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W. K. Chilils has secured an increase of' pension for Daniel Pierce. Jas. B. Saunders has been appointed to take the labor stutistics of the city. Mrs. Jonas Marsh, of Scio, died at hehome last Monday at the age of 84 years. Dr. John Bigham will preach at the first M. E. church next Sunday mornInj?. Rev. W. W. Wetmore addressed the "Y. M. C. A. last Sanday afternoon. The Ann Arbor Orjjan Co. have received a new Corliss engine for their new factory. School Day at the eounty fair this fall will be made a greater feature than ever before. ïbere were 52 members of the light icfantry that le t for Island Lake Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bischoff have a little daughter at their home jast a week olü to-day. Fruit growers are quite coníident that late peaches will be a large erop and of good quality. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MeAllister are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter last Saturday morning. The ladies of the St Thomas church have decided to give another lawn Bocial one week f rom tonight. Regular morning services will be resumed in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Sermón by the pastor. The Teachers' Institute closed last Friday. The enrolltnent reached 140, the largest that it has ever been in the eounty. The Times is authority for the statement that F. S. Abbott, of Lansing, will soon open up a hardware store in this city. Dr. Cari Warden has been appointed surgeon for one of the mines in the northern península. He will leave for Ishpeming in about a week. A. horse belonging to Mrs. Wm. Canwell on Chubb-st. got into the orchard Sunday and ato so many green apples that he died Mond a v. Mrs. Anna .T. Daie, of 11 Beakes-st ., died of consumption last Friday Dlght at the age of 48 year j. l-'uneval services were held Sunday afternoon. M. J. Lehman has recent] y oponed a laiv office in the Hammond Building in Detroit. He will.spend two days. Ti:esöays and Fridays of each week there. The full official report of the proceed ing3 of the three meefne of the council held since the las' issue of Thf. Ri ,- ISTER willbe found in this week 's paper Those interested in the lateral sewer assessments will find the official report of the board of reveiw in the ooüncil procedings given in another column. Those who went to Put-in-Bay on the excursión last Thursday hada quiet but enoyable time. There were about 150 from Ann Arbor who took the trip Oh July 24, at their home in Detroit, there was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. House a ten pound baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. House formerly resided in this city. Deputy sheriff Cantiekl brought Walter Rogers here from Milan last Monday. Rogers seems to have become demented, and imagines himself a railroad engine. He will be sent to the asylum at Pontiac. A. W. Gasser has been appointed superintendent of a large carnaje factory at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. (iasser has had a long experience at this kind of work and wtll give his new employer the best of satisfaction " R. A. Snyder, of Chelsea, lost a residence, that he had recently purehased, by fire last Saturday. Value $3000, insured in tbe Washtenaw Mutual for $2000. The Ferguson Cart Company, as well as the Ann Arbor Organ Company, is receiving orders from foreign countries. The last foreign order was f rom Xew Zaland. Prof.' William J. Huaeey, professor of Astronomy in Leiand Stanford Jr. University. has been appointed to succeed Prof. Barnard in the gi-eat Lick Observatory. The July issue of Hard Times, now called Better Times, is just out. It oontains an interesting article by Judge Noah W. Cheever on "Ann Arbor as a Place of Rcsidence." The M. E. Conference to be held in tfcis city bezinning September llth will be u-esided over by Bishop J. P. Hurst, chancellor of the American University at Washington. D. C. Mr. John C. Walz Jr. and MissJennie Lang were married yesterday. Both the parties are well known and highly respected young people. The Register wishes them a long and happy lifeThe doublé store room of the J. T. Jacobs Co. is underdoing a complete overhauling. While this is taking place the company has moved its stock to 30 E. Huron-st. where it invites lts costomers. Humane officer, Peterson, arrested Andrew Ne ff, of Scio, last Saturday for abusing a poor horse. The animal was turned over to the pound master to end its suffering. Neff will have a hearing before Justice Pond tomorrow. Col. H. S. Dean will be one of the represen tati ves of the 22nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry who take part in the dedication nf the Michigan mon,uments on the famous battlefleld at Chickamaugua.or.the eighteenth of next month. There was a quiet marriage onNorth Main-st., on last Thursday evening, the contracting parties being Mr. Henrj Oltmeyer of this city and Mrs. Anna Klassen, of Hamburg. After the ceremony refreshmehtfe were served : Juetice Gibeon officiated. Harvey Bannister, who has resided in Aan Arbor since about 1855, died at the home of his son-in-law, Geo. H. AVine low, last Wooday afternoon. The deceased was 77 years oíd. Funeral services were held at the home yesterday at 3 P. M. Rev. J. M. Gelston, officiated. The salvation army was on deck last Thursday as announced. Either there was a mistake about the announcement that 'they would lay seige to the city. or else during their brief stay hei-e Thursday they concluded that the fort could not be taken as they have not been se on since. The Light Infantry have gone to Island Lake for the annual encampment. They will find everything at the island in much better condition than heretofore. A large amount of money has been expended in making the place suitable for the annual meeting of "ye sojr boy." Fred J. Maulbetsch who recently completed a [course 'in Shorthand and Typewriting at the Stenographic Institute is now permanently employed as stenographer at the Michigan Central Freight Office of this city. These people evide&tly know what it means to have a good stenographer. Last Friday's Evening News gave an interesting write up of "Jeft" Davis, who is one of our best known characters. Everybody knows "Jeff' and has a great deal of respect for him. The Registek is glad to know that the pension bureau has at last recognized "Jeff 's" honest claims and granted him a pension and tne bounty so long due him. Frederiok Collum, who has been suffering frorn paralysis, died Tuesday night as a result of an operation to relieve the patiënt from the effect of a conoussion of the brain which caused the paralysis. Funeral occurs at 9 o'clock this morning at the residence of Add Collum, 7 E. Catherine-st Last Tuesday a fellow named William Ilasniack thought it would be proper to punish George Hazelwood for some misconduct or other of which he claimed the latter was guitly and he proceded to do so acco: diug to t! e nost approved style Then George had him arrested, and Justice Gibson placed the dam age to the state at ten dullars, and costs at 83.90. Pr. A. Kent Hale has brought his wife to Ann Arbor. He has also opened up anoffce here and begun thepractice of his profession. It is also understood that Dr. Herdman has appointed the doctor as his assistant in the University. Evidently Dr. Hale haa decided to become a permanent resident in Ann Arbor. One of the new special features of the county fair this fall will be "W ornan 's Day.'1 Several prominent lady speakers have already been engaged and others will be secured. Those who have already promised to come are Mrs. Mary Mayo, of Battle Creek, Mrs. Knaggs, of Bay City and Mrs. Lillian Hollist3r, of Detroit. C. L. Pray, who works for Dean and Co., met with a serious accident in Detroit last Saturday. While riding a wheel he was in some way thrown under an electric car and one his legs factured. It is possible that he may lose the injured limb. He was also otherwise badly brui sed about theheadand shoulders.


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Ann Arbor Register