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[official.] Council Chambek, Ann Arbor, August, 5th, 18!)."). Regular session. Called to ordor by Pres. Hiscock. Roll Called. Quorum Present. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by Mrs. C. M. Ednunds and six othors asking for gradng of gutter on W. Hu ron strect was ead and referred to the Street Committee. A petition signed by A. P. Ferguson asking for a danger signal at a crossng of the M. C. R. R. was read and reerrod to the Street C'ommittee. A petition signed by J. T. Sullivan asking for the privilege of connecting with the Huron street sewer was read and referred to the Sewer Committee. A claim of Herman Hutzel was read and referred to the Sewer and Finance Committees. KROM THE UOiRD 01' PUBLIC T0BX8. To the Common Council : Gentlemen : - Owing to the faet that the city has no use for the curbing screws bought for the construction of the main sewer the Board of Public Works would request your honorable body to empower them to sell that portion of hc same which they may deem deireable. (ilon V. Mills, Clerk. Referred to the Sewer C'ommittee. REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES. riNiNTE. To the Common Council: Your Committco on Finance would rcspectfully report that thcy have had the follovving bilis under their atioti and would reeommond that warrants bo ordered drawn tho same. Elespectfully submitted, H. J. Bkown, Emmett Coon. C. H. Cady, Committee on Finanee. CONTINO3NT FUND. Uien V. Mills, salary $ 66 UT Charles H. Kline, " 26 00 PatrickO'Hearn. " 88 81 Charles H . Manly, " :l Marton Davenport, janitor work 62 John Kapp, salary - S7 SO Henry Dodsley " 25 0 Eli Mooie. " 12 80 Mlnnle A. Wells. Auistlng V. D. Corbin on Urdinances 65 Clnv A. Green, uslimed to Joseph L. Kose 89 17 Mck & Suhrnid, rent k :: Jaekfcm EngraviügCo ,8tamp- a.'i Sid w. MiHard, supplles prinllng H ou C. Eberbach. supplies -'■) 75 Miss H. Bteward, typewrltlng lor City Attnrney i 00 Register l'nli. Co. snpplies 19 Joon A. K binson, services - 1 OU Washte law Bvenlbg Times, prtntlng. n -' Western Electrlclan, printing 8 I Glen V. Mills, poatage f or July l 25 Henry O. Wimot, postlngrtas notlces1 öu i'onial Tel. ('al)lc i o. asslgned to Glej r. Mills 7H Martia Halier 1 80 Villiam Her., pain tint,' üigns 7 :(i The Elec.trical Knsineor, Adverlislnjf. i 6U John Eisele. supplies 20 K. A. Besl, Est. printing 39 12 The Ann Arbor Register, printiug 9 7S The Ann ArborDemocrat, " - 7 7. The Aön Arbor ArgUi, " - -ti 4 Nathan D, Corbln, clerical work 4ö n" Moore and v etmore, Buppliee S 'Jü Mrs. Ooieman, jauitor work 4 00 A. A. T. H. F.lee. Co.Hshting 6-H IM Total ï 1,170 39 STHEET fUND. Aun Arbor Savings Bank, accounts assijined them : August Benke, labor I 25 50 F. bevler, labor 30 30 M. Najrle. labor 13 50 Williarn Enkerinan, labor... 150 H.Sneve. labor 16 50 A. BiH'k, labor i 50 Wm. Kretlow, labor 7 50 M.Lneppolcl, labor 4 20 r. üiivis, labor 9oo vu 50 Ann Arbor "avings Bank, aOCODIIta assimicd lhi-l)i: R. Hurns, labor 24 00 Charles Winkler, labor U0 Mlchael Kuster, " 13 U0 Mirhael Hesslau. " a 00 U. Schaible, " 15 00 mirhael Williams, " ia 00 11 CO M. Luoppold, ' 32 50 L. Uuehs, " 2 25 John Keltle, " 5 T0 A. Schwerman, " 3 00 M. Kuster, " 00 M. Hessians, " 4 2u Miuliacl Hcary, " 3 K .M. Hussians, " il 30 C. Wlnkle, '■ 1 si Wm. Lauiborn, " 7 50 ArthurKilts, " 150 U Hughs, " U tW M. Kuattr, " 3 M. Wil lam, " v Ou i'. D. Rogéis, " 27 Ut) Wm. Lamborn, " 00 J, Phillips, " 00 G. Schaiule, " 27 uo Elmer Thomas, " ti 0O M. Adanishank, " ti (Hl J. Welnman, ' 1 50 K, Barmtt, " 1 50 C. Loa. " i 80 C. l.armey, " 7 50 E. Saddkr, " 12 00 LbHugbs, " 9 00 J.MoHugh, " B08 Wm. Kuclin, " '■ (Ki M. AdainshHiiU, ' 4 50 Heaalans, " 7 50 Wm. Wli-eler, " lx 75 John Kotilu, " 27 ini M. Hesslans, " 6 90 Pat MacOabe, " B oo M. Wlülama, " 6 (KI 89 30 Paul Gablo, assiiii''! KJ. F.'75 Fred brown, accounts aasigued hini-. 20 35 S. T. Sweet, enaiuuer 81 25 (;co. H. Fisher, labor ti liu Krank Sut lierland, labor 7 M E W. Qrovea, englneer n 7ii Chus, II. Spencer, -tïii-e work 40 Wm. Eokerman, labor 75 M. Naglc. " Í 8 Mr. Sroff, " 4 BB J.Kettle. " 4.8a Michael Heary, " 4 8 Leonard Basscjtt, salary 88 liii Willis L, Clark, labor 50 lO F. Bevicr, " 3 Ou a. bheuki', " 2 70 Bichdrd Uurns, " 8 00 Dan Cvawford, Iramwork 15 00 r. 1). Rogers, labor 6 13 C. liailk.