lateral sewer asBesnont district Xo. .'! in said City of Ann as eertificd to thisCounoil by the Board of Review bc and the same is bereby coniirnied, and the City assessor of said city is hereby ordcred to assess and spread upon such latlatcral sewer assessment roll the sum of thirty-one thousand, tour hundred ifty-threc dollars and twenty-four cents the same being the sum of money fixed and determined'-upon as the estimated cost of lateral sewcr No. 3, (street cros" sings cxoeptod) as providod by law and an ordinan.ce of said city, entitled "An Ordinanee Kelative to Sewers" providing for the construetion of a system of lateral and connecting sewers in the city of Ann Arber passcd the 21st day of May 1894 and approved May 23d, 1894, and on and upon each and cvery of the regular annual assessment rolls of the City of Ann Albor for the year in and durine which any such special assessment shall or may be payable,and tolevy and issess against the ownci-s or oocupants of tho lands set down therein the said sum of monoy on, upon and against the lands set down in and valucd upon said special assessment roll. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubcngayer, BVown, Ferg-uson, Taylor, Shadford,Prettyman,('oon, Butteriield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown. Bi ï-nrli il, that the Special A.ssestmcnt Koll of Lateral Sewer Assessment District- Xo. 4, in said City of Ann Arbor t- ceitiüed to this council by the Boarc of Iteview be and the same is hereby con lirmed and the city assesor of said city is hereby ordered to assess and spread upon such Lateral Sewer Assessment Hol the sum of five thousands ninety-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents the samebe ing the sum of monoy fixed and deter mined upon as the estimated cost of la tcral sewer No. 4, street (croasinga ex cepted) as provided by lavv and "An Ordinance Hclative to Sewer" provid ing foi' the construdtion of a system o latera', and connocting gewers, in the City of Ann Arbor passod the 21st da of May 18i4 and approved May 23d 1894. And on and upon cach and every o the regular annual assessment rolls o tho City of Ann Arbor for the year in and which any sueh special as sessment shall or may bc payablo anc to levy and asscss againt the owncrs 01 occupants of lands set down therein th( said sum of inoney on, upon and agains the lands set down in and valued u)on said special assessment roll. Adoptcd as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Kouh Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Fergu son, Taylor, Sbadford.l'reUyinan.Coon Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock 1 i. Naya- None. By Aid Brown. Resolved, that the pay of all the meinbei's of the Board of Review present be allowed at the rato of $3.00 per day for six days. Adopted as folio tvs : Ycas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubcngayer, Brown, Ferjjii son. Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman Coon, Buttcrfleld, Cady, Pree. Hlsooek Nays - None. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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