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i Nervous Prostraíion Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervlae. Prolongad derangcuent of the nsrvous system not cnly affects the braln and mental po'.rers, but ocvr. ■ rae oí the rital orga-ns. The most dangerus cf these indirect resulta is when ths hi affeoted. Thla was the ca e of thB Ttevl N'. F. Suriace, Pa.. '".:h., wio „ undordateoi Fcb. 21. !■ ;.: É il "Fourteen years ágo I had a slight stroke of paralysis. Overwork broufht on nervous prostration. I was eoeeding)y nervous and the exertlou of public speaking eaused heart palpltation that threatened my life. I u?ed two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Care for ray beart trouble, and two of Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nervine for my nervousness ana feei botter tnan 1 ever expected to teel ar:un. 1 can speak for hours without tiring or having my heart flutter as it formerly üiü, aad 1 have you to thank that I am aüve today." On sale by all druggists. Dr. Miles' Book on Heart and Nervous Disorders FKEK by mail. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Heulib. JSB(SVLSS ,, ( CmmlüA V 11-10 WlLCOX AVE. _ . - - S Detroit, Mjch. Kducte yonng men and womtQ to mainta.i& themseivea 10 Indejiendtnce, save tncat-y noel accumuUie weslth, Rjinrm, 8honhiiDd, Penman hip, Engüsh and Mechanicaï l;r.winj Departmenta. Thnrourh fiy:era of cotmting house ac(ur.l l u ,1Oess. Busmcíí livi-riïy Iiuildis. Il!ustraud Catalogue frec. W. V, JEWÍXL, Pfea't. T. R. SFENCER, Sec y, MICHIGAN RESORTS. ABE DIHECTLY ON rl HE LINE OF THE Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R. TRAVERSE CITY He-Alt-Ta-Wan-Ta Omena Eoccellent petoskey ■ Bay View Service Roaring Brook Wequetcnsing tt„ Harbor Springs 1 MACKINAC CITY Harbor Point Oden-Oden Upper Península Points Tourist tii.-kets are on sale June lst to Sept. :JOth, return limit Oct 31st. Maps and Descriptive OF THE NORTHERN MICHIGAN RESORT REGIÓN. Time cards and full information may be had by application to ticket agents or feddressiug C. I LO KWOOD, ti. P. A T. A. (rund Itupid, Mi-h. W. H. BUTLEÍ 16 F. Hiiroii-Nt., Atltt AKBOK, HI II. SicTetary and TrtütuTér -V'. Süvingé ana Loa Associnliii, MONEY TO LOAN. E. R. EGGLESTON, Tl. D. ü S. H;iín-M., r. Iliiron-M. Genera I Practice. Boura:- 10:30 a. m. to 12 m. ; 2 to." p.m. and 7 to 8 p. m. 2 OHIO CENTRAL LINES. 7'. .1 O. C. Ry-K. d M. Hij, Solid through tr&lns between Toledo, Ohio and Charleston, V. Va., via Columbus, the short and on'y direct route between Toledo, O., and Mt, Pleasant, W. Va. Fïndlay, )., " Richmond, Virginia. Kcnion, O., " Feterebarjf, " Oolumtras, O. " Old Point Comfort. V% Athens, O. " WiHiamsburg, 'a. Mlddleport,O " Newport, News, Va. Pomeroy, O. ' Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastern points. Elegant drawing room cars on all through trains. Por further inforraation cali on your loeal