-, " 8 75 W. J. Eandall, " B oo M Heeslans, " 3 00 L.Hui;hs, " 3 00 Uhrw. Jetter, " 88 85 M. Kuster, " 3 mi Wm. Kiiehii, " 23 H7 Wm Kurtle, " 8 00 J. Hul.el, " 18 48 chas Hinfz, " 00 Wm. Lainborn, " 3 m M. Lueppold, " - 12 00 John McHugh, " 6 .üi Barnev Uorrlsoo, labor i0 1'atMoOabe, " 34 tij .1. Millcr, " 1 " J. McArthur, " 0 Charles Storm, 13 Uu Zean Sweet, " '■' 00 B. Saddler, " 2j 15 Alben Sohwerman, labor - 8 zs Clinton Snyiirr. " 12) Seo Bohtaole, " 2ñ w A. Vooiiies.teaming 71 0 Michael Williams, " 3 00 O. WmUe, " l '0 Ueorjff Weeks, " fl Ou The l'itts Airrlcultural Woiks, Koad BoUer W 0" F.C. Austin Manufaeturing Co. ötone Crusner _, 335 00 Miunic . Wella, typewriting 1 Si ï. U Hnlth assignod Gten V .Mills 25 Javid G. Gates, drayajie 50 ,'linton Snyder, teamwork 3 00 t. 3. Roséis, supplies 9 35 Geo.W Seybold, supplics 12 10 Geo. P. Kogers, assigned to J. R. Mi"ner 15 00 eimy E Quinlan, supplies ó3 -W )ean &Co., 50 C. M. Thouipson, tav walk 10 00 A. G. Schmidt. services 4 20 A Polhemus, team woik 5 00 Ann Arbor Water Co. tor Court House lawn 78 84 Total Í 3098 it SEWER FÜND. Ann Arbor Engine & Boiler Works, repairs is ; has. A. ard, inspection 79 75 Cari Butler, cheekin? sewer grades... 3 45 CuiiDy & (ululan, supplies ÍS Martin lialler. supplies M Ueo. W. Seybold, services 15 20 Total í 11B9J District. No. 2. Minnie A. Wells, copying contract.... 1 00 Total 1 00 District No. 8. 'arrls 8. Banfleld, inspection 57 50 Geo. H. Pitcher, labor 21 80 ï. W. G rovos, asst. euff 45 00 Geo. F. Key, salary 60 00 'lias, H. Spencer, office work 8 40 The Ann Arbor Kegister, printing 2 10 w. E. Stockuis, inspection 47 50 Che Aon Arbor Democrat, printing... 2 ui Krank Sutlierland, services 22 M William E. Fletcher, assi'nd to A. A. Bavlngs Kaak 23 75 Geo. L. Moore, Board of Kevicw 12 UO Chas. A. ídaynard, Uoird of ttevlew.. 12 00 U. F. Allmendinger, Board oï Keview J2 00 lolm Koch, Buarti of Kev ew 12 00 Jllnton J. önyder, Board of Review... 12 00 lacob Laubengayer, Board of Keview 12 Ou Alva 1'. Ferguöon, Board of Review.. 12 U0 Henry J. Brown, Board ot Review 12 00 Hcnry P. Collins, estímate of complete work 2,051 82 Walter L Tay lor, Board of Review .... 12 00 Wm. M. Shadford, Board of Keview. . 9 00 Horace G. Prettyman, Board of Review 12 oo Emniett Coon, Board of Review ... 12 OU O.EIraer Butterüeld, Board of Keview 12 00 C. Homer Cady, Board of Review 12 cO Total $ 2,507 IS District Xo. 4. William E. Fletcher, inspection 22 60 Geo. H. Kiselier, labor 12 7ó E. W. Groves, asst. eng 27 30 George F. Koy, salary 40 00 Chas. H. Spencer, ortice work 4 60 Frank Butherland. ervices.. 12 75 Henry Collins, estímate on completed work 740 43 Georgd L.Moore, Board of Review, H 00 Cbas. A. Maynard, " " " ii oo l) F. Allmendinger, " " " 6 00 John Koch, (i 00 Clinton J. Snyder. " " " 6 00 Jacob Laubengrayor, " '■ " li 00 Alvah P. Ferguson, " " " B 01 Henry J Brown, " ' . " B 00 Walter L. Taylor, " ' " 6 00 VVm. M. Sliadford; 6 00 Hoarce G. Prettyman, " " " ti 0( Emmett Coon, " " " B 00 O. Klmor Butterfleld, " " " 6 00 C. Homer Cady. " " " e IK The Ann Arunr Register, printing 2 1 The Ann Arbor Üemocrat, priuting... 2 1U Total } 948 52 District No. 5. Chas. A. Spencer, office work $ 21 2 Total $ 24 20 District No. li. ('lias. li. Spencer, Msfnd ti A. A. Savlngs Bank Í 10 00 Cbas. H. Spencer, office work 2 41 Total l:; tTotal SewerFund $ ;,1O Z BRIDÖE, OÜLVERT AND CBOSSWALK FOND. Ann Arbor Savings Hank, aec'ts assizned hem : ( . Win k le, labor % Í 00 A. Sehwerman, ■' 30 M. Klister, " 8 85 L. Hughes, " 11 25 ffl Kuclin, " _ ;ü' C. Wlnkle, " ij 20 M. Williams, ■' 150 48 50 State Savings Bank, aec'ts assijrncil tlicm: Win. Enkcrman, labor 1; '0 F. lícvior, " 750 13 50 Wm. Eukerman, assi'ndto J.T. Jacobs Co ;j on A. H.Gage, cement walk 3 90 Geo. W. Sweet, cement ;- m Ed H. work ( 0( Wm. Enkermann. labor 1 af Joe Hutzel, labor ] 51 Wm. K in -li n, labor 4 5( A. Voorheis, labor 12 00 C. Wiukle, labor 195 Gilí Brothers, supplies 6H 74 S. Wood & Co , supplieg 14 V. F. C. Austin Manulacturing Co.,8tone erusher 025 00 The I'itts Agricuitural Works, road roller 1,475 ro Total Ï2.008 VJ PÓLICE lflTNI. M.C. Peterson, salary ï 85 00 David Col line, salary 50 00 Beuben A rmbruster, salary 50 00 George Isbell, salary 50 00 John ü'Mara, salary, 50 (Hl James Murray, special pólice 14 00 Itobinson & Co , livery 4 00 Christtan Brenner, livery 2 00 W. U. Snow, livery 3 00 M. C. Pttorson, expenses 1 79 Miehiiran Bell Tel. Co., Telephoning:.. 