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Michigan Happenings

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About 60 tannery employés went on a, strike at Cheboygan for bigher wages. Mathias Vantyne, ajed 70, committed suicide at Kalamazoo because of family Lroubles. Oscar Westland was instantly killed at Xarenta in attempting to board a train in full motion. l'ire destroyed the residence of Dr. David A. West at Lexington. Loss Si, 000; insurance$:i,000. Hranch county Patrons of Husbandry hold their annual picnic at Coldwater on August 27. Two frame barns to Cal Hosner, near Lawton, were burned to the ground. Loss i:?,000. May is so acaree at Hart that fai-mers use salted pea vinea, procured at the canning' factory, for fodder. i.irs. W. .1. White, of Mt. Morris, attempted suicide but was discovere l by her busband in time to save her life. The offices of the Daily News, the Times-Sentinel and the Democrat wera burned at Manistee with a loss of $.000, fully insured. The residence of R. A. Snyder was burned at l'helsea together with its contente. The tire caujjht from a g-asoline stove. Loss 93,600. Fred Simpson and Horace Elliott, of Devil s Lake, and .1. McCool, Addison, were arrested cluu-g-ed with selling liquor without a license. Louis Sandler, of Grand Rapids, [oaned $1,0!0 to two horsemen, takiuff several üiamonds as securitv. The diainonds proved to be paste. l'red Simpson. Hod Elliott and Jack NfcCule were arrested at Manitou Beach near Hudson, for selling intoxcating1 liquors without a license. An East Marinette grocery man, Erick Starrin, on account of family roubles, committed suicideby Bwalowing- adose of "rough-ou-i'ats. " A Kuffalo diapatch says Chas. T. Baker, of Jactcson, Mich. , disappcared, ,aking-S3,000 to Mrs. Haker. were only recently married. The C. & (i. T. railway pumping ïouse and engine burned at Vicksbury. The tire department arrived too late to save the building. Loss 83,Oüü. Mayor Starkweather, of West Superior, Wis., was impeached by the common couneil on a cliarge of extortinjr money from fii-emen and policemen. Mts. Eliza O'Hrien, aged 70, jumped from the Third street bridge into the river at Bay City. Jerry Timide, of Saginawjumped in and pulled hercut. Emma Barley, aged 3 years, was run over by au electric car at Alenomnee, and both legs and arras weie ent oft' and bead orushed, death resulting. The Sylviin lieach resort, at AYhitehall, has been purchased bv Grand Rápida partios for .$10,000. 'íliey will build a 34,000 hotel and improve the grounds. Minnie Abbott, acrcd 20, near Williamston, shot herself near the heart with a 33-caliber ball, which passed nearly through the body. So cause known. liert Jackson, ag-ed 18, borrowed l."0 bushels of oats from a farmer near Owosso when the farmer was awuv. Hert sold the oats, poeketed the cash and skipped. Emancipation day was celelirated in splendid style by the colored people of the state. Iïatlle Creek, Jackson, Urand Kapids and Saginaw were the principal points. The Jullie Mining1 Co., at Iron Mountaiu, lias aunounced a raise of wages of employés of 'rom 10 to 25 per cent. Ore is beiug1 hustled from this range at a rapid rate. Wellington R. Giace, a well-to-do farmer, near iielleville, attempted suicide by taking1 a teaspoonful of paris green. Prompt medical aid saved his life. Family trouble. W. C. Clark, publisher of the West liay City Independent, has tallen heir to S5ü,üuO by the death of his unele in Scotland. lie will e,tab!ish a daily paper iu West liay City. The üabcoek Lumber Co., of Manistee, cut wages 'l'l cents per day in its shingle mili. All the men struck. The eompany says they will get the timber sawed at Stronach. ■ The dead body of George Henwood was found under the rear platform of Urechenser's jrroeery at Dowagiac. lle had committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. Xo cause known. Vort Austin bo3s stretched a wire aeross the street. and sericusly Lnjuring tuu nomen. (Jeo. lcKay, McDonald and Alfred lirown iiüiv lic M'nt to reform school. Georjje Hnrinon. of Cheboygan, was found dead in (all uhere he was conöned for drunkenness. lle had lired on whisky for yeara ;md tlia sudden of supplies killed hira. While in Flint river near Otter Lake John Crawford was seized with cramps. Ilerbert Sinith juraped to the reseue and was drowned, but Crawford was helped out, Mrs. Smith sw her husband drown and is insaiie. Fire broke out in McFarland'a store at Central I.ake and in 3u minutes the tntire bloek was in flames. Beven firma were bnrned out with a loss of 815,000 and very Httle insurance. The ainount of cash in the hands of the state treasnrer at the close of business ,luly 81, was $220,632.99. The ivc-ipts for Ju!v wera 8292,184.24, and the dlstrursements were $361,969.04. The E.chang-e Iiank, at Mecosto, has closed its doors. The bank was owned iy F. .1. Pieree & Co. It is alleged that the bank ueedefrom S10,000 to 81.000 to Btraighten up all around. Lou Wlieaton, a 'bus driver, while driving near Jackson, with a load of people. feil from his seat to the ground and broke his jaw as wel! as severing his right ear. 11e feil asleep on his seat. At Amsden, O., Emma Dj'er, aed 14, was