ticket or write, W. A. 1 'eters, AIovlton Houk, Mirh. Pan. Aft. Geu'l. Pass., Agt. Detroit, Mich. Toledo. O. CESS-POOLS - AND - WATER CLOSETS CLEANEJ). Cess-Poola -■■ cente per cubic foot. i :io p r cubic fot, or by the job. Qood Jli, Satinfaction Gitarenteed. JACOB BEX, Btii I. ■. Ilcpot and Rlvor. THE POPULAR RQUIt GRAND RAPIOS WESTERN "mICKRUL IS I D. L. & N. DETROIT, UNSÍN6 & WORMf, stations. sonwr Detroit....... JLv.l IV [l iO ftOOjua . boutn Lyon.. " 84 3 ,r - an Howell June. " u .. - a Howell ■ H w i a 3"' tanslng ■■ u, H g,s Grand Ledee. " 10 53 Grand Kapids " 1 :; - , 1 Jonia " [11 48 ai va l-t Howardi-ity. Ar , 1 (i p „i! . . .---.... 'Ut tö WM0HS. OINOVOR. a city .tv. :, -. 9Vstntt!, '"')iH;.r ' 7 . ; :. ■, i, g oj Grand Kapids " 7 'Í 1 15 ;i Grand Ltdge. ' 8 : (;. 703 Lanslns " e M .-35. Howej!s " Howell Jiinc. " S 36 [. South Lyon ... " 10 2 4 Si ';,..' ? ' 'lyrnoth ■■ 10 61 3o' I'etroit Ar. 11 40 a ir ñ 3 p aj).) yaa Connectionsat Grand RanidswA tiw.. Chicago and West Michigan Jíy. wfPetoskey, Bav View, Traverse Ei' Manistee. Muskegon. Orand Ha?.' Benton Hartor, and St. Joaevb, Jtir,nili Ticket. Geo. D. Havks, G. P. A, ntCHIGAN CENTRAL., 'TE Mu(ira FulUHo-.. VBSRAl . i TIXMTHAINS AT ANH AKBtfK . 'Ifding E] GOIXG EAST. Si all & Express N Y. & I : I';.-t Easti rn 1Ö2Ï Atlactic Fx ■"'-áias , ■ W nd Eaplds K- ii SE GOING WES Hall & Express .3# farotón, N. Y. A h;--" T & N. rtii Sbore 9 2S Fast Western Ex s 9 t. . Grand Rpds& Kal Ex 5 57 Chicago Night Express 1 2 PacificEx K C. W. RUGÓLES. TT Tt HUTMl G. P & T A., Cbicasc. í'í-, Jn jíjíWT !j;"u BUFFALO VIA "■. A K. JLINE. rommenclrr with oprirg o nBTigai sn ttwaR Apri 16'. MaKiiifxen sirtc-wheel stiol jtttMa 'State olOhlo'and' State oi' Vr ." DA1I.Y TIME TABUE. SISUAY ISCIAEEC. Lv. nevelend. C:30 p. m I.v. BnflTaJo, tMr-.aAr.Bufialo, 7:30 a. m. Lt. ltveland " 3. Bt CENTRAL. STAND4FD TIMÏ, Tak, rbe ' C. S B. I.lne" steBinerS una'enjtrw' refreBbing nieht's ien n'hen enrouteto BnmiVMti-nra l'iill. Toroiii, ■ Vr1! . Bokivu, Albnu), 1,(100 IwlaudiH M u; oiher EasK ru or Cauadiau voiiit. Cheap Excursions Weekly io Niagt FiüSt. '! 4 cents pustage fin touiist ;pamjh!t. W. F. Hermas, T. F. Nkwmajs Gen']. Pass. jt. Gen.l. Mnuagír.. ('ltve!nd,Oh!o. PLÜMBÍNCT STEAM AKD GASJITim SEWER CONNECTfOKSMade promptly and at reason: A1I Work First = CIa GIVK ME A Ti JOHN O'BRIENr 3t i:. U ASÍIINfciTOK Ti THE BEST LINE TO THE SflflTI IS r THE DIRECT LINE TO Jir I Cincinnali and the Sootfi. 1 -j 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from DETKH$ 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEGC;, TO DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUT. The Best Line From ' MIGHIGftN flND NORTHERN QffiD TO FLORIDA and ali the Southern Staiev 0. B. TRACY N. P. .. Detroit. Midi. 4 JOHN BASTABLE. D. P. A , Toledo. O. , O. G. EOWARDS. B. P A.. Carca B!d Ciicmptao''


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