1 15 A. G. Sclimidt, suipllc8 2Mi E. I!. Pond, tees ti H Total $ aOü 09 riKE DEPAKTMKNT PUKD l'ied Sipley, calary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, " 50 00 W. H McLaren, " 50 00 Max Wlutillnger," 5 00 Alben West, " 00 00 Eugene Williams 51 00 Louis Hoelzle, " 50 00 Herman Kim, " 45 i'O Samuel McLaren 8 oo Bdward Hoelzle, " ... 8 00 W. L. Schnierlf, " ' 8 00 M.C. Kyan, " 8 00 Geo. Hoelzle, sub g yy Oeo. W. Seybold, horse shoeinj; 40 Mrs. Keam, washing 7 00 Marrtln Hallei', matresses B 00 Ann Arbor Gas ('o,, supplies ' 50 Ki'nny & Quintan, repairs 3 3 Fred Chapla, Hay 27 00 lleiiiziiia n & Laubennyer, straw g 50 Geo. K. Kelley, straw 40 J. A. Deli, service 18 50 Wllltatn Herz, auppllea 1 65 J. K. Harkins, suiiplies g 05 H..I. Browo, medicine e, (5 Total i 33 POOK FUND Fred.8lpley, salary g 1000 Ed. Buil, asslgned to Fred Sipley 2 011 W. G. Dieterle. coffin 10 00 Edward Duffy, gToceneg a 18 Mrs. Evans, Frcd Blplyaid for June 5 00 Mrg. Evans, ald for July 500 John Bisele, vrooenea 9 gg John GeotzLSon, grocerles 6 71 John Geotz, .r„ grrocenei 5 2:1 Thomas McCollura, labor 2 00 w. F. Lodbolz, urooeriea 12 51 Wm. H. Mclntyre, (rroeerieg 10 ai o Hara, Boyle & Oo., grocerie.... 7 93 e. ttinsey,grooerieg _ u w Rlnsey & Seabolt, grocerie ; 28 w. F. ftlmson, grocerie 351 C. W. vogel, nicat .. 'is O.Zuern, meal .II.... 61 asntenaw County, coffln n 50 T ■)■ A- N', f'-i-i!fiit : ie 70 A U. Bcnmidt. tllinjt saiïs 40 Olarenoe LumberC.,wood ■.- 77 Xres. Anti. Tramp Society, euttinK wood 1 70 T()1:i' í 1B2 18 OIMREtl ri'sn. Thomas McCollum, labor ■ m Bly W. Moore, supplles.... Jo Newton Feleh, lahor III;.::: 8 n ToI:"; ri,5Ü KKCAP1TULATIOX. Contingent 5 . ,-,,.,,, Streel 5n"2 Generiré iií ' Vo. 2 1.0Ö - - i W 3,6,0,3 " 5 24.2 1 ... ' " B 12.41) ! Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk. ■' oos Pólice 380 09 lMre 53 '.04 Pooi 1B2.16 Oniri t'ry , lo. 75 Total IIO.WO.M Aiopted as follows: Yeas - Moorc, Maynard, Allmendinger,Koch, Snyder, Laubengaycr, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Buttorfield, Cady, Pies. -■]."). SI'IM.IMKNTAHY HKI'OHT. Charles H. Klino expenses to Port 3uron $10.55. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubcngayer, 3rown, Ferguson, Taylor, Sliadford, Drettyman, Coon, Buttcrfielcl, Cady, Jres. Hiscock - 15. Nays- None. STKEETS. To the Common Council : Your Committco on Stroets would ecommend that $150 be appropriated rom the street fund to grade a portion oí Geddes avenue near Oxford streot. And your committee would further reeommend that $25 be appropriated from the street fund to jfrade 'down the westside of 14th street opposite the property Airs. Miller and till in the lawn extensión in front of said property. . Kespoctfully submittod, W. L. 'I'AYLOR, ]). F. Allmenuinger, Geo. L. Moore, H. G. Prettyman, A. P. BnERGUSON, C. J. Snydkr, O. E. BUTTERFIELD, Committee on Strccts. Adciptod as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmenainger, Koch, Snyder, Lauhongayor, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterüeld, Cudy, Pres. Hiscock- 15. Naya - None. ïo the Gommon Couneil : Your Committco on Strcets would recommend that the Street C'ommissionor be instructed to put the guttor on the east sido of North State Street in such a condition that the samo will be capabïe of carrying the surfacc water required to be carricd in sueh gutter. And further your Coramittee recommend that the Street Commissioner sell the sand on Minor stroot to Clinton J. Snyder at 10 cents per load. Kespeetfully submittod, W. L. Taylor, D. F. ALLMENDINGER, ( ! EO. L. MOORE, H. G. Preïtyman, A. P. FERGUSON. O. E. BUTÏERFllil.D. Comniittee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard. Allmendinger, Koch, Laubengayer, Brown, Perguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, (Jady, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. Aid. Snyder excused from voting. To thoCommon Couneil: Your Committee on Stroets would recommend that the City Attornry be instructed to look up the interest of the City in that portion of 12th street between Huron and Ann and take steps to protect the same. Kespectf ully submitted, W. L. Taylor, D. F. Allmendinuer. (;eo. L. iVJOORE, H. G. Prettyman, A. P. Ferguson, C. J. Snyder, O. E. BUTTERFIELD, Committce on Sti-eots. Adoptod. SIDEWAI.KS. To tho Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was referred tho petition of J. E. Burke and othofs asking for a crosswalk at the corner of Ann street and 4th avenue, would recommend that a brick crosswalk be ordered built aeross 4th avenue on the south side of Ann street and also a brick crosswalk aoross Ann street on the east side of N. 4th avenue. Your Committee would further recommed that a plank crosswalk be ordered built aeross Kim stroet on the north 3ido of Wilmot stroot and aeross Madison on the oast side of 2nd. Respeetfully submitted. Kmmbtt Coox. C. ÍÍ. Cady, W. M. Shadford, H. J. Brown, Jacob Laubenüayek, John Koen. C. A. Maynakd, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as follow : eas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Almendiny:er, Koch Snyder, Laubongayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, PiTttyman, Coon. Butlerfield, Cadv, Pres. Hiseock- 1."). Nays- None. To the Oommon ( 'ouneil : Your Committee on Sidewalks consider that it is a public necessity that the sidewalks located as heroinafter mentioned shall be constructed and fifraded, and submit the following resolution ordering the same and recommond its adoption. lis]iectfully submitted, Emmett Coox, ( -. il. Cady. ". M. Shadford, H. J. Brown, .t. Laubenqayeb, John Koch, C. A. Maynakd. Committee on Sidewalks. By Aid. Coon. Resolved, That the construction of sidewalks hereinafter montioned ia deemed and declared a necessary public improvemcnt. Thereforc it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be grade'd built and constructod on and along the ibllowing streets and in front of tbe fol[owinr property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz: On the cast sido of 2nd street between Madiaon and Jefferson in front of lots '!. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 the property of On the north side of E. Williams by the side of 52 S. 5th Ave. and 81 S. Main, property of Mrs. Anna Bchr and Conrad Georg. On the south side of E. Williams in front of lö and bv the side of 36 S. 5th Ave. property of Chas. Henion . On the north side of Monroe in front of No. 9 property of J. G. Pattengrill. On the north side of S. University Ave. in front of 49 the property of H. T. Morton. On the east side of Detroit in front of 10 property of Xavier Zackman. On the west side of Detroit in front of 53, 51, 47 the property of .1. M. Groff, Mrs. Howard, A. P. Ferguson. On the west side of N. Main in froat of 81, 83, 85, 87 property of James Sauaders, Mr. Peters, F. G. Schleiüher. On the east side of N. Main in front of 82, 84, 86, 88, property of 3. Manning, J. Francesco, and J. Donnolly. On the north side of west Huron in front of 44 1-2 property of E. Coats. On the south side of Packard in front of 42, 22. proporty of S. Bassett and Wm. Reinhardt. On the west side of S. Main in front of öO, 68, 96, 106. 110 property of Mr. April, B. F. Schumacher. Martin HalIer, C. Reyer, Louis Baker. On the west side of Elizabeth in front of 21. 7 property of Mrs. A. Spokes, B. Egan. On the north side of East Kingsley in front 41 property of Miss McLaren. On the east side of 14th in front of 33, 35, and by the side of 36 property of J. (;. Mitehell, Mrs. Lukens and Miss Smith. On the north side of Monroe in front of 3, "), 7, pi-operty of N. W. Hadly, vacant property, H. Carhart. On tho north side of Monroe in front oí 3, 5, 7, property of N. W. Hadley, vacant property, H. Carhart. On the north side of E Madison in front of 32 Thompson property of Prof. Pettee. On the south side of E. Jefferson in front of 32 property of McMaster. On the south side of S. University Ave. in front of property of Danforth. And further it is hereby orderod that stone or cement sidewalks be graded built and constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following- property in the City of Ann Arbor, viz: On the east side of S. State in front of 32, :!0. 28, 20 on the west side in front of 25 and 17 propertv of Mr?. Tibbals, E. R. White, Mrs. Farnum, Mrs. J. M. Stafford, and Miss Ellen Morse. And it is further ordered that the sidewalks be relaid and repaired on and alono; the following streets and in front of the following property in the City of Ann Arbor, viz: On the north side of Kast Williams next north of 32 S. División propertv oí N. J. Keyer. On the north side of Monroe in front of 13, 21 property of John Lowery, and J. E. Sumner. On the east side of 12th in front of 21 and by the side of 27 N. University Ave. property of M. E. Crandall and H. G. Prettyman. On the west side Detroit in front of 55, Ui, and Plaining Mili property of Mrs. Foley. J. Frank, Herman Krapf. On the east sido of N. Main in front o 70 property of VVm Burke Est. On the west sido of S. Main in front of 116 property of Frank Marks. On tho west side of Elizabeth in front of 25 pruperty of James Willis. On the west of N. ïngaUsin front of 27 property of Miss McL en. On the east side of Thompson in front of 7 property of Mrs. Thompson. On the eist side [of N. 5th Ave. in front of 38, 36 1-2 and on the west side in front of 39, 11, 11 1-2 property of Airs, Flynn, Clay Greene. On the west side of S. 5th Ave. in front of 70 property of Henry Otto. On the east i-ide of south State in front of 97 and on the north side, nortti of 118 property of Mr. Wright, Wm White. On the North side of Packard i'n front of 03, by the side of 70 Hill and rear of No. - M.onroe property of II. Mallorv, WoodaH. H. B. Hutching. On the east side of N. State in front of 48, 46, 36, 34, 18, 16, 14 property of Ellen Wasser, A. Burns, Mr. Suüivan, Mrs. J. M. Stafford, Dr. Martin, A. D. Turk. On the N. side of Monroe in front of 1 property of J. T. Jacobs. On the south side of E. Madi son in front of 42 property of N. W. Cheever and also from T. & A. A. Ry. to 5th fVve. Parker estáte. On the N. side of E. -Madison in front of 17 and by the side of the property of the Alpha Delta Fratei nity. On the north side of E. Jefterson by the side of 48 S. División and in front oí 29 property of C M Gott and Orr. On the south side of E. .Jefferson by the ide of .'4 Thompson and in front of 28. 36 property of Mrs. Wyckoff, M Baxter, Mrs. Morris. On the south side of S. University Ave. in front of 124 property of A. Tremper. On tho south side of 10. Madison in front of 44 property of A. W . HamiltonOn the west side of S. Statu next north 72 and in front of 88, 90 property of E. B. P., Miss May Wing, Mrs. Vandawalker. On theeast BÍde of S. State in froat of S7 property oí Mrs. Wells. On the north side ot E. Williams next north of 32 S. División and alonff tí6 property of Kngïish Lutheran hureh. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, LaubenfiW Brown, Ferguson, 'J'aylor, Shadfoni, Prettyiaan, Coon, Butterlield, CadJ'i Pres. Hiscoek . Nays- None. Aid. Butterfteld moved that the vote be reconsidered . Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmenclinger, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays- Aid. Koch- 1. Aid. Butterfield moved as an amendment that portion of the report referring to Miss May Wing, Mrs. Vandawaker and J. T. Jacobs property be stricken ut. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butteffield, Cady, Pres, Hiscock- 15. Nays- None. LIGHTISU. To the Comtnon Council: Your Committee on lighting to whom was referred the petition asking for an electric light on Washington between 5th Ave. and State would recommend that the petition bo not granted. Respectfully submitted, D. F. ALLMENDINGER, A. P. Ferguson, C. H. Cady, Committee on Lighting. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, AUmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylör, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Buttertield, Cady, President Hiscock,- 15. Nays - None. To the Commoa Council: Your Committee on lighting would recommend that ara electric light be located ón tho corner of S. University and Ingalls, the sams to be on a pole 60 feet high. Respectfully submitted, D. F. ALLMEDINGER, A. P. Ferguson, C. H. Cady, Committee on Lighting. Adopted as follows: yeag_Ald. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock- 1"). Nays- None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Lighting to whom was referred the bids for lighting the City would report that the lowest bid for 2ti5 nights f rom twilight to 12:30 is 60, per light per year a saving of $13, per light or $1248, per year being a total saving of $6240, during the term of five years or nearly the cost lighting the city during the last year. Your Committee has also considored the bid of $80 for 265 nights all night and find that the same would cost $7680, per year an advance of $072 per annum. Af ter considering the subject fully your Committee has considered, and so reco:nmend to this Council, and it would be to the bast interest of the City to accept the bid of the Michigan Electric Co. for lighting the City 265 nights f rom twilight to 12:30 at $60, per light of 2000 candle power and $31 for lights of 65 candle power, f rom January lst,1896. Respectfully submitted, D. F. ALLMENDINGER, A. f. Ferguson, C. H. Cady, Committee on Lighting. Aid. Brown moved that the report of the Lighting Committee be laid on the table for two weeks. Adopted. OBDINANCE. Chairman Prettyman introduced on Ordinance Relative to Street Railways and authorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company to extend its railway lines. which was given first reading by title. Permission being granted the Ordinance Relative to Street Railway and authorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company to extend its Railway Lines, was given its secoDd reading by sestions. Aid. Maynard movod that the city purchase a bicycle for the use of the Eity Marshal and Pólice forcé. Aid. Butterfleld moved that the matter be laid on the table for two weeks. Adopted. The report of the City Clerk, City Treasnrer, Marshal, Superintendent of the Poor, Board of Health, Chief of Fire Department vvere recoived and placed on file. CITY TREASI'REKÍS' RKl'ORT. MOXTH ENDING JULY 31, 1895. To the Common Council of the City of Anti Arbor: Balance on hand, last report K0184JW MONEY RKCKITED. E. B. Manlv Sale of Cemetery lot i 15 00 City Clerk Llcense. S.80 City Clerk In. of Sewers.... .00 City Clerk Dos Tax 1.00 Water fund transfer from Contingent TOO.OO Water fund transfer from B.&C.& 300.00 Street fund transfer from Contingent 2000.00 wijn Total 3081.51 2:il9ü.O7 MONEY DISBIIHED. Transfer to Street fund 2000.0' Contingent fund 3833.24 Transfer to Water fund "OOO.uo! Main rëewer fund 350 34 st reet f u nd 14l4.ti." l'oor fund 80.13 Transfer to Water fund WJO.OO Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalk fund 501.85 Pólice fund 2IS7.OO Plremen's fund (70.421 City Cemotery fund 8.00 Soldler's Relief fund 40.00 V ati-r f und 288Í.00 10030.73 To'al 10030.73 ï-iltiVM BALANCEOS HAM). Contingent fund 32-27.11 Main Sewerfund 23.98 Lateral Bewer fund. No. 2 .. 68.95 Street fund fi29.:!l Poor fund 6U4.H7 Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalk fund 1874.12 Pólice fund 976.97 Flremen's fund lB5.8fi Citv Cemetery fund 2:59.11 Boldler's Relief fund 729.90 Water fund Ï-M Dog tax fund 87.00 (JnlversHy Hospital Aid Bond fund 84'.00 Delinquent Tax fund i:S4.:u 14S22.28 i:6.94 1350.94 Total 131IS5.34 13165.34 Tax co! lect ed 12038 45 Lateral Sewer Tax SÍ7.72 Total 26041.51 Respeotfully submitted, C. H. MX-NLY, Treasuror. The State Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich., July31, 18!.",. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: This is to certify that there is on deposit to the credit oí C. H. Manly, Treasurer of the City of Ann Arbor, and subject to his order, the sum of of $26,041.51. Respectfully yours, Robert Phillips, Cashier State Savings Bank. To the Common Council. the matter of the claim of Adam Mueth against the city for accruing to him for lands now in the pcsession of the city and being used by the city I have the honor to report that I find that the city is now in the posession of the land without any color of right and I can lind no way which the city can envade damages. C. H. Kline, City Attorney. Aid. Ferguson movel that the report of the City Attorney be re f er red to the Finance Committee. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman excused. EESOLUTIONS. By AM. Taylor. Besolved, that the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to cause Swift street to be graded and the (jutters of satae to be excavated, so that the water f rom that street may be conducted into the Broadway gutter and thence to the river. Adopted as foHows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Alltnendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shad'ord Coon, Buttertield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 14. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor. Besolved, that the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to furnish to Win, Jacobus enough paving stont, and gravel tj pave the gutter in f ron of his residence on E. Catherine street Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmen dinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer Brown. Pergruson, Taylor, Shadford Coon, Butterfield, Cady. Pres. Hiscock -14. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor, Resolved, that the Board of Publii Works is hereby instructed to obtaii prices on one improved road grader anc two wheel surapers of improved type and report t the Council at its next regular meeting. Adopted. ByAld. Koch. Htxolved, that Mr. Philipp Krause on Seeond Street be granted time for building his sidewalk until September the 15th, 1895. Adopted. By Aid. Butterfield. Resolved, that the lighting committee be and is heroby direeted to investígate the finaneial responssbility of the Mich igan Electric Company the lowest bidder upon the lighting contract, and also that said committee investígate far as possible the probability of the light propo8ed to be furnished by said ccmp my being of equal power with tliose which we now enjoy and report the same at tbe next regular meeting together with any other matter which may come to their notice which will tend to enlighten the Council upon the advisability of entering into a ó year contract. Adopted. By Aid. Ferguson. Eeaolved, that the Ann Arbor Street Railway Co. be notified to fillinand put in shape and graded immediately along and between its tracks, and that the street commissioncr be instructed to oversee the same. Adopted. By. Aid. Snyder. Besolved, that the Street Commissioner be instructed to notify the owners of vacant lots and railroad company to destroy all weeds on said lots and comanys property. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman entered. By Aid. Coon. Besolved, that Fred G. Schleicher, Ira. Helber and Mrs. Weash be permitted to lay their sidewalks in front of ïeir respective places on west 2nd ;reet bctween Jefferson and Madison, x inches bolow the established grade, 'he present g ra le to remain as estabshed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmeninger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, rown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Jrettyman, Coon- 12. Nays- Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hisoc4c- 3. By Aid. Forguson. Resolved, that the Building Inspators e instructed to forwith investígate the ondition of the wall on the Diehl pro)erty on Detroit street and take steps -o make the same safe. Adopted. By Aid. Allmendinger. Resolved, that the lighting committee )e allowed the privilege to eniploy a om petent elictritian to help to get np suitable report on lighting the city. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmeninger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer. irown, Ferguson, Taylor. Shadford, 'rettyman, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady. res. Hiscock - lö. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor. Kesolved, that the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to ause to be graded and rolled, W. [uron street, along the line of the latral sevver, as soon as they deern it racticable. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmeninger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengaver, ï5rown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, -"rettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Dres. Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, that the City Treas. be and s hereby directed to advertise in the ity papers, the fact that the taxes for rhe lateral sewers in Districts Nos. ;! and 4 are now due and payable, and hat the same bear interest from date of the approval of tax rolls for said sewers. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, irown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford. 3rettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, 3res. Hiscoek - la. Nays - Xone. By Aldurman Coon. Resolved, that the Board of Puli'ie Works be and is hereby instructed to open a Steam Rokd Kuiler and Stone rusher account, to embrace an itemred account of all money paid out for aid machines and for all labor and maerial used in operating the same. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore. Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, By Aid. Taylor. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscock- l:;. Nays- Aid. Ferguson, Taylor- 2. By Aid. Butterfield. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be directed to report to the Council the eondition of the Stone Crusher and Road Roller at the nst reerular meeting of each month. Adopted. Chairman Prettyman asked for the suspension of the rules and the return to the report of the Ordinance Commit,ee granted. Chairman Prettyman introduced "An Ordinance Relative to Fire Limits and Pires" which was read the first time by title. Aid. Butterfield moved that the ordinance be put on its second reading. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmeudinger. Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butteröeld, Cady. Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to place to the credit OÍ the'several funds f rom the taxes collected. a sufïieient araount to pay the warrants allowed at this session of the council. Aid. Butterfield moved as an amendment that the resolution state defínate sums transferred to each fund. Adopted. Aid. Ferguson moved that the Council take a reoess for ten minutes. Adopted. After the expiration of the allotted time the council reconviewed. Aid. Taylor excused. By Aid. Brown. BesovUd, that the City Treasurer is hereby instruoted to place to the credit of the street fund the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, and to the sewer fund thirtv-five hundred dollars and to the Bridge,Culvert and Cross walk fund five hundred dollars and to the water fund one hundred dollars. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinder. Koch, Snyder, Brown, Fergu,n Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, But,1. Cady, Pres. Hiscock- 14. Nays - None. Cm motion the Council adjourned. Glen V. Mili.s, City ('lurk. TIic Board of Public Work, Office of the Board of Public Works, ) Ann Arbor, August Bth, 139o. ( Special session. ( illud to order by President Clark. Present, Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis. Mr. Bullis moved that the Engineer's eitimateon the Hill street Sistrict be tpproved by tbe Board, Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullía- & Nay8- None. Mr. Bullis moved that the Engineer's estímate on the Hill street district be approved by the Board. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis- 3. Nays -None. Mr. Bullis moved that the property owners in the business portion óf the city be permitted to lay the connections into their cellars when they see fit after application and paying the tappage license. The work to be done underthe direction of the plumbing inspector. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Schuh, Bullis- 3. Nays - None. On motion the Board adjourned. Clerk.


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