arrested on the charge of trying to poison the two children of Henry i Nhiley. She placed arsenic and paris green on apples and gave them 10 the children. llermann (. E. Schroder, a young Germán soldier, aged 25, lio has been on a two year's furlough from the (íerman army, committed suicide in a closet in the rear of his father's home at Detroit. St. Clair claims to have the man who originated the idea of floating the American tiag over the schoolhouses, in the peroon of Josiah Smitli, aged 79. He raised a flug over St Clairs schoolhouse in 1887. The miners at the Republic mine at IslipiMiiincr have been g-iven an increase of 15 per cent and the surface men 25 per cent. President Kees sent the men a letter congratulating them on their g-ood judgment in not striking. Clayton is all torn up over the arrest of the village marshal, two villag-9 councilmen and two prominent and respected villagers, because, it is alleged, they became too boisterous in celebrating tlie marriage of a fellow townsman. Gov. Rich has issued an official announcement that the Michigan Home for Feeble Minded and Kpileptic is ready for the accommodation of the I afflieted. All Communications slíould I be directed to Dr. W. A. l'olglase, ' superintendent, Lapeer, Mich. Mts. A. Johnson and Mrs. V. A. Xelson went boating at Whitehall and while chanfing seats they both feil overboard. The former had an 18aonths-old baba in her anus. which was drowned. Mr. Johlisou happened ,o be near and reseued botl) women. Kires are raginpf to the northwest of ?rescott. Two uinber camps. two ar ! barns and several head of stoc-k leloaging to N. S 1!. Mills on their ! branch of the Detroit & Mackinaw ailroad. About two miles of ties were )urned and the rails warped no badly as to prevent trailic. Loss., il."), 000. While tlie funeral servioesof Etigene Shuart, who hanged himself, were in progress at St. Joseph, the floor g-ave way and the mournersand corpse were recipitated into the cellar. Several romea fainted, but aside from a few iruises, no one was liurt. Everything vas righted, and the services proeeded. An abstract of the reports of state banks, made to Comniissioner Sherwood, sliowir.ff conditioo at the close of business July 11, isgratifying. The total of resources of the 1(17 banks is 181,700,523.46, with liabilities of 164,398,284. 51. The increase in savings deposits sinee last report, May :ll, is 11,114,847.65. The flrst. annual convention of the Fifth District Michigan Sunday School ■ssociation was held on the grounds of the Methodist Interstate CarapmeetIng association at Crystal Springs. A large number of teachers and Sunday school workers were in attendanca from ail parts of Van Huren, Cass and Berrien counties. George Stortz" barn burned at Port Hu ron and a larga iron acid Cylinder sxploded vvith terriflc force, throwing pieces several hundred feet. Une pieee was blown thi-oug-h the house of Jacob Denier, aud Mis. Jolin Ilayes had a narrow escape trom beinsf killed, l'he explosión was liearil all over the city. Loss Y-.',000. A peculiar ana tedioua method of endino life was that. adopted by Mrs. Jennie üarfleld, of New Haven township, 18 miles northeast of Owosso, lio, after several unsucoessul attempts at suicide, decided tive weeks iyo to quit eating and positively refused all nourishiiient froiu that time antil her death. Family trouble. Williamsburgf narrowly escaped destruction. Forest lires liad been raming1 for several days and the blaze coraniunicatetl to the outekirta of the village aud tlneatened the entire place, l'he men fouyht the fireday and niirht. The depot was ablaze several times but prompt work saved it and the town. Much timber was destroyed. While D. J. Moreland, a blackmnith, ias drivins; at .Sarina w, hia beaine frij,'htened and ran away, throwrig Moreland on the M. C. track di.ectly in front of a train, wliich ran Dver hiun, severing both legs and mang'ling' him fearfully. He died in iwo bours. A later diapateh says that 'oul pla is suspected, as two men .vere seen riding with Moreland just iefore the accident and a sum of money was missing when he was found. The oase of Henry Brassil against the 'Soo" railway fot damages re5ulting from injuries received through being thrown frora a inoving train, (vhich has been twice tried in Schooljraft county and as often sent back for retrial by the supreine court, and tiuullv removed to Delta county upon 1 chanffe of venue, was for the third time declded iu Brassil's favor. The ïrnountof damage aivarded him was 5,883. The case will be again apealed. Somebody sent an infernal machine o 1). V. jl. Morehind, water board ommissioner at Detroit, and g-eneral gfent of the Northern Steumship Co. 'lic psckaga bore a fcuspicious appearnce, and Mr. Moreland hesitated to open it. John Thackerbury. driver of a HTOL-ery waon. volunteer to open the jxickaife for Mr. Moreland. l(e ivas ullowed to do so, and the machine exploded with a loud noise, burning Thackerbury Beverely and Betting his clothing on firë. No clue to the perpetrators, and no reason can be assijfned. ivci 6,000 peach trees wera destroyed by forest íires near Alpe